Department Of Education - Bihar

41865121 request for proposal ( rfp ) for “empanelment of agency for procurement & supply of laboratory equipments of science laboratory for government schools. education department government of bihar 1 spring balance 2 magnetic compass 3 set of four resistors  10 ohm.  20 ohm  30 ohm. 4 protractor full circle 5 graduated syringe ( 2ml ) 6 compound microscope 7 dissecting microscope 8 tuning fork 9 measuring cylinder 10 pasteur pipette 11 syringe pump 12 magnet–  disc magnet ( ferite ) ( dia 45 mm, thickness 10 mm )  bar magnet ( alnico ) ( 5cm×1cm × 0.8cm  horse shoe magnet ( 5 cm × 1.5 cm )  cylindrical magnet ( dia 1 cm × 2 cm ) 13 slinky 14 circuit board assembly with torch bulb 1.5v 15 kerosene burner 16 tripod stand 17 laboratory stand plastic vice and boss head and clamp 18 plastic funnel 19 stainless steel electrodes with cork 20 b.p. and m.p apparatus 21 test tube stand 22 trolley 23 china dish 24 wash bottle 25 rubber bands ( assorted size ) 26 rubber balloons assorted size ) 27 calorimeter 28 forceps 29 rubber corks 30 cell holder 31 test tube brush 32 test tube holder 33 plane mirror strips 34 copper strip 35 zn strip 36 iron strip 37 sand paper of different numbers 38 connecting wire banana plugs 39 transparent stiff plastic tube 40 dropper 41 copper wire bent in u form 42 constantan wire ( 50 cm ) 43 copper wire ( 50 cm ) 44 nichrome wire ( 50 cm ) 45 transparent pvc tubing ( 50 cm ) 46 filter paper 47 circular coil 48 steel ball 49 pith / plastic ball 50 yo yo 51 mirror / lens stand 52 spatula 53 wooden ice cream spoon 54 plug key 55 well plate 56 blotting paper 57 wooden block 58 kit box 59 dispensing bottles 60 vials 61 crocodile clips 62 multimetre tools item 1 pair of tongs 2 surgical scissor 3 screw driver 4 dissecting needles 5 claw hammer glass apparatus and materials 1 capillary tube 2 micro test tube 4 ml 3 magnifying glass 4 beakers  10 ml  50 ml 5 slide 6 plastic petridish 7 cover slips 8 glass rod 9 bell jar 10 double mouthed flask 11 glass tube 12 glazed glass plate 13 w tube 14 watch glass 15 stirrer 16 measuring flask 17 conical flask 18 ignition tube 19 blade 20 concave and convex lens ( fl 20 cm, dia 50 mm ) 21 concave and convex mirror fl 20 cm dia 50 mm 22 plane mirror ( dia 50 mm ) 23  glass slab  glass triangular prism 24 thermometer laboratory ( 0o to 250o ) equipment’s for physics practical 1 dynamo model ac, superior quality 2 electric motor model in acrylic body. 3 gold leaf electroscope, metallic frame ( export quality ) . 4 kaleidoscope ( metallic ) . 5 periscope ( wooden ) . 6 burette stand with clamp ( metallic ) , superior quality ( sheet metal ) adjustable base 7x5x24. 7 measuring cylinder ( round base ) b.g, without stopper, 250ml 8 battery eliminators ( superior quality ) dc, 2 12v dc, 2amp 9 ammeter ( edm 80 ) square dial, moving coil, dc with desk stand range 0 1amp. 10 bar magnet alnico make, ( superior quality ) , 50x11x7mm ( 2 ) 11 archimedes experimental setup. 12 compass magnetic dia 18mm, both side glass ( b.s.g ) . 13 constantan wire / resistance wire ( 100gm ) . 14 lens ( exact focal length ) dia 2 fl 25cm, concave lens ( exact ) 15 lens ( exact focal length ) dia 2 fl 25cm, convex lens ( exact ) 16 convex mirror, f.l.25cm, dia 50mm 17 concave mirror, f.l.25cm, dia 50mm 18 copper wire ( dcc wire ) double cotton covered for connections, 500gm. 19 drawing board, ( superior quality soft wood ) , 12x18. 20 geometrical instruments box, plastic, superior quality. 21 glass prism; equilateral 60x60x60, 50mm ( superior quality ) 22 glass slab ( english glass ) , 75x50x18 mm. 23 horse shoe magnet / u magnet ( alnico ) , 75mm ( superior quality ) . 24 lens holder, wooden v shaped 25 magnifier plastic frame ( sup. ) , black colour, 3. 26 metal block rectangular, 4x3x2cm ( aluminium ) . 27 meter scale, one meter, superior quality ( wooden ) . 28 meter scale, half meter, superior quality ( wooden ) . 29 mirror strip mounted on wooden base, 4x2. 30 multimeter, digital ( imported ) superior quality. 31 optical bench ( all wooden ) . 32 over flow vessel, plastic 33 plug key, one way with brass block, superior quality 34 resistance box, ( brass ) plug type; constantan coil, 1 / 2 brass block, teak wood case ( deluxe quality ) , 1 to 1000 ohm. 35 resistance box, ( brass ) plug type; constantan coil, 1 / 2 brass block, teak wood case ( deluxe quality ) , 1 to 500 ohm. 36 resistance coil, round bakelite case. ( 1 ohm ) 37 resistance coil, round bakelite case. ( 10 ohm ) 38 resistance coil, round bakelite case. ( 20 ohm ) 39 rheostat ( brass rod ) , 4.3cm dia tube, length 15cms, 50 ohms, 1.6 amps 40 rubber pad. 41 slinky spring, 75x50mm. 42 spring balance, tubular acrylic 250gm 43 stop watch, digital 1 / 100 sec, racer make. 44 tunning fork ( set of 8 ) , in thermocole box, superior quality. 45 voltmeter ( edm 80 ) square dial, dc, range 10 volt 46 white screen, wooden. 47 dry cell ( 2volt ) globe make short life ( no return ) . 48 iron filling, 500gm. 49 reflection of sound apparatus, big size. 50 11151 beaker graduated, polylab, 50 ml 51 wire cutter 52 light box with holder and bulb ( wooden ) 53 alarm clock ( small ) 54 board pin packet 55 paper pin packet 56 cotton thread ( roll ) 57 educational raxine charts ( size 75x100cm ) ; physics: optics ( white raxine ) , images formed by mirror 58 educational raxine charts ( size 75x100cm ) ; physics: optics ( white raxine ) , images formed by lenses equipment’s for chemistry practical 59 bar magnet alnico make, ( superior quality ) , 50x11x7mm ( 2 ) 60 iron filling, 500gm. 61 sand paper 62 forceps ( stainless steel ) , 5 pointed 63 watch glass dia 4 ( superior quality per dozen ) 64 bunsen burner ( brass pipe 150mm & dia.12mm ) superior, with stop cock ( heavy base ) . 65 burette brush ( nylon ) . 66 china dish ( porcelain ) ; dia 3. 67 crucible tong ( stainless steel ) , 8 68 filter paper pkt. ( doctor watt make ) , dia 12.5cm, hand made 69 funnel stand ( wooden ) . 70 glass stirrer 􀳦8 71 pestle & mortar ( porcelain ) , dia 4 72 spatula s.s. ( spoon type ) , 6, heavy quality 73 spirit lamp ( 100ml ) , brass 74 test tube ( borosilicate glass ) hard glass, 15x125mm, 10ml. pk of 100 75 test tube ( borosilicate glass ) hard glass, 25x150mm pk of 50 76 test tube brush ( nylon ) superior quality. 77 test tube holder ( wooden handle ) , iron chrome plated, superior quality 78 test tube stand ( wooden ) , 6 hole 79 tripod stand, 6 ( heavy quality ) 80 tripod stand, 8 ( heavy quality ) 81 water bath ( copper ) , dia 4 82 wire gauge, with frame & asbestos centre 83 beaker graduated, b.g., 100ml 84 beaker graduated, b.g., 250ml 85 beaker graduated, b.g., 500ml 86 beaker graduated, b.g., 1000ml 87 beaker graduated, b.g., 50ml 88 burette with rota flow stopcock, b.g., 50ml 89 flask conical, b.g., 100ml 90 flask conical, b.g., 250ml 91 flask conical, b.g., 500ml 92 funnel, b.g., 75mm 93 measuring cylinder ( round base ) b.g, without stopper, 25ml 94 measuring cylinder ( round base ) b.g, without stopper, 50ml 95 measuring cylinder ( round base ) b.g, without stopper, 100ml 96 pipette graduated, b.g., 5ml. 97 pipette graduated, b.g., 25ml. 98 reagent bottle ( narrow mouth ) , b.g., 125ml 99 reagent bottle ( narrow mouth ) , b.g., 250ml 100 separating funnel, b.g., 250ml 101 volumetric flask ( measuring flask ) , b.g., 50ml 102 volumetric flask ( measuring flask ) , b.g., 100ml 103 volumetric flask ( measuring flask ) , b.g., 250ml 104 funnel, polylab, 75mm 105 kipps apparatus, polylab, 500ml 106 pipette stand horizontal for 12 pipette polylab 107 pipette stand vertical for 28 pipette polylab 108 slide box polylab, 100 slides 109 test tube stand polylab 6 hole 110 test tube stand ( round ) polylab 12 hole 111 wash bottles polylab, 250ml 112 rubber cork ( extra soft ) superior quality, size no. 9, top dia ( mm ) 28, bottom dia ( mm ) 21.5 113 rubber cork ( extra soft ) superior quality, size no. 3, top dia ( mm ) 19, bottom dia ( mm ) 14 114 beaker tong, 12 ( stainless steel ) 115 flask tong, 12 s.s 116 delivery tube, l type 117 delivery tube, u type 118 balance digital, cap. 2kg, l.c. 0.1gm ( 100mg ) . kerro make 119 cork borer, set of 6 ( heavy pattern ) german type ( export quality ) strong handles. 120 iron stand ( with clamp & boss head ) , 7x5 sheet metal ( retort stand ) , superior quality with dipress clamp &bosshead 121 thermometer ( 30cm length ) , 10 to 110c, mercury. 122 dropper plastic ( 3ml ) graduated. 123 dropper glass with teat, rubber teat, 6 124 cotton thread ( roll ) 125 periodic table chart, modern periodic table, 75 x 100cm raxine. 126 educational raxine charts ( size 75x100cm ) ; chemistry: general ( white raxine ) , laboratory safety measures equipment’s for biology practical 127 man brain, model 4 parts dissectible ( on base ) 128 human ear, model on base 129 human eye, eye model on stand 130 human heart, heart on stand ( 2 parts dissectible ) 131 human kidney, on stand ( 2 parts dissectible ) 132 human lungs ( basic model ) 133 liver model 134 earthworm dissected model 135 human skeleton, full size ( fibre ) , superior quality 136 human skelton stand, ( metallic ) . 137 human digestive system, superior model on board 30x12 138 human nervous system, superior model on board 30x12 139 human respiratory system, superior model on board 22x12 140 forceps ( stainless steel ) , 5 pointed 141 blotting paper, 18x22 142 watch glass dia 4 ( superior quality per dozen ) 143 filter paper pkt. ( doctor watt make ) , dia 12.5cm, hand made 144 test tube ( borosilicate glass ) hard glass, 25x150mm pk of 50 145 beaker graduated, b.g., 250ml 146 flask conical, b.g., 500ml 147 measuring cylinder ( round base ) b.g, without stopper, 500ml 148 rubber cork ( extra soft ) superior quality, size no. 9, top dia ( mm ) 28, bottom dia ( mm ) 21.5 149 delivery tube, l type 150 cotton thread ( roll ) 151 coverslip, ( pk. of 10gm ) , 18mm, round 152 dissecting tray with wax, size 10x12, stainless steel 153 dissecting needle, plastic handle 154 compound microscope ( student ) , two eyepiece 10x, 15x & two objectives 10x, 45x, with fixed condenser, micron make ( kg 2 ) `isi marked ( thermocole box ) 155 plain slide, size 75x25mm glass, thickness 1.35 ( pk of 50 ) 156 prepared slide for microscope, plant tissue: parenchyma 157 prepared slide for microscope, plant tissue: collenchyma 158 prepared slide for microscope, plant tissue: sclerenchyma 159 prepared slide for microscope, plant tissue: xylem 160 prepared slide for microscope, plant tissue: phloem 161 prepared slide for microscope, plant tissue: dicot stem 162 prepared slide for microscope, plant tissue: dicot root 163 prepared slide for microscope, plant tissue: monocot root 164 prepared slide for microscope, plant tissue: dicot leaf 165 prepared slide for microscope, plant tissue: monocot leaf 166 prepared slide for microscope, plant tissue: chlorella 167 prepared slide for microscope, plant tissue: spirogyra 168 prepared slide for microscope, plant tissue: volvox 169 prepared slide for microscope, plant tissue: nostoc 170 prepared slide for microscope, plant tissue: yeast 171 prepared slide for microscope, plant tissue: lichen 172 prepared slide for microscope, plant tissue: oscillateria 173 prepared slide for microscope, plant tissue: rhizopus 174 prepared slide for microscope, plant tissue: pinus cone male 175 prepared slide for microscope, plant tissue: pinus cone female 176 prepared slide for microscope, animal tissue: squamous epithelium 177 prepared slide for microscope, animal tissue: cubodial epithelium 178 prepared slide for microscope, animal tissue: columnar epithelium 179 prepared slide for microscope, animal tissue: nerve cell 180 prepared slide for microscope, animal tissue: muscle: cardiac 181 prepared slide for microscope, animal tissue: muscle: striated 182 prepared slide for microscope, animal tissue: muscle: unstraited 183 prepared slide for microscope, animal tissue: muscle: smooth muscle 184 prepared slide for microscope, animal tissue: mammal: heart 185 prepared slide for microscope, animal tissue: mammal: ovary 186 prepared slide for microscope, animal tissue: mammal: testis 187 prepared slide for microscope, animal tissue: mammal: skin 189 prepared slide for microscope, animal tissue: mammal: bone 190 prepared slide for microscope, animal tissue: mammal: artery 191 prepared slide for microscope, animal tissue: mammal: liver 192 prepared slide for microscope, animal tissue: mammal: stomach 193 prepared slide for microscope, animal tissue: mammal: blood 194 prepared slide for microscope, animal tissue: bacteria 195 prepared slide for microscope, animal tissue: paramecium 196 prepared slide for microscope, slide amoeba 197 prepared slide for microscope, slide hydra 198 prepared slide for microscope, slide yeast budding 199 prepared slide for microscope, slide mitosis, set of 5 slides, onion 200 prepared slide for microscope, slide meiosis, set of 12 slides, onion 201 prepared slide for microscope, binary fission amoeba 202 specimen in plastic jar, zoology specimens ( common ) sponge 203 specimen in plastic jar, zoology specimens ( common ) liver fluke 204 specimen in plastic jar, zoology specimens ( common ) earthworm 205 specimen in plastic jar, zoology specimens ( common ) hydra 206 specimen in plastic jar, zoology specimens ( common ) cockroach 207 specimen in plastic jar, zoology specimens ( common ) grasshopper 208 specimen in plastic jar, zoology specimens ( common ) bony fish 209 specimen in plastic jar, zoology specimens ( special ) labeorohita 210 specimen in plastic jar, zoology specimens ( special ) catfish 211 specimen in plastic jar, zoology specimens ( special ) leech 212 specimen in plastic jar, botany specimens ( common ) spirogyra 213 specimen in plastic jar, botany specimens ( common ) funaria 214 specimen in plastic jar, botany specimens ( common ) marchantia 215 specimen in plastic jar, botany specimens ( common ) riccia 216 specimen in plastic jar, botany specimens ( common ) agaricus 217 specimen in plastic jar, botany specimens ( common ) sunflower 218 specimen in plastic jar, botany specimens ( common ) lichen 219 specimen in plastic jar, botany specimens ( common ) pinus male cone 220 specimen in plastic jar, botany specimens ( common ) pinus female cone 221 specimen in plastic jar, botany specimens ( special ) fern ( dryopteris ) 222 fine pointed brush ( camel type ) no.0. 223 dissecting board ( wooden ) 12x 18 224 petri dish imported ( anumbra ) crystal clear glass, 4 225 educational raxine char ts ( size 75x100cm ) ; zoology: aves ( black raxine ) , pigeon external & internal characters 226 educational raxine charts ( size 75x100cm ) ; zoology: arthropoda ( black raxine ) , cockroach anatomy 227 educational raxine charts ( size 75x100cm ) ; botany: angiosperms ( black raxine ) , comparison of monocot & dicot plants...

Scheduled Caste And Scheduled Tribe Welfare Department - Bihar

38245048 tender for physics lab and chemistry lab for obc girls residential +2 high school for class ix and xii. physics lab :requirements magnetic compass both side glass 1.1 magnetic compass (small 112”) both sick glass 2 bar magnet 3 horse shoe magnet 4 prism glass 5 potentionmeter ten wire with jockey 6 deflection magnetometer 7 physical balance 8 analtical fractional weigth box 9 vernier calipers 10 screw gauge 11 glass slab 12 meter bridge four wire one meter 13 stop clock 14 measuring cyclinder 15 po box 16 resonance tube apparatus 17 tuning fork 18 optical bench with brasss road 19 wall thermometer 20 laboratory thermometer 21 spherometer 22 concave lens 23 plano vonvex 24 concave mirror 25 plane mirror 26 lens stand 27 pendulum bob 28 pendalum stand 29 stop watch racer 30 thermometer 31 boilng test tube 32 hand lens 33 digital multimeter 34 ammeter 35 volmeter 36 galvanometer 37 drawing board 38 drawing pin 39 connecting wire for making eletric circuit 40 leclanche cell 41 hook law apparaturs 42 spring balance 43 bry cell 44 travelling microscope 45 led bulb 46 tangent galvanometer 47 pivoted weton type galvanometer 48 step down tranformer 49 sonometer with slotted weight 50 pn juction semi conductor device 51 pn transistor charcteristics app 51 zener diode charcteristic app 52 one way key 53 2 way /4 way key 54 low power led 55 ics 56 logic gate circuit kit 57 ac to dc eliminator 58 polaroid pieces 59 calorie meter set 60 spectrometer 61 specific gravity bottle borosilicate 61 inclind plane 62 plastic pulley 63 fortis barometer with mercury 64 wheatstone bridge 65 pin object of various height 66 melds appartus 67 resistance box 68 rheostate 69 oscillation magnetometer 70 momentum conservation set 71 specific heat calorie meter 72 latenet heat set 73 thermal conductivity 74 laser pointer 75 2 mm laser source 76 dip circle 77 bunsen burner with stop cork 78 newton color disc 79 model of dynamo 80 model of solar fan 81 model of solar pump 82 model of electric bell 83 model of electric scale 84 half/full meter wooden scale 85 wooden cube/sphere/cylinder/cone 86 commuter ty and l shape 87 tapping key 88 watch glass 89 palne glass plate 90 table top fitted withpulley 91 spirit level 92 secrles appartus 93 steel wire 94 hypsometer 95 stirret 96 physical balance 97 hot plate 98 wooden screen 99 hammer 100 wire stripper 101 flat pliers 102 nose pliers 103 ranch set 104 screw driver set 105 measuring tape 106 tester 107 soldering iron 108 drilling machine 109 files , emery papers, black tape, teflon tape 110 tool box chemistry lab: requirements 1 chemical balance with weight box 2 eletronic balance capacity 500 gm 3 wall thermometer 4 laboratory thermometer 5 burrette 6 dropper 7 vacuum desicator 8 filter paper 9 glass tube 10 bunsen burner 11 measuring cylinder 12 litmus paper 13 ph paper 14 petridish 15 conical funnel 16 hyderometer 17 beaker glass 18 china dish ( basin) 19 conical flask 20 crucible tongs brass 21 measuring volumetric flask 22 pipette stand 23 reagent bottle 24 rubber cork as per flask and bottle 25 test tube holder 26 test tube hard 27 watch glass = 3 28 zinc plate with terminal 29 triangular files 30 round file 31 flat file 32 sand bath 33 water bath 34 test tube brush 35 cork squeezer 36 spatuala 37 flask for measuring milk 38 lactometer 39 glass rod 40 cork borer 41 spirit lamp 42 capillarytube 43 thermometer 44 stirrer 45 buchner funnel 46 perforated disc 47 kjeldahi flask 48 hot plate 49 fractional weight 50 tripod stand 51 trough glass 52 burretic stand with ring clamp base and head 53 porcelin dish 54 round bottle flask 55 clamp and iron stand 56 boiling tube 57 blue galss 58 charcoal block 59 pumic stone 60 kipps appartus 61 funnel 62 themo flask 63 morter and pistle 64 thisstle funnel 65 woulf bottle 66 reagent bottle 67 bropping bottle 68 asbestos pad with frame 69 defletion spoon 70 retort glass 71 wire gauge with frame 72 wash bottle 73 be hive self (porcelean) 74 tongs 75 crucilbe with lid 76 gas jar 77 spary bottle 78 balls and sticks apparatus for making models of orgainc compounds 79 blotting papers biology lab requirements 1 dissecting microscope 2 dissecting box 3 compound microscope 4 desicator 5 measuring cylinder 6 test tube 7 test tube holder 8 beaker glass 9 tripod stand 10 wire guage 11 stop clock 12 glass stirrer 13 hydrometer 14 litmus paper red and blue 15 hand lens 16 slide plane 17 cover slip 18 petri dish 19 watch glass 20 conical flask ( round and flat bottom) 21 lab thermometer 22 clinical thermometer 23 dropper 24 wall thermometer 25 conical funnel 26 filter paper 27 chromatographic papers 28 motor and pestle 29 basin 30 capillary tube 31 cork 32 torch 33 plankon net 34 blotting paper 35 stand 36n staining stand 37 glass tubes for staining stand 38 charts hanger/stand 39 razor 40 scalpel 41 scissor 42 niddle 43 brush 44 potato osmometer 45 dissecting tray 46 bunsel burner with stop cork 47 fractional weight 48 volumetric titrationkit stand 49 bod bottle 50 test tube brush of diffrent size 51 ganong s potometer 52 ganongs respirometer 53 t/a apparatus 54 farmers poto meter 55chemkcal bala nce 56 beljar 57 co2 apparatus 58 haemato metre 59 rbc pipette 60 wbc pipette 61 ph paper 62 spirit lamp 63 permanenet slides box with plant group 64 yeast showing reproduction 65 permanent slides box with animal group 66 musem specimen: plant group 67 museum specimen: animalgroup 68 models:plants 69 models : animals 70 chart:plants 7 charts: animalgroups ...

Bihar Agricultural University - Bihar

8932917 supply of laboratory equipments. 1. d electronic balance 2. water distillation unit 3. laser leaf area meter 4. plant canopy analyzer 5. hot air oven 6. varnier caliper 7. grinder machine 8. chlorophyll content meter 9. penetrometer of fruits 10. viscometer ( brook field ) 11. digital hand refractometer 12. digital ph meter ( systronic ) 13. spectrophotometer ( systronic ) 14 flame photometer with motor ( elico ) 15 1. electronic balance / chemical balance 2. insect collecting net 3. stereo zoom microscope ( ri 90 01 ) olympus 4. incubator 5. insect showcase cabinet small ( ri 64 ) 6. weight box 7. power sprayer cum duster 8. zooplankton net 9. knapsack sprayer 10. insect storage box ( ri 61 ) 11. insect display showcase ( ri 63 01 ) 12. zooplankton net ( ri 70 03 ) 13. insect killing jar ( ri 72 07 ) 14. compound microscope with image analyzer 1. altimeter ( ri 72 08 ) 1 2. dissecting tray 40 3. insect stretching board 40 4. magnifying glass 25 5. permanente slide with slide box 50 6. refrigerator 01 35 insect dissecting box 10 38. metallic sieves belt sway switch 06 39 aspirator 02 40 wrinkle bag 02 41 malaise trap 02 42 window trap 02 43 pit fall trap 02 44 yellow pan trap 02 45 yellow sticky trap 06 46 pheromone trap 06 47 light trap 01 apiculture equipment 48 langstroth bee hive 04 49 hive tool 1 50 hive stand 03 51 uncapping knife 01 52 honey extractor 01 53 comb foundation meal 01 54 smoker 01 55 bee veil 10 56 queen excluder 03 57 queen kage 03 58 queen cell protector 03 59 gloves 03 60 dummy / division board 02 61 feeder 03 62 drone trap 01 63 comb foundation sheet 1kg 64 swarm bag 01 65 queen gate 03 66 ant barrier 03 67 bee brush 01 68 entrance guard 03 69 propalis screen 01 70 venom extractor 01 71 queen bee rearing equipment 01 72 wax melting drum 01 73 anti robbing hive 01 74 pollen trap 01 75 nucleus hive 01 76 wasp trap 03 department of plant breeding &genetics biotechnology 77 autoclave 1 78 refrigerator 1 7. incubator cum shaker 1 8. dry bath 1 9. water bath 1 10. dna gel electrophoresis with power supply 1 11. uv tran illuminator 1 12. pcr machine with online ups 1 13. magnetic stirrer with hot plate 1 14. vortexer 1 15. bench top centrifuge with rotor for 1.5 ml tubes 1 16. protein gel electrophoresis unit 1 17. weighing balance 1 18. liquid nitrogen container ( 20 lit. ) 1 19. microwave oven 1 20. hot air oven 1 21. vortexer 1 22. gel documentation system 1 23. tissue culture racks with acs, photo periodic timer, temperature controller 1 24. ice flaking machine 1 department of plant pathology 25. leaf area meter 2 26. balance 1 27. respirometer 20 28. compound microscope 3 29. water bath 1 30. plant growth chamber convention type 1 31. auxanometer 10 32. photometer 10 33. digital chlorophyll content meter 1 department of plant breeding and genetics 34. weighing balance 1 35. ph meter 1 36. compound microscope 5 37. water bath 1 38. seed germinator machine 1 39. grain moisture meter 1 soil science and agricultural chemistry 40. digital ph meter ( systronic ) 1 41. spectrophotometer ( systronic ) 1 42. flame photometer with motor ( elico ) 1 43. atomic absorption spectrophotometer ( with all accessories like, cathode lamp, gass cylinder, computer based ) 1 44. grinder machine 1 1. automatic soil testing system 2. digital balance ( up to 200g ) 3. single water distillation unit 4. core sampler tube auger 5. digestion unit with glass chamber and fume exhaust system 6. ec meter 7. double water distillation set 8. chemical balance 9. physical balance 10. weight box 11. dutch auger 12. kelplus nitrogen distillation unit 13. hot plate ( upto 400 °c ) 14. laminar air flow 15. magnetic stirrer 16. mechanical shaker 17. mechanical stirrer 18. mercury thermometer 19. hydrometer 20. metallic keen box 21. metallic sieve 22. microscope 23. muffle furnace 24. munsellcolour chart 25. oven 26. refrigerator / freeze 27. remi centrifuge 28. silica crucible 29. soil testing kit 30. soxhlet apparatus 31. tensiometer 32. yoder aggregate analysis apparatus 33. voltage stabilizer 34. core sampler with 50 core 35. steam water bath agronomy 36. tensiometer 37. resistance block 38. seed drier 39. seed grinder 40. maize sheller 41. glass thermometer 42. automatic weather station 43. core sampler and tube auger 44. pressure plate apparatus 45. refrigerator 220 liter 46. physical balance 47. leaf area meter dept. of agricultural economics 48. computer 49. printer 50. spss software 51. digital camera with video facility 52. projector set 53. hard disc ( 1 terminal box ) 54. sound system department of plant pathology 55. refrigerator 56. microscope ( stereo zoom ) 57. oven 58. laminar air flow 59. bod incubator cum shaker, 60. autoclave ( double walled stainless steel ) 40 liter capacity, heating load 2.0 kws 61. electronic balance 62. compound microscope instarision make with 100xoll / mm 63. hot plate...