Department Of Health And Family Welfare - Bihar
43815178 bids are invited for reciprocal shakers mechanical shaker machine with timer (q3) total quantity : 1...
43815178 bids are invited for reciprocal shakers mechanical shaker machine with timer (q3) total quantity : 1...
26872877 bids are invited for ph meter , digital conductivity meter , electronic weighingscales is:9281 3 ( 1981 ) part i, ii, iii & part iv , two panlaboratory balance analyticalchemicalphysical is 9440 , spectrophotometer , reciprocal shakers mechanical shakermachine with timer , flame photometer , bi distillation unitsdouble distillation water unit , atomic absorptionspectrophotometer aas , hot air oven , laminar air flow cabinetsor stations total quantity : 16...
26616801 bids are invited for reciprocal shakers mechanical shaker machine with timer total quantity : 1...
26616656 bids are invited for reciprocal shakers mechanical shaker machine with timer total quantity : 1...
25562763 bids are invited for reciprocal shakers mechanical shaker machine with timer total quantity : 1...
25486648 bids are invited for reciprocal shakers mechanical shaker machine with timer total quantity : 1...
25130619 bids are invited for reciprocal shakers mechanical shaker machine with timer total quantity : 1...
24735907 bids are invited for reciprocal shakers mechanical shaker machine with timer total quantity : 1...
23251212 bids are invited for reciprocal shakers mechanical shaker machine with timer total quantity : 1...
19370256 bids are invited for reciprocal shakers mechanical shaker machine with total quantity 8...
18871251 bids are invited for reciprocal shakers mechanical shaker machine with total quantity 8...