supply of laboratory apparatus , chemical and furniture 1 arc indicator 2 carry foster bridge 3 camera lucida mirror type 4 bar pendulum lron 5 bending of beem app 6 boyle law app double and routine 7 dynmo model acldc superior quality 8 double lncline planl teak wood , physical balance ,physical weight box ,qube sett set ,meter scales wooden ,half meter scales wooden ,bar magnet ,u magnet ,horse shoe magnet ,magnet set white box ,rubber corks ,slotted weights 1st qty. ,lnertia table app ,lncline plane 4 aluminum arc ,k constant spring app. alum scale ,hook s law app , drawing boards ,boyles law apparatus ,traveling microscope ,copper calorimeter ,solonid ,ammeter ,volt meter ,object stand of wire mesh ,jaguer app ,specific gravity bottles ,soldering gun gum, lead wire ,velocity of sound in air apparatus ,stop clocks ,jagger app complete ,logic gate ,maxwell vibration needle brass ,mew apo ,model of bio gas plant ,model of newton law of cooling university ,post office box brass ,rubber hammers , optical bench 1 mtr s,s with rod ,spectrometer , commutator ,tunning forks ,magnetometer compass ,copper calorimeter ,tripod stands , rheostat , reading telescope ,tangent galvanometer bras deluxe ,surface tension app ,model of newton colur disk ,high resistance coil 10ohms ,connecting wires ,wooden stands v shape ,wooden screens black and white ,geometry boxes ,deflection of sound ,resistance boxes 500 ohms ,potential meter ,manganese wire ,nichrome wire ,soldering lead ,weighing machine ,model of wind mill ,model of four stroke petrol engine ,newton first law ,newton second law ,newton third law ,fraction board app etc...
Due Date : March 13, 2021
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