Department of Agricultural Research and Education - Bihar

41145606 bids are invited for laboratory equipment for molecular lab cof dholi gradient thermal cycler , refrigerated centrifuge , agarose gel electrophoresis system with power pack , solar 20 c deep chest freezer , refrigerator , micro centrifuge , electronic laboratory weighing balance total quantity : 8...

Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College - Bihar

38961080 tender for supply of reagents and chemicals disposable gloves (7 no) per packet sprit 500ml bunsen burner macconkey agar (hi media) 100gm, each nutrient agar (hi media) 100gm each reagent bottle (4 ounce) each reagent bottle(1000 ml) reagent bottle(23 it) each spirit gauze cotton bandage sgpt per pack sgot alkaline phosphates protein per pack albumen beilirubin per pack uric acid calcium total cholesterol hdl cholesterol ldl cholesterol triglyceride agarose gel powder 500gm per pack agarose gel buffer 100gm per pack benedics reagent (500 ml) per bottel acetone (500 ml) per bottel hydrogen peroxide 500ml orthotolidine 500ml glucose (for colorimeter use) per pack hours creatine (for colorimeter use) per pack (for colorimeter use) per pack barbital buffer distilled water per st. bromophenol blue dye sodium chloride (0.9%) 5t amidoschwarz 108 black mercury chloride 500gm per packet glacial acetic acid ethanol (500ml) per bottel spirits per litre ninhydrin solution 500ml butanol 500ml amino acid solution (leucine & phenylalanine) 500ml rf value chart filter paper per packet capillary tube per packet micropipette (10 100 micro liter) micropipette (100 1000 micro liter) sprit lamp per pic ria vial 100 pic khan test tube rack (steel) each) test tube rack for 12 tubes 25 ml each test tube holder ench tissue paper each watch man filter paper (8 no) each micropipette tip (big) per packet micropipette tip (small) gloves per packet serum floride vial edta vial per packet plane vial per packet surgical scissor each forceps each formalin liquid 500ml vat kit formalin (5 ltr jar)...

Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan - Bihar

31255736 bids are invited for centrifuge machine , agarose gel electrophoresis unit horizontal , hot plate with magnetic stirrer , ph meter , magnetic beads , plastic dropper , dna 3d model , ethidium bromide , luria broath , luria agar , ph solution , dna isolation kit , dna electrophoresis kit , restriction enzyme , dinitrosalicylic acid , appron , gloves medium , measuring cylinder polylab 10ml , measuring cylinder polylab 50ml , measuring cylinder polylab 100ml , measuring cylinder polylab 250ml , conical flask 250ml , beaker 250ml , beaker 500ml , rheostat , voltmeter 3v,5v,30v , ammeter 3a,5a,10a , milliammeter 500ma , galvanometer , potentiometer , plug key 1 way , battery eleminator , meter bridge with pencil jockey , resistance box , lachlanchee cell , pn junction forward characteristics , prism , pendulum , capillary tube box type , parallelogram apparatus , resonance apparatus , spherometer , human skeltonzx s101 , human torsozx1100e , heart jumbo , brain xc 308 , eye xc 1410 , ear xc 303 , lungs ha23d , development ofovule of angiosperm zx 2600e , monocot root bmb08 ,dicot root bmb 09 , monocot stem bmb 10 , dicot stembmb 11 , measuring cylinder 500ml , funnel ,microscope coverslip 18x18mm , microscope compound ,digital balance , forceps , cotton , scissor , spirit lamp, filter paper , ph paper , chromatography paper , mortaland pestle , knife , brush , measuring cylinder 10ml , celldicision slide , teastis t s , ovary t s , blastrulla t s ,plasmodium , microsporum , entamoeba histolitica , phindicator solution 125ml , methylene blue 125ml , ethanol500ml , distillesd water 5 lit , glycerine 500ml ,acetocarmine 100ml , leishman stain 500ml , hcl , iodinesolution 500ml , starch 500g , electronic balance600gx10mg , glass rod , glass tube , rubber gloves ,spatulla , tongs , wire gauge , test tube holder ,capillary tube box2 , dropping bottle 125ml ,triangular file , fusion tube , filter paper , test tubebrush1 / 61 total quantity : 704...

Dr. Rajendra Prasad Central Agricultural University - Bihar

16013587 supply and installation of laboratory equipments uv tranilluminator , horizontal agarose gel electrophoresis unit with power supply system , vortex mixer , pipette , freeze , ph meter , magnestic stirrer , mini centrifuge , hot water bath ,dry water bath ....