Eastern Railways - Bihar

25722504 supply of , quenching oil to is: 2664 1980/ reaffirmed 2004 for quenching operation of metals with rdso additional requirement as slip no. 1 issued by rdso on august 2016. type straight mineral, grade: medium with gm magnetic quenchometer value of 28 secs. maxi.,viscosity index 95min and flash point coc 200 degree c min ....

Eastern Railways - Bihar

23643644 supply of , quenching oil to is: 2664 1980/ reaffirmed 2004 for quenching operation of metals with rdso additional requirement as slip no 1 issued by rdso on august 2016. type straight mineral,grade: medium with gm magnetic quenchometer value of 28 secs. maximum viscosity index 95min and flash point coc 200degree min....