Ministry Of Power - Bihar
46879716 bids are invited for breath alcohol analyzers (q3) total quantity : 1...
46879716 bids are invited for breath alcohol analyzers (q3) total quantity : 1...
45388630 bids are invited for online sodium analyzer_ schedule 1_ item_ 10_ m9476991873_ 100237569 gemarpts searched online sodium analyzer strings used in gemarpts online ups (v2), alcohol analyzer, water quality meters analyzers, logic analyzer, blood sample collection tubes, gemarpts searched biogas analyzer, sodium dichloroisocyanurate (nadcc) tablets as per is 15773, online ups modular type, glassy result generated in gemarpts sodium metaphosphate or sodium hexametaphosphate, sodium acetate sodium dichloroisocyanurate (nadcc) tablets as per is relevant 15773 categories selected for notification water quality meters analyzers total quantity : 3...
44110657 bids are invited for breath alcohol analyzers (q3) total quantity : 2...
41228699 bids are invited for breath alcohol analyzers (q3) mse total quantity : 5...
36303007 bids are invited for breath alcohol analyzers (q3) mse total quantity : 1...
35656901 bids are invited for breath alcohol analyzers (q3) total quantity : 2...
35467419 supply of tayaltech rechargeable battery and also work through automobile 12v dc power breath alcohol analyzer as per gem product id 5116877 55497532887 [ warranty period: 30 months after the date of delivery ] ...
34291075 bids are invited for breath alcohol analyzers (q3) total quantity : 5...
32976608 bids are invited for breath alcohol analyzers is 9000 (q3)mse total quantity : 51...
32343698 bids are invited for breath alcohol analyzers is 9000 (q3) total quantity : 1...
31192253 bids are invited for breath alcohol analyzers is 9000 (q3) total quantity : 1...
31155818 supply of fuel cell sensor for breath alcohol analyzerfuel cell sensor for breath alcohol analyzer,supply and installation of fuel cell sensor for breath alcohol analyzer with one year calibration as per rdso/2015/el/spec/0119(rev.2) date 15.03.18 make alcokhoj/kats...
30391818 bids are invited for two body mortuary (q3) , high vacuum suction machine for medical purposes (q3) , ecg machine (q3) , ophthalmic auto refractometer (q3) , digital photo slit lamp with applanation tonometer (q3) , ophthalmic chair unit (q3) , portable ot light (q3) , pulse oximeters (q3) , wastecontainers or rigid liners dust bin or garbage bin orhousehold bin is 12402 (q3) , breath alcohol analyzers is9000 (q3) , led x ray illuminator (q3) total quantity : 26...
29674871 supply of fuel cell sensor based portable breath alcohol analyzer (hand held type) with printer with charger cum adopter as per rdso specification no. rdso/2015/el/spec/0119 (rev.2) dated 15.03.2018 ormake tayaltech or similarfuel cell sensor based portable breath alcohol analyzer (hand held type) with printer with charger cum adopter as per rdso specification no. rdso/2015/el/spec/0119 (rev.2) dated 15.03.2018 ormake tayaltech or similar,fuel cell sensor based portable breath alcohol analyzer (hand held type) with printer with chargercum adopter as per rdso specification no. rdso/2015/el/spec/0119 (rev.2) dated 15.03.2018 or make tayaltech or similar...
28949021 supply of fuel cell sensor based portable breath alcohol analyzer ( hand held type ) with printer with charger cum adopter as per rdso specification no. rdso / 2015 / el / spec / 0119 ( rev.2 ) dated 15.03.2018 ormake tayaltech or similarfuel cell sensor based portable breath alcohol analyzer ( hand held type ) with printer with charger cum adopter as per rdso specification no. rdso / 2015 / el / spec / 0119 ( rev.2 ) dated 15.03.2018 or make tayaltech or similar, fuel cell sensor based portable breath alcohol analyzer ( hand held type ) with printer with charger cum adopter as per rdso specification no. rdso / 2015 / el / spec / 0119 ( rev.2 ) dated 15.03.2018 or make tayaltech or similar...
28619461 bids are invited for breath alcohol analyzers is 9000 total quantity : 500...
28558385 bids are invited for breath alcohol analyzers is 9000 total quantity : 4...
27430831 bids are invited for breath alcohol analyzers is 9000 total quantity : 10...
27244051 bids are invited for breath alcohol analyzers is 9000 total quantity : 16...
27135795 bids are invited for breath alcohol analyzers is 9000minimum average annual turnover of the bidder 9 lakh (s)oem total quantity : 52...
27085304 bids are invited for breath alcohol analyzers is 9000 total quantity : 3...
26812105 bids are invited for breath alcohol analyzers total quantity : 16...
25414783 bids are invited for breath alcohol analyzers total quantity : 2...
23091574 bids are invited for breath alcohol analyzers total quantity : 18...
22790158 bids are invited for breath alcohol analyzers total quantity : 1...
22540730 bids are invited for breath alcohol analyzers total quantity : 41...
22413389 bids are invited for breath alcohol analyzers total quantity : 2...
22339972 bids are invited for breath alcohol analyzers total quantity : 3...
22220805 bids are invited for breath alcohol analyzers total quantity : 8...
21757314 bids are invited for breath alcohol analyzers total quantity : 8...
21002333 bids are invited for breath alcohol analyzers total quantity 6...
19280621 bids are invited for breath alcohol analyzers total quantity 40...
18342164 supply of breath alcohol analyzers ( 4 ) qty 4...
18327935 supply of breath alcohol analyzers ( 34 ) qty 34...
17096360 tender for portable fuel cell sensor based alcohol analyzer (hand held) withprinter make : tayal tech/preksha or similar as per rdso specification no rdso/2015/el / spec/0119 (rev 1) dt 11/04/2017...
17085996 supply of breath alcohol analyzers ( 500 ) qty 500...
16960717 tender for portable fuel cell sensor based alcohol analyzer (hand held) withprinter make : tayal tech/preksha or similar as per rdso specification no rdso/2015/el / spec/0119 (rev 1) dt 11/04/2017...
16907586 supply of breath alcohol analyzers ( 4 ) qty 4...
16113288 tender for breath alcohol analyzer...
15969928 tender for fuel cell sensor based portable breath alcohol analyzer (hand held type) with printer with separate ...
15089461 tender for breath alcohol analyzer....
14558782 tender for supply of fuel sensor based breath alcohol analyzer with printer hand held with key pad type as per latest rds...
13745149 supply of hand held with key pad type fuel cell sensor based breath alcohol analyzer without printer as per rd...
13688344 supply of hand held with key pad type fuel cell sensor based tayaltech breath alcohol analyzer with printer as...
13116360 supply of hand held with key pad type fuel cell sensor based breath alcohol analyzer without printer as per rdso specification no. rdso/2015/el/spec/0119 rev 0 dt. 17.09.2015, model super 15, make preksha or similar with all necessary accessories in protective case...
13086129 supply of portable wall mounted type fuel sensor cell based breath alcohol analyzer with printer and separate battery charger cum adopter as per rdso/spn/tr/290/ba [rev 0] 2003.model v 1100 or similar. specification as per attached annexure....
12969964 supply of hand held with key pad type fuel cell sensor based tayaltech breath alcohol analyzer with printer. as per latest rdso specification no. rdso/2015/el/spec/0119 rev 0 . dt.17.09.2015. model alcokhoi, make tayaltech latest or similar....
11656002 hand held with key pad type fuel cell sensor based tayaltech breath alcohol analyzer with printer as per latest rdso specification no. rdso/2015/ el/spec/0119 rev 0 dt. 17.09.2015. modal alcokhoj, make: tayaltech or similar....
11627370 hand held with key pad type fuel cell sensor based breath alcohol analyzer without printer as per rdso specification no. rdso/2015/el/spec/0119 rev 0 dt. 17.09.2015, model super 15, make preksha or similar with all necessary accessories in protective case...
11509112 portable wall mounted type fuel sensor cell based breath alcohol analyzer with printer and separate battery charger cum adopter as per rdso/spn/tr/290/ba [rev 0] 2003.or latest....