Ministry Of Power - Bihar

43667260 bids are invited for pump,oem / parts part name : complete pump assembly equipment name : mono submersible pump submersible pump 10hp : as per spec. submersible de watering sump pump (non clog), 10hp capacity, 3phase, 440v, with all standard accessories total quantity : 10...

National Thermal Power Corporation Limited - Bihar

43351587 bids are invited for custom bid for services 200131813 biennial contract for mechanical maintenance of chp system equipment ntpc kanti, 10.10. ( fhcpl00bd800 ) coupling ( <> ) replacement coupling replacement. for measurement purpose any one of the following will be treated as one unit. replacement of fluid coupling ‘or’ conveyor drive brake drum ‘or’ gear box cooling fan or flexible coupling a ) shifting of new / repaired fluid coupling / brake drum / cooling fan / flexible coupling at site. b ) decoupling of fluid coupling / dismantling of thruster brakes ( if required ) and shifting of motor to the required place. c ) removal of fluid coupling / brake drum / cooling fan / flexible coupling from motor / gear box. d ) mounting of new / repaired fluid coupling / brake drum / cooling fan / flexible coupling, placement of motor and oil filling in coupling if required. e ) coupling of the drive and system normalization after the alignment. f ) trial run and defect rectification, if any fluid coupling dis mounted after dismantling then assembling of coupling after defective part replacement is in the scope of the contractor without any extra claim. g ) shifting of old fluid coupling / brake drum / cooling fan at chp workshop or as per direction of engr in charge. h ) if brake drum, cooling fan and flexible coupling replaced at a time, no extra payment will be made. it will also be applicable for removal & remounting of couplings. i ) cutting / welding required for the job comes under contractor’s scope. 10.20 ) . ( fhiid00bd800 ) impact idlers ( <> ) repl. idlers repl. / screw take up tightening and loosening / idler frame repl. / scrapper repl. / deck plate repl. replacement of rollers / idlers: [ for payment purpose replacement of total no. of rollers / idlers in one frame carrying / return will be treated as one unit. ] a ) replacement of any rollers / idlers in chp comes under this. b ) shifting of new / repaired rollers / idlers at site and fixing at required place. c ) shifting of old / damaged rollers / idlers to chp workshop / chp scrap yard. d ) if more than one rollers / idlers are replaced in same frame simultaneously, it will be treated as one unit. ‘or’ for measurement purpose any one of the following will be treated as one unit. screw take up loosening and tightening: a ) it includes all screw take ups in chp conveyors. b ) loosening of screw take up as per requirement and retightening it as per direction. or replacement of idler frame: a ) replacement of any idler frame in chp comes under this. b ) shifting of new / repaired idler frame at site and fixing at required place. c ) shifting of old / damaged idler frame to chp workshop / chp scrap yard. d ) if idlers are also replaced during frame replacement, no extra payment will be made. e ) cutting / welding required for the job comes under contractor’s scope. ‘or‘ scrapper replacement: a ) removal of worn out rubber, making new rubber from old conveyor belt / rubber sheet, as per requirement. b ) fixing of rubber in scraper and reinstallation on the conveyor. c ) cutting / welding required for the job comes under contractor’s scope. ‘or‘ replacement of deck plate ( 01. no ) : a ) removal of existing plate after removing the idlers & frames as required. b ) shifting of new deck plate ( including wooden one ) at site & fixing it. c ) normalization of the system. d ) cutting / welding required for the job comes under contractor’s scope. 10.30 ) . ( fhg / b58bd800 ) gear boxes ( hold back ) repl ( 6 hrs ) gear box hold back replacement / fluid coupling oil replacement / decoupling and coupling of gear coupling / thruster replacement / thruster overhauling gear box hold back replacement: a ) replacement of hold back of any conveyor gear box in chp comes under this. b ) shifting of new / repaired hold back from chp store / central store / central workshop to site. c ) removal of old hold back from gear box and fixing of new hold back. d ) trial run and defect rectification, if any. e ) shifting of old hold back to chp workshop. for payment purpose one g box hold back repl. will be treated as one unit. ‘or’ fluid coupling oil replacement: a ) oil replacement of any fluid coupling in chp comes under this. b ) removal of coupling guard, opening of fusible plug / filling plug and draining of oil in a can & shifting it to chp scrap yard. c ) shifting of oil at site & filling in the fluid coupling up to specified angle. d ) fitting the fusible plug / filling plug, fixing of coupling guard. for payment purpose two fluid coupling oil replacements will be treated as one unit. ‘or‘ decoupling and coupling of gear coupling ( after greasing ) : a ) this covers all gear couplings being used in chp. for payment purpose decoupling and coupling of gear coupling of one gear coupling will be treated as one unit. ‘or thruster replacement: a ) replacement of any thruster ( except stacker rail clamp ) in chp comes under this. b ) shifting of new / repaired thruster at site. c ) removal old thruster and fixing of new one, stroke adjustment as per requirement. d ) shifting of old thruster to chp workshop. e ) trial run and defect rectification if any for payment purpose one thruster repl. will be treated as one unit. ‘or’ thruster overhauling: a ) this covers for any thruster being used in chp b ) dismantling of thruster as per direction of area engr. c ) replacement of damaged part as per direction & reassembling. d ) oil filling and testing for smooth operation. for payment purpose one thruster overhauling will be treated as one unit. 10.40 ) . ( fhp / c12bd800 ) pulley / coupling ( nde brg ) repl servicing of fluid coupling / replacement of conveyor non drive end bearing / plumber block for measurement purpose any one of them will be treated as separate unit. servicing of fluid coupling: a ) this covers any fluid coupling being used in chp. b ) dismantling of fluid coupling as per direction. c ) replacement of defective parts of fluid coupling as per direction and re assembling. d ) testing of oil leakage by filling oil. defect rectification, if any. ‘or’ replacement of conveyor non drive end bearing / plumber block: a ) it includes any bearing / plumber block of any pulley including gtu / bend / snub / drive pulley of any conveyor in chp. b ) belt clamping, take up lifting & lowering will be in the scope of this contract. c ) shifting of new bearing / plumber block at site. d ) opening and removal of plumber block / bearing form the pulley. e ) mounting of new bearing on the pulley and fixing of plumber block and greasing bearings. f ) if required bearing of non drive pulley will also be replaced. g ) system normalization. trial run and defect rectification, if any. h ) if plumber block is replaced at the time of bearing replacement, no extra payment will be made. 10.50 ) . ( fhcht51bd800 ) chutes ( skirt rubber ) repl skirt rubber replacement / shifting of oil / lubricant drums skirt rubber replacement: a ) replacement of rubber of any skirt comes under this, if skirt is damaged. b ) opening of skirt rubber clamp and removing of worn out rubber. c ) making the new skirt rubber, from old conveyor belt / skirt rubber sheet, as per requirement. d ) fixing of new rubber in frame & mounting it on the skirt and trial run for leakage arresting. e ) for measurement purpose, for measurement purpose one metre or part will be taken as one unit. ‘or’ shifting of oil / lubricant drums from central stores or any other place inside plant to chp store and vice versa: a ) it includes shifting of filled oil / grease drums from central stores or any other place inside plant to chp store and vice versa. b ) shifting of one drum will be taken as one unit. c ) transportation arrangement is to be arranged by the contractor. 10.60 ) . fhp / c52bd800: conv pulleys ( <> ) ( non drive ) repl conv pulleys ( non drive ) repl / replacement of take up pulley / replacement of conveyor pulley bearing / plumber block ( drive end ) / gear coupling replacement ( one pair ) a ) replacement of all non drive pulley including snub pulley, bend pulley, tail pulley and tail snub pulley comes under this. b ) shifting of new / repaired pulley from chp store / central store / central workshop to site. c ) belt clamping, take up lifting and lowering will be in the scope of this contract. d ) removal old pulley, bearings and plumber block from the old pulley. e ) mounting of bearings and plumber blocks, on the new pulley. f ) placement of new pulley on position and alignment with the system. g ) system normalization trial run and defect rectification, if any. h ) shifting of old pulley to chp workshop / central workshop. ‘or’ replacement of take up pulley: a ) replacement of take up pulley of any conveyor comes under this. b ) shifting of new repaired pulley at site. c ) belt clamping, take up lifting and lowering will be in the scope of this contract. d ) cutting the conveyor belt at the required place if required and removal of old pulley from foundation. e ) removal of bearings / plumber blocks of pulley. f ) mounting of bearings and plumber blocks on the new pulley. g ) lifting of new pulley and mounting it on the foundation. h ) pulling of conveyor belt and belt joint will not be in the scope of this contract. i ) system normalization, trial run & defect rectification, if any. j ) shifting of old / damaged pulley to chp / central workshop. ‘or’ replacement of conveyor pulley bearing / plumber block ( drive end ) : a ) decoupling of gear box and shifting it to the required place. b ) removal of low speed side coupling half. c ) belt clamping, take up lifting and lowering will be in the scope of this contract. d ) drive pulley lifting and removal of plumber block / bearings. e ) shifting of new bearing / plumber block and mounting it on the pulley. greasing of bearing. f ) system normalization, placement of gear box and alignment. g ) trial run and defect rectification, if any. h ) if plumber block is replaced at the time of bearing replacement, no extra payment will be made. ‘or’ gear coupling replacement ( one pair ) : a ) replacement of any gear coupling of any conveyor belt comes under this. b ) shifting of new / repaired gear coupling at site. c ) removal of coupling guards, decoupling of gear box from both high speed side and slow speed side. shifting of motor and gear box at required place and removal of gear coupling after dismantling of thruster brake, if required. d ) mounting of new gear coupling, placement of gear box at foundation. e ) normalization of system after alignment, for alignment. f ) trial run and defect rectification, if any. g ) shifting of old gear coupling to chp workshop. h ) cutting / welding required for the job comes under contractor’s scope. 10.70 ) . ( fhcnp00bd800 ) conv pulleys ( <> ) repl replacement of drive pulley: a ) replacement of drive pulley of any conveyor in chp ( except coal / sampler ) comes under this. b ) shifting of new / repaired pulley from central store / chp store / central workshop to site. c ) belt clamping, take up lifting and lowering will be in the scope of this contract. d ) decoupling the gear coupling and removal of drive pulley after opening and removal of discharge hood. e ) removal of gear coupling, bearing & plumber blocks. f ) mounting of gear coupling, bearings and plumber blocks on the new pulley. g ) placement of new pulley on position & alignment of the pulley with gear box to the satisfaction of engr. in charge. h ) system normalization trial run & defect rectification, if any. i ) shifting of old pulley to chp workshop / central workshop 10.80 ) . ( fhpcc53bd800 ) crushers ( hammers ) repl replacement of full set hammers replacement of full hammers: a ) weighing of new hammers, weight balancing and shifting them to the site after internal inspection of crusher. b ) removal of hammers from the crusher and replacement of new hammers as per direction of area engineer or his representative. c ) shifting of old hammers to chp scrap yard. d ) any cutting / welding required will be in scope of contractor. 10.90. ( fhscc11bd001 ) cr hammer attend breakdown repl. of hammers in two opposite rows for measurement purpose any one of the following will be treated as separate unit. repl. of hammers in two opposite rows: a ) weighing of new hammers, weight balancing and shifting them to the site after internal inspection of crusher. b ) removal of broken / worn out hammers from the crusher and replacement of new hammers as per direction of area engineer or his representative. c ) shifting of old hammers to chp scrap yard. d ) any cutting / welding required will be in scope of contractor. 10.100 ( fhgzf17bd800 ) grizzly feeders ( shaft assly. ) repl replacement of g.f. shaft / replacement of crusher kick off plate replacement of g.f. shaft ( one no. of shaft ) : a ) removal of guards, universal coupling / cardoon shaft & counter weight. b ) removal of bearings and bearing housings at d.e. & nde c ) shifting of new g.f. shaft to site. d ) removal of old shaft and fixing of new shaft. e ) mounting of bearing housings on the new shaft / replacement of bearing housing if required. f ) remounting of counter weight, universal coupling and their guards. g ) greasing, trial run and defect rectification, if any. h ) shifting of old / damaged g.f. shaft to chp workshop / chp scrap yard. ‘or’ replacement of crusher kick off plate: a ) shifting of kick off plate at site from central store / site store. b ) removal of crusher top cover / side liners if required. c ) opening of kick off plate bolts and removal of frame fill piece. d ) fixing of new frame fill piece, tightening of bolts up to required torque / welding if required. e ) normalization of system. trial run and defect rectification. f ) shifting of old frame fill piece to chp scrap yard or as per direction. 10.110. ( fhvbf00bd000 ) vibro feeders ( <> ) attend defect vibro feeders attend defect / tightening of breaker plate bolt for measurement purpose any one of the following will be treated as separate unit. ( 1 ) . remove the worn out / broken tray from the position. ( 2 ) . replace the same with the new tray / repaired tray with new / same tie rod / tie rope assembly and do proper alignment. ( 3 ) any other minor work like patch work in chute and adjustment in hopper / chute to maintain the freeness of tray with chute etc as per direction of eic. 4 ) take trial after adjusting the tray. 5 ) declination angle adjustment of the as per the direction of eic. 6 ) unbalanced weight adjustment work as per the direction of eic. 7 ) replacement of vibro feeder pedestal spring ‘or’ tightening of breaker plate bolt after welding of head: a ) welding of head of one breaker plate bolt as per requirement. b ) tightness checking of bolt and locking of nuts. c ) any cutting / welding required will be in the scope of the contractor. d ) for measurement purpose tightening of bolt of one breaker plate will be treated as one unit. e ) for welding of heads of breaker plate bolts, e7018 1 electrodes will be supplied by kbunl free of cost. 10.120. ( fhscc17bd800 ) crushers ( rotor assly ) repl crushers ( rotor assly ) repl for measurement purpose any one of the following will be treated as separate unit. replacement of crusher rotor: a ) shifting of new rotor from central store / any other store to crusher floor b ) decoupling of slow speed coupling and removal of pin bush. c ) removal of crusher cover, front side housing, tramp iron tray, plumber block bolts, side liners, hood, chute etc. d ) removal of all hammers and suspension bars. e ) lifting up the rotor and placement at a safe place. f ) removal of coupling half and bearings from rotor. g ) lower the new rotor into position after mounting of bearings, plumber blocks and coupling half. box up in reverse order. h ) check and correct misalignment of slow speed side. i ) balancing of hammers & mounting ( replace full set of hammers if required ) , system normalization, trial run and defect rectification, if any. j ) shifting of old rotor to chp scrap yard. k ) replacement of defective side liners, repairing of ‘v’ shaped deflector plate and other plates if required, also to be done without any extra financial implication. l ) any cutting / welding required for this job will be in the scope of contractor. m ) for welding of heads of liner bolts, breaker plate bolts, screen plate bolts e7018 1 electrodes will be supplied by kbunl free of cost. ‘or’ replacement of g.f. deck side walls ( 01 set =02nos ) : a ) shifting of 02 no. deck side walls from kbunl stores to site. b ) dismantling of bearing housings, bypass chute, side skirt, shaft tubes, spring units, removal of damaged deck side walls after proper supporting of skirts & decks. c ) fixing of new deck side walls & re installation of all dismantled parts. d ) removal of all supports. system normalization, trial run & defect rectification, if any. e ) shifting of damaged deck side walls to chp scrap yard. f ) if only 01no ( one ) g f deck side wall is replaced, 50% payment will be made. b ) cutting / welding required for the job comes under contractor’s scope. 10.130. ( fhpcc52bd800 ) crushers ( screen plate ) repl crushers ( screen plate ) repl / breaker plate / kick off plate / replacement of crusher d.e. bearing / plumber block for measurement purpose any one of the following will be treated as separate unit. replacement of crusher screen plate / breaker plate / kick off plate : a ) shifting of screen plate / breaker plate / kick off plate at site from central store / site store. b ) removal of crusher top cover. c ) opening of screen plate / breaker plate / kick off plate bolts and removal of the same. d ) fixing of new screen plate / breaker plate / kick off plate , tightening of bolts up to required torque / welding if required. this includes fixing of site make screen plates also. e ) normalization of system. trial run and defect rectification. f ) shifting of old screen plate / breaker plate / kick off plate to scrap yard or as per direction. g ) if both upper & lower screen plates are replaced simultaneously, it will be treated as one unit. i ) all allied activity related with screen plate replacement, including cutting / welding or preparation of jig fixtures comes under contractor’s scope. ‘or’ replacement of crusher d.e. bearing / plumber block : a ) shifting of new bearing / plumber block at site. b ) decoupling of gear box from slow speed side and high speed side. c ) removal of flexible coupling half. e ) opening of shaft seal covers on both sides. f ) loosening of both side plumber block bolts and its top cover. g ) removal of top cover of crusher. h ) removal of side liners above the end discs on both sides. i ) lifting of rotor and removal of plumber block and bearing ( de ) . j ) mounting of new bearing correctly and adjusting the clearance to the specified value. k ) placement of plumber block and lowering of rotor. l ) boxing up in reverse order. m ) mounting of coupling, placement of g / b. alignment of rotor with gear box. n ) system normalization and trial run and defect rectification, if any. o ) shifting of old bearing / plumber block to chp scrap yard. p ) cutting / welding required for the job comes under contractor’s scope. q ) if bearing and plumber block are replaced simultaneously no extra payment shall be made, if will be treated as one unit. 10.140. ( fhttr00bd000 ) travelling tripper ( <> ) attend defect travelling tripper rail structure supporting beam bolts tightening / miscellaneous jobs related to travelling tripper for measurement purpose any one of the following will be treated as separate unit. travelling tripper rail structure supporting beam bolts tightening: a ) it includes tightening all bolts of travelling tripper rail supporting beam, structural member, coupling bolts of tripper. or miscellaneous jobs related to travelling tripper such as scrapper adjustment, skirt fixing, eh brakes inspection and adjustment etc. 10.150. ( fhttr22gn808 ) travelling tripper ( tripper wheel ) realignment re railment of trippers : a ) dismantling of tripper bracings / str., as required. b ) lifting of tripper by mechanical means and placing it on the tripper rails. c ) re assembling of all supporting str. as per direction and system normalization. d ) trial run and defect rectification, if any. e ) any cutting / welding required for this job will be in the contractor’s scope. 10.160. ( fhttr00oh001 ) travelling tripper ( <> ) oh overhauling of tripper hand brake / manual brake / ilms pulley bearing flange replacement / flap gate flange bearing replacement / crusher hammer pin replacement for measurement purpose any one of them will be treated as separate unit. overhauling of tripper hand brake / manual brake: a ) removal of damaged hand brake from position. b ) rectification / strengthening of fixing base plate / replacement of shoe etc. c ) refixing of hand brakes by welding / bolting. check for alignment / fouling with rails. e ) system trial run. defects rectification, if any, after trial run. ‘or’ ilms pulley bearing flange replacement ( nde ) a ) shifting of new bearing at site. b ) preparation of jig / fixtures for supporting the ilms. c ) removal of bearing / bearing flange. d ) system normalisation. trial run and defect rectification, if any. e ) if bearing flange is replaced while bearing replacement, it will be treated as one unit. f ) cutting / welding required for the job comes under contractor’s scope. ‘or’ flap gate flange bearing replacement: a ) removal of operating lever / counter weight lever. b ) shifting of new bearing at site. c ) removal of old bearing and mounting of new bearing and greasing. refitting of lever. d ) shifting of old bearing at chp scrap yard. e ) any cutting / welding work will be in the scope of the contractor. ‘or’ crusher hammer pin replacement : a ) opening of access door. opening of shaft seal / removal of pin retainer bolts. b ) shifting of new hammer pin at site, after weighing. c ) removal of damaged hammer pin and replacement with new one. replacement of the same on opposite side also. d ) crusher box up, trial run and defect rectification, if any. 10.170. ( fhttr00bd801 ) travelling tripper ( <> ) repair tripper rail joint welding. removal of old welding & welding as per requirement. welding electrode e7018 1 will be supplied by kbunl free of cost. for measurement purpose one centimeter will be treated one no. for payment purpose 01 cm will be treated as 01 no 10.180. ( fhilm56bd800 ) ilms / obms ( pulley brg ) repl ilms pulley bearing / bearing flange replacement ( de ) / flap gate actuator replacement / replacement of flap gate trunnion bracket for measurement purpose any one of them will be treated as separate unit. ilms pulley bearing / bearing flange replacement ( de ) : a ) shifting of new bearing at site. b ) preparation of jig / fixture for supporting the ilms. c ) removal of drive motor and gear box. removal of bearing / bearing flange. d ) fixing of new flanged bearing and mounting it on the pulley shaft. e ) assembling of the drive, alignment and system normalization. f ) trial run and defect rectification, if any. g ) if bearing flange is replaced while bearing replacement, it will be treated as one unit. h ) cutting / welding required for the job comes under contractor’s scope. ‘or’ flap gate actuator replacement: a ) shifting of new / repaired actuator at site. b ) removal of old actuator and fixing of new actuator. c ) shifting of old actuator to chp workshop. d ) operation checking of flap gate and defect rectification, if any. e ) overhauling of the replaced actuator. or replacement of flap gate trunnion bracket : a ) shifting of new / repaired trunnion bracket at site. b ) removal of old trunnion bracket and fixing of new trunnion bracket. c ) operation checking of flap gate and defect rectification if any d ) shifting of old trunnion bracket to chp workshop. 10.190. ( fhg / b54bd800 ) gear box ( gear replacement ) full set of gear box internals replacement: a ) it includes replacement of full set of internals of any gear box of any drive in c.h.p. b ) shifting of new / repaired gear box internal from chp store / central store / central workshop. c ) decoupling of gear box from h.s. & low speed side & shifting of motor and removal of fluid coupling, if required. d ) dismantling of gear box top cover, end covers etc and removal of its internals and removal of slow speed side coupling half. e ) mounting of coupling half / bearing on shaft and assembling of shafts in the gear box and checking for proper matching. f ) box up of gear box, placement on foundation & placement of motor, replacement of defective oil seals, if required and oil filling up to the mark. g ) system normalization after alignment. h ) if removal & mounting of fluid coupling / flexible coupling half is required, payment will be done as per sl. no. 01 i ) trial run and defect rectification, if any. j ) shifting of old gear box internals to chp workshop / central work / scrap yard. k ) any cutting / welding work will be in the scope of the contractor. 10.200. ( fhg / b51bd800 ) gear boxes ( i / p shaft ) repl replacement of gear box input shaft / shaft bearings / oil seals / complete gear box / replacement of output shaft for measurement purpose any one of them will be treated as separate unit. replacement of gear box input shaft / shaft bearings / oil seals / complete gear box: a ) replacement of input shaft / shaft bearing / oil seals of any gear box in chp comes under this. b ) shifting of shaft / shaft bearings / oil seals from central store / chp store / central store to site. c ) decoupling of input shaft from motor and shifting of motor to the required place. d ) removal of fluid coupling or brake drum / oil seals after dismantling of thruster brake, if required. e ) opening of gear box top cover etc and removal of the input shaft, oil seals, removal of bearings etc from the shaft. f ) mounting of bearings and hub on the input shaft, replacement of oil seals if required. g ) fixing of input shaft and also to be checked for proper matching with intermediate shaft. h ) box up of gear box in reverse order. i ) mounting of fluid coupling, & motor placement. j ) alignment k ) system normalization, trial run and defect rectification, if any. l ) cutting / welding required for the job comes under contractor’s scope. m ) shifting of old damaged shaft to chp scrap yard / central workshop. n ) if shaft, oil seals and bearings are replaced simultaneously, it will be counted as one unit only. or replacement of output shaft / shaft bearing / oil seals: a ) replacement of output shaft / shaft bearings / oil seals of any drive in c.h.p. comes under this. b ) shifting of new / repaired shaft / shaft bearings / oil seals at site and removal of coupling half c ) decoupling of gear box on slow speed side, removal of gear box top cover & end cover. d ) removal of output shaft / bearings / oil seals etc. e ) internal inspection & mounting of bearings and coupling half on the output shaft. f ) placement of the output shaft. box up, and system normalization. replacement of defective oil seals, if required. g ) trial run and defect rectification, if any. h ) cutting / welding required for the job comes under contractor’s scope. i ) shifting of old damaged shaft / bearings to central workshop. / chp scrap yard j ) if shaft , oil seals and bearings are replaced simultaneously , it will be counted as one unit only. 10.210. ( fhg / b12bd800 ) gear boxes ( 10 50ltrs ) repl replacement of gear box oil : ( oil qty. < 50 ltrs. ) any of the following work is covered under this item. for measurement purpose any one of them will be treated as separate unit. replacement of gear box oil : ( oil qty. < 50 ltrs. ) a ) replacement of oil of any gear box comes under this having oil capacity more than 10 ltrs.. b ) shifting of oil / oil drums from chp store to the site. c ) draining of oil in a can and shifting it to chp scrap yard. d ) filling of oil in the gear box after flushing. normalisation of the system. or de coupling, coupling and alignment of ilms motor. 10.220. ( fhg / b13bd800 ) gear boxes ( 50 100 ltrs ) repl replacement of gear box oil : ( oil qty.> 50 ltrs. ) / replacement of cable reeling drum gear box for measurement purpose any one of them will be treated as separate unit. replacement of gear box oil : ( oil qty.> 50 ltrs. ) a ) replacement of oil of any gear box comes under this . b ) shifting of oil / oil drums from chp store to the site. c ) draining of oil in a can and shifting it to chp scrap yard. d ) filling of oil in the gear box after flushing. e ) normalisation of the system. ‘or’ replacement of cable reeling drum gear box : a ) replacement of crd gear box of travelling tripper comes under this .shifting of new / repaired gear box at site. b ) removal of motor after decoupling of coupling. removal of crd drum if required. c ) removal of gear box and removal of coupling half. d ) mounting of coupling half in new gear box. e ) placement of new gear box in position re assembling of motor. f ) trial run and defect rectification. 10.230. ( fhg / b00gn152 ) gear boxes ( <> ) decpl / cpl / algn alignment of lt drive ( for motor 15 kw to 200kw ) / overhauling of gear box ( below 30 kw ) / ilms gear box replacement for measurement purpose any one of them will be treated as separate unit. alignment of lt drive ( for motor 15 kw to 200kw ) : a ) if coupling pin bush replacement is required, no extra payment will be done. b ) it includes all related activity for the alignment. c ) for payment purpose, if both slow speed ( with dial gauge ) and high speed alignment is done, it will be treated as separate unit. d ) cutting / welding required for the job comes under contractor’s scope. ‘or’ overhauling of gear box ( below 30 kw ) : a ) opening of gear box. replacement of defective / worn out / damaged parts. b ) re assembling of gear box and oil filling. ‘or’ ilms gear box replacement: a ) shifting of new / repaired gear box at site. b ) decoupling and removal of motor. decoupling and removal of gear box. c ) mounting of new gear box, re assembling of motor and alignment. d ) coupling of motor, trial run and defect rectification, if any. e ) shifting of old gear box at chp / central workshop. 10.240. ( fhttr14bd800 ) travelling tripper ( lt gearbox ) repl replacement of travelling tripper travel drive gear box / alignment of ht drive ( for motor above 200 kw ) for measurement purpose any one of them will be treated as separate unit. replacement of travelling tripper travel drive gear box : a ) shifting of new / repaired gear box at site. b ) dismantling of old gear box / motor and fixing of new gear box & motor. c ) dismantling of thruster brake & refixing. d ) alignment of the drive and oil top up in new gear box after flushing. e ) normalization of the system and trial run to be taken. defect rectification, if any. f ) shifting of all materials to chp store / chp scrap yard. g ) cutting / welding required for the job comes under contractor’s scope. ‘or’ alignment of ht drive ( for motor above 200 kw ) : a ) if coupling pin bush replacement is required, no extra payment will be done. b ) it includes all related activity for the alignment ( slow speed or high speed ) . c ) for payment purpose, if both slow speed ( with dial gauge ) and high speed alignment is done, it will be treated as separate unit. d ) cutting / welding required for the job comes under contractor’s scope. 10.250. ( fhg / b00bd000 ) gear boxes ( <> ) attend defect gear box gauge glass replacement / replacement of sump pump spider of love joy coupling for measurement purpose any one of the following will be treated as separate unit. a ) gear box gauge glass replacement: b ) shifting of new / repaired gauge glass at site. c ) removal of old gauge glass after isolation and mounting of new one. d ) oil leakage job of gear box ‘ or ‘ replacement of sump pump spider of love joy coupling : a ) no payment will be made for spider of love joy coupling replacement if it is done while pump overhauling. 10.260. ( fhmat14gn863 ) matl ( misc ) shifting transportation of materials: a ) it includes transportation of any kind of material from central store or any other place inside plant to chp store or vice versa, as per direction. b ) for measurement purpose materials upto 50kg or part there off will be taken as one unit. 10.270. chp em bkdn mtc st 1 ( fhmat11gn162 ) matl ( scrap ) disposal transportation of misc. scrap: a ) it covers transportation of misc. scrap from chp area to other place inside the plant as per direction. b ) for measurement purpose transportation of one ton scrap will be taken as one unit. all arrangement for loading, unloading and transportation including supply of tractor is in contractor’s scope. 10.280. ( fhmsw00gn250 ) fabrication erection ( <> ) lighter section miscellaneous steel fabrication work in c.h.p. ( lighter section ) : a ) fabrication of ladder , platform and other miscellaneous work in chp and mgr area ( from wagon tippler to bunker floor and mgr gates ) at different elevations and different location comes under this . b ) transportation of steel from kbunl stores to work site . c ) fabrication work is to be done as per given drawing or as per direction of area engineer and placement of the same at the required place or as per direction. d ) new fabricated work is to be painted with one coat of primer paint of kbunl approved brand. paint to be provided by the contractor. e ) payment will be done on per ton basis. f ) it will be applicable for steel sheets upto 3.15mm. g ) removal of old plate / structure from location and shifting to chp scrap yard will be in the scope of the contractor. 10.290. ( fhcht00bd801 ) chutes ( <> ) repair coal leakage arresting by patch work : a ) arresting of coal dust leakage from any chute / duct in chp comes under this. b ) leakage arresting includes fabrication of required patch from ms plate ( up to 20mm thick ) and welding of the same at required place or as per direction of area engineer. c ) trial run for leakage arresting if any. d ) for measurement purpose payment will be made on per unit basis and 300 mm*300 mm will be treated as one number. 10.300. ( fhcht00gn250 ) ( fabrication +erection ) miscellaneous steel fabrication work in c.h.p. ( heavy section ) .: a ) fabrication of ladder, platform and other miscellaneous work in chp and mgr area ( from track hopper to bunker floor and mgr gates ) at different elevations and different location comes under this . b ) transportation of steel from kbunl stores to work site . c ) fabrication work is to be done as per given drawing or as per direction of area engineer and placement of the same at the required place or as per direction. d ) new fabricated work is to be painted with one coat of primer paint of kbunl approved brand. paint to be provided by the contractor. e ) payment will be done on per ton basis. f ) removal of old plate / structure from location and shifting to chp scrap yard will be in the scope of contractor. 10.310. ( fhdep00gn602 ) deptt <> man.dep sw manpower supply sw manpower supply for other miscellaneous work ( as per direction of engr in charge ) . necessary t&ps required for supply job will be provided by contractor ( as per t&ps list ) . sw ( fitter / rigger / welder ) 10.320. ( fhdep00gn600 ) deptt <> man.dep usw manpower supply usw manpower supply for other miscellaneous work ( as per direction of engr in charge ) . necessary t&ps required for supply job will be provided by contractor ( as per t&ps list ) usw ( helper ) 10.330. ( fhscc13gn250 ) crushers ( bkr plate ) fabrication crushers ( bkr plate ) fabrication / deck plate fabrication of vs assembly making breaker plate for crusher ( one full set consisting of four piece small / 02pc big size ) a ) marking of breaker plate as per drawing and instruction of area engineer. b ) cutting of breaker plate. c ) transportation of breaker plates from chp steel yard to central workshop for drilling. d ) transportation of breaker plates from central workshop to chp crusher house / store area after drilling. drilling of holes will not be in the scope of the agency. payment will be made as ( 04 nos = 01 unit ) or a ) fabrication of deck plates of vibrating screen 10.340. conv pulleys ( <> ) brg inspection: fhcnp00bd799 conv. pulley ( <> ) brg inspection bearing inspection for conveyor pulley / crusher / bearings of wheels of mobile equipment’s stacker , travelling tripper bearing inspection a ) inspection of bearings ( both end ) of any conveyor pulley in chp. b ) supply of all t&ps and manpower will be in the scope of the agency. c ) all related jobs for bearing inspection will be in the scope of the agency. d ) greasing of bearings after inspection to be done by the agency. 10.350. ( fhbcn02pm002 ) belt conveyor 02 w checks belt conveyor 02 w checks 1. any conveyor in chp is covered under this item. 2. check all idlers for free rotation. 3. replace defective idlers / idlers frame / guide rollers, 4. adjust / replace the skirt rubber, scrapper rubber & dust curtains. 5. check the belts for any sway, train as required. 6. check the thruster oil level, top up if required .adjust the thruster brake. 7. check the gear box & fluid coupling oil level / leakage, top up if required. clean the gear box breather. 8. check the belt joints for any ply separation, check the belt for any damage, cut mark etc.& report. 9. check pulley bearing for overheating, noise etc. check the temp. of gear box. check oil pressure if gauge is provided. 10. check that take up travel is free; there is no deformation in its guide. 11. tighten all foundation bolts of motor, gear box, pulley, plumber block etc. 12. any cutting / welding / tacking of idler with frame is in the scope of contractor. 10.360. ( fhbcn02pm004 ) belt conveyor 04 w checks belt conveyor 04 w checks 1. any conveyor in chp is covered under this item. 2. repeat items 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 11&12 of job – 35 3. check tightness of fan bolts & foundation bolts of drive & pulley. 4. check for any leakage from the seals of gear box fluid coupling and report. 5. check the play in pin & bush coupling and report if bushes are damaged. 6. inspect pulley lagging for wear / damage & report. 7. check the pulley for any crack; tighten the locking assembly bolts by torque wrench unto adequate torque. 8. check that there is no deformation in take up guide. 10.370. ( fhbcn02pm012 ) : belt conveyor 12 w checks belt conveyor 12 w checks 1. any conveyor in chp is covered under this item. 2. repeat all items of sl. no. –36. 3. check oil level of fluid coupling, top up if required. 4. grease pulley bearings & gear coupling & take up guides. 5. check proper functioning of thruster brakes adjust, if required. 10.380. ( fhilm00pm002 ) : ilms 02 w checks ilms 02 w checks 1. any in line magnetic separator in chp is covered under this item. 2. inspect belt for any damage. check belt sway / belt tension, adjust, if required. 3. check gear box oil level, top up, if required. check tightness all foundation bolts. 4. adjust / replace the skirt rubber. 10.390. ( fhilm00pm004 ) ilms 04 w checks ilms 04 w checks 1. any in line magnetic separator in chp is covered under this item. 2. repeat all items of job – 38 3. grease all bearings of plumber blocks. grease the screw take up. 10.400. ( fhgzf00pm002 ) : grizzly feeder 02 w checks grizzly feeder 02 w checks 1. any grizzly feeder in crusher house is covered under this item. 2. check tightness of the foundation bolts of motor, grizzly feeder bearing housing, seal cover and any other. 3. ch. tightness tray fixing bolts, chute fixing bolts, counter weight, fixing bolts. 4. check coal leakage from gf, adjust / replace rubber dust seals. 5. clean the deck and check the welding . 6. check welding of liners. 7. check the condition of spring & reports. 8. clean the bypass chute. inspect the deck sidewalls for any crack & report. 9. any cutting / welding required is in the scope of contractor. 10.410. ( fhgzf00pm004 ) : grizzly feeder 04 w checks grizzly feeder 04 w checks 1. any grizzly feeder in crusher house is covered under this item. 2. repeat all items of job – 40 3. grease all bearings. check condition of universal joints & propeller shaft. 10.420. ( fhpcc00pm002 ) : crushers ( <> ) 02w chks crushers 02w chks 1. any crusher in crusher house is covered under this item. 2. check the condition of hammers and report. 3. ch. gear box oil levels, top up, if required. clean the air breather / replace the gauge glass if required. remove foreign materials from tramp iron box. 4. check for any coal leakage from manholes, inspection holes etc. & arrest the leakage. 5. check tightness of all cage fixing bolts, housing bolts etc. 6. check breaker plate, shaft disc key , screen plate, frame fill piece, v shaped deflector plate, screen plate arm, liners, screw jack ( cage adjuster ) , screen clamp bar for wear and report. check the tightness of bolts and weld the bolts, if required. 7. check tightness of all bolts & nuts of gear box fan, plumber blocks & foundation bolts. 8. clean the pressure equaliser line. 9. any cutting / welding required is in the scope of contractor. 10.430. ( fhpcc00pm004 ) : crushers ( <> ) 04w chks crushers 04w chks 1. any crusher in crusher house is covered under this item. 2. repeat all items of job – 42 3. grease nde & de bearing of crusher, cage adjusting device. 4. check fluid coupling oil level, top up, if required. ( to be done after three months ) 5. inspect breaker plate holding plate and report. 10.440 ) . ( fhttr00pm002 ) : traveling tripper 02 w checks traveling tripper 02 w checks 1. any traveling tripper in chp is covered under this item. 2. check all idlers of the tripper for free rotation / abnormal noise. 3. replace the defective idlers / idler frames. place fallen idlers. 4. check oil level / oil leakage of travel drive gear box, crd gear box and thruster, top up, if required. check / adjust tightness of thrustor brake shoe. 5. check and adjust tripper hand brake / rail cleaner. 6. check tightness of all foundation bolts of motor, gear pulley etc 7. check flap gate actuator is operating freely & closing properly. 10.450 ) . ( fhttr00pm004 ) : traveling tripper 04 w checks traveling tripper 04 w checks 1. any traveling tripper in chp is covered under this item. 2. repeat items 3, 4, 5 , 6 & 7 of job – 44 3. check gear box air breather for clogging, clean, if required. 4. check pin bush for coupling and report for replacement, if required. 5. check tripper rail welding joints. check tightness of rail supporting structure bolts at joint, if welding is broken. 10.460 ) . ( fhs / r00pm002 ) : stacker 02 w checks stacker 02 w checks a ) boom conveyor: 1. check all idlers for free rotation, replace defective idlers / idler frame. 2. check / adjust / replace skirt rubber, scrapper rubber, dust curtains. 3. check the belt for any sway, train, if required. 4. check the oil level, top up if required. clean the air breather. 5. check free movement of thrusters, clean dust etc. from moving zone. b ) intermediate conveyor : 1. check all idlers for free rotation, replace defective idlers. 2. check / adjust / replace skirt rubber, scrapper rubber, dust curtains. 3. check the belt for any sway, train, if required. 4. check the oil level, top up if required. clean the air breather. 5. check free movement of thrusters, clean dust etc. from moving zone. c ) pcrd / ccrd 1. check proper functioning of pcrd / ccrd, rectify if required. 2. check tightness of chain, sprocket, and foundation bolts etc. 3. check oil level of angle gear box, top up, if required. 10.470 ) . ( fhs / r00pm004 ) stacker 04 w checks stacker 04 w checks a ) boom conveyor : 1. check and adjust / replace the rubber strip of scrappers / skirt rubber. 2. check the oil level of gear box, top up, if required. clean the air breather, if required. 3. check for any leakage from the seals of gear box, fluid coupling. 4. check the play in pin bush coupling, report for replacement, if required. 5. inspect pulley lagging for wear / damage. 6. tighten all foundation bolts of motor, gear box, pulley. 7. check the screw take up travel is free and there is no deformation in its guides. check the belt tension, tighten, if required. 8. check functioning of thrusters / thrustor brakes, rectify as required. b ) intermediate conveyor : 1. check and adjust / replace the rubber strip of scrapper / skirt rubber. 2. check oil level of gear box, top up, if required. clean the air breather. 3. check for any leakage from the gear box, fluid coupling. 4. check the play in pin push coupling, report for replacement, if required. 5. check pulley lagging for wear / damage. 6. tighten all foundation bolts of motor, gear box, pulley. 7. check that screw take up guide travel is free and there is no deformation in its guide. check belt tension, tighten, if required. 8. check functioning of thrustors / thrustor brakes, rectify as required. c ) pcrd / ccrd 1. check the freeness of cable rollers. 2. check & adjust cable and cable guide. 3. check the angle gear box oil level, top up, if required. 4. check tightness of foundation bolts, chain, sprocket etc. 5. grease all plumber block bearings. 6. check tightness of chain, sprocket and foundation bolts etc. 10.480 ) . ( fhfpg00pm004 ) flap gate 04 w checks flap gate 04 w checks 1. any flap gate in chp is covered under this item. 2. check oil level in the actuator gear box, top up, if required. 3. grease both side bearing of flap gate and actuator. 4. check actuator is operating freely & closing properly both sides. 5. check tightness of foundation bolts. 6. check for any wear of the flap gate surface & report. 7.check for any possible coal passing through flap gate. 8. any cutting / welding required is in the scope of contractor. 10.490 ) . ( fhrpg00pm004 ) rake & pinion gate 04 w checks rake & pinion gate 04 w checks 1. any rake & pinion gate in crusher house is covered under this item. 2. oil top up in the rpg’s both gear boxes, if required. 3. check freeness of chain sprocket wheel. 4. greasing of all the bearings. 5. check tightness of all the foundation bolts. 6. check rack & pinion gate assembly for freeness. 10.500 ) . ( fhpit03pm004 ) sump pumps 04 w checks sump pumps 04 w checks 1. for measurement purpose one pump of t / h sump pumps / lwtp vertical pump will be taken as one unit. 2. greasing of pumps bearings. 3. check the rubber spider of the coupling, replace, if required. 4. check the play in pump motor coupling, adjust, if required. 5. check tightness of foundation bolts. 6. check leakage from pipe joints & valve gland. 7. check freeness of nr valve and gate valve. 10.510 ) . ( fhdes00pm004 ) : de / ds system 04 w chks. de / ds system 04 w chks / water line checking / general checking and defect rectification of ventilation system / general checking of de system any of the following work is covered under this item. for measurement purpose any one of the following will be treated as separate unit. general checking and defect rectification of dust suppression system in tps, stacker, crusher house & wagon tippler area . pump: a ) greasing all bearings of the pump. b ) replacement / tighten the gland packing of the pump as required. c ) check any water leakage and report. check pin bush coupling condition, replace if required. d ) check tightening of all foundation bolt. or water line checking: a ) clean the pump suction strainer ( pot strainer ) & y strainer. b ) attend water leakage if any , including from hose pipe. c ) check the spray nozzle condition and report. or general checking and defect rectification of ventilation system. a ) greasing of all bearings. b ) check v belt condition, replacement and alignment if requiared. c ) check tightness of all foundation bolt. d ) rotate the fan impeller by hand and report if any abnormality is observed. e ) check the stud nut tightness of impeller. or general checking of de system. a ) greasing of all bearings. check v belt condition, replacement and alignment if required. b ) check tightness of all foundation bolt. c ) rotate the fan impeller by hand and report if any abnormality is observed. d ) check the stud nut tightness of impeller. e ) cleaning of rotary lock feeder unit and its discharge pipe. 10.520 ) . ( fhmsl01bd800 ) — de / ds / service water line & fire line defect attend replacement of pipe line , replacement of gate valve / nrv / laying of pipe line replacement of pipe line , replacement of gate valve / nrv a ) ds / de / service water line in chp / fire water b ) shifting of new pipe line at site and replacement of old pipe line. c ) any cutting welding required for the job comes under this. d ) while replacement necessary flange, gasket, fittings are also to be changed, if required. e ) shifting of old pipe line to chp scrap yard. trial run and defect rectification. f ) for measurement purpose a segment of 01 mtr length or part there of will be treated as one unit for pipe line up to 65 nb . g ) for measurement purpose a segment of 01 mtr length or part there of will be treated as 1.2 unit for pipe line 80 nb and above . or laying of pipe line a ) it covers laying of pipe line ( with fittings ) in ds / de / service water line in chp / fire water. b ) shifting of new pipe line at site. c ) while laying of pipe line necessary flange, gasket, fittings are also to be provided, if required. any cutting welding required for the job comes under this. e ) trial run and defect rectification. g ) application of 2 coats of red oxide primer paint on the pipe, red oxide primer paint is in the partys scope. h ) for measurement purpose a segment of 2mtr length or part there of will be treated as one unit for pipe up to 65nb. i ) for measurement purpose a segment of 2 mtr length or part there of will be treated as 1.15 unit. for pipe 80nb and above. 10.530 ) . ( fhlpp01bd000 ) ds pump gland packing rep. or adj. / ds pump coupling pin bush rep. / ds / de pump / fan bearing greasing / servicing of solenoid valves in ds line ‘or‘ replacement of v bells ( full set ) / rep.of vent. fan air filter / dust suppression system nozzles nipple fixing / cleaning of spray nozzles in dust suppression system any of the following work is covered under this item. for measurement purpose any one of the following will be treated as separate unit. ds pump gland packing replacement / adjustment: a ) replacement / adjustment of the gland packing of the pump for arresting water leakage. ( one side or both side as required ) . trial run and adjustment of the glands. or ds pump coupling pin bush replacement : replacement of full set of pin bush will be taken as one unit. or cleaning of y strainer in ds line : removal of the y strainers from the system, cleaning it upto the satisfaction and re fitting at original position. or servicing of valves in ds line: a ) dismantling of solenoid v / v, replacement / repairing of defective parts and reassembling. or replacement of v bells ( full set ) : a ) removal of fan belt guard. removal of damaged v belts. shifting of new v belts and fixing on the v pulley. alignment of the pulleys. trial run and defect rectification. or replacement of ventilation fan air filter ( 01 no = 01 unit ) : a ) removal of air filter from system. b ) shifting of new / repaired air filter and installation. c ) drying of the filter and fixing back to its original location. d ) rectification of minor repair is for the filters if required, or greasing of fan / pump bearings ( both bearing ) or dust suppression system nozzles nipple fixing a ) nipple to be fabricated from ½ inch, medium duty pipe, length of nipple will be 3 to 4 inches. b ) removal of damaged nipple & fixing of new . c ) fixing of spray nozzle on the nipple. or cleaning of spray nozzles in dust suppression system : a ) removal of spray nozzles from the dust suppression system. dismantling of nozzles , cleaning and re fixing it at original position. b ) for payment purpose 05 nos. of nozzles or part thereof will be treated as one unit. 10.540 ) . ( fhdes01bd800 ) replacement of fire sprinklers / replacement of fire hydrant valve / repairing of fire hydrant valve any of the following work is covered under this item. for measurement purpose any one of the following will be treated as separate unit. replacement of fire sprinklers : a ) isolation of the sprinkler line from water side if required. removal of damaged sprinkler and fixing of new one. charging of the line with water and leakage arresting if any. or replacement of fire hydrant valve: a ) replacement of any fire hydrant valve in chp is covered under this. b ) shifting of new / repaired fire hydrant valve to site and replacement of the defective valve. c ) shifting of damaged fire hydrant valve to chp workshop. or repairing of fire hydrant valve: a ) dismantling of fire hydrant valve, replacement of defective parts and re assembling. b ) spares will be provided by kbunl free of cost. however, for rubber washer, it is to be cut from rubber sheet, supplied. 10.550 ) . ( fhmsl01bd000 ) water leakage arresting from pipe line / flange ( above ground ) leakage arresting includes welding / gasket replacement / pipe fitting replacement, if any. 10.560 ) . ( fhmsl01bd801 ) / ms piping ( dia<=6 ) repair water leakage arresting from pipe line / flange ( under ground ) a ) leakage arresting includes welding / gasket replacement / pipe fitting replacement, if any. b ) dewatering of the pit, if required. dewatering pump will be provided by kbunl free of cost, if available. c ) proper cleaning of pipe surface for welding at leakage area & leakage arresting through patch work or as per direction of area engr. d ) if more than one leakage is found in one digging, it will be treated as one unit. e ) underground pipes are at 1.5m depth ( approx. ) . f ) application of wrapping & coating on pipes / patches etc. all materials in the partys scope. . 10.570 ) . ( fhdep00gn624 ) ( deptt <> manpower gang ( adl ) ) maintenance jobs per shift ( shift maintenance ) : 1. contractor has to deploy 02 ( 1 welder + 1 fitter ) , and 2 helper and one rigger for chp mechanical maintenance in shift as and when asked by eic. 2. they will be deployed for emergent type of job which are mentioned below: 3.oil topping up in gear box / fluid coupling 4. removal & fixing of coupling guards 5. opening & closing of front & back doors of crushers. 6. assistance in changing of flap gate during path selection. 7. v belt replacement if required 8. adjustment / replacement of skirt rubber 9. belt scrapper replacement / adjustment 10. patching of chute puncture 11. belt training if required 12. removal / replacement of idlers if required 13. any job assigned by eic. 10.580 ) . misc. maint. work ( code: fhmsw00bd000 ) misc. maint. work defect liability period: 01 month. a ) .cat a ( completion period 04 hrs. ) 01. belt weight, counter weight adjustment 02 key preparing / key way repair 03 hydraulic jack repair. 04 canopy cover making & fixing. 05 back plate removal & fixing. 06 inspection door removal & fixing. 07. hold back removal & fixing. 08. wiper replacement & fixing. 09. pcrd / ccrd guide roller repair replacement ( per roller ) . 10. chute chocking removal. 11. limit switch / striker fixing / sr striker fixing . 12. oil topping / oil replacement ( 01 to 50 liters ) 13. removal of hold back engagement bolt ( per conveyor ) 14. cutting set / welding m / c. shifting / material shifting 15. breather plug and gauge glass cleaning / fixing ( per gearbox ) . 16. walk way step repair & fixing 17. hs coupling bolt and bush replacement ( per coupling ) . 18. fcu oil adjustment ( per fcu ) . 19. suspension bar locking per bar. 20. coupling bolt locking through welding per bolt ( ls ) . 21. inspection cover fixing. ( per chute ) 22. crusher door sealing per crusher. 23. bearing checking / greasing ( per bearing ) . 24. r.p.g opening and closing. 25. fixing / removal of zss. 26. coupling & decoupling of equipment’s. 27. pcrd / ccrd cable positioning. 28. rail fish plate bolt replacement. 29. take up wire rope greasing / lubricating compound. 30. flap gate actuator arm pin removal & fixing. 31. hose / pipe clamp fixing 32. bolt fixing in chute bolt hole. 33. belt training / belt swaying to be aligned. 34. o ring rubber chord to be provided in input / output shaft of gear box. 35. vs ‘v’ belt set replacement & alignment. 36. fastening of belt by belt fastener ( 02 fastener for a ) 37. vs upper deck and lower deck repairing 38. misc. belt related jobs 10.590 ) . misc. maint. work ( code: fhmsw00bd001 ) misc. maint. work defect liability period: 01 month. a ) .cat b ( completion period 06 hrs. ) 01. gear box / conveyor ls coupling bolt removal & fixing 02. winch m / c shifting & welding at location. 03. sealing belt tensioning ( per conveyor ) / bunker sealing ( per unit ) 04. hold back replacement. 05. l.s. coupling bolt replacement ( per bolt ) 06. crusher cooler servicing. 07. chute flange joint leakage sealing / arresting by welding. 08. inspection cover replacement. 09. crusher rotor locknut tightening. / cr. bearing lock nut tightening. ( per crusher ) 10. v.s. hinge bush block replacement. 11. tripper / sr crack & broken wheel repairing. 12 fcu multi disc replacement. 13. foreign material removal. 14. r.p.g gear box replacement. 15. elect. brake shoe / manual brake adjustment / repairing. 16. gear box inspection cover removal for internal inspection 17.welding of rail / conveyor short support / stringer post / ladder repair. 18. grill repairing. 19. fg shaft bolt replacement. 20. repair of rail crack by welding. 21. shaft repairing ( welding / grinding ) . 22. chute block switch positioning and repairing. 23. pcrd / ccrd hanger repairing of sr / mt etc. 24. motor / gear / tail pulley / head pulley etc canopy or guard / cover preparing & fixing 25. key way making. 26. key making for coupling. 10.600. code: fhwgt00pm002 02 weekly checks of wagon tippler ( completion period 08 hours ) a. checking / repairing of ls & hs coupling bolts. b. checking / repairing of gear box oil level. c. checking / repairing of structures ( ballast container , way bridge, rail table, etc. ) d. checking / repairing of pinions. e. checking / repairing of connecting shafts. f. checking / repairing of power lever. g. checking / repairing of spill plates &rollers. h. checking / repairing of civil foundations. i. checking / repairing of all plummer blocks. j. checking / repairing of bull gears. k. checking / repairing of splice joints of structures. l. checking / repairing of otls switch etc. m. checking / repairing / installation of brake shoes. n. greasing of bearings by grease gun. o. checking & repairing of load shell & weigh bridge. p. spill plate roller & bracket checking / repairing. 10.610 ) code: fhwgt00pm004 04 weekly checks of wagon tippler ( completion period 10 hours ) a. checking / repairing / replacement of ls & hs coupling bolts. b. checking / repairing of gear box oil level. c. checking / repairing of structures ( ballast container , way bridge, rail table, etc. ) d. checking / repairing of pinions. e. checking / repairing of connecting shafts. f. checking / repairing of pall lever. g. checking / repairing of spill plates &rollers. h. checking / repairing of civil foundations. i. checking / repairing of all plummer blocks. j. checking / repairing of bull gears. k. checking / repairing of splice joints of structures. l. checking / repairing of otls, cam switch etc. m. checking / repairing of brake shoes. n. greasing of bearings by grease gun. o. providing of servo coat 140 on pinion & bull gear. p. all points of 02 weekly checks. 10.620 ) code: fhwgt00pm012 12 weekly checks of wagon tippler ( completion period 10 hours ) a. checking / repairing / replacement of ls & hs coupling bolts. b. checking of gear box oil condition / replacement if required. c. checking / repairing / replacement ( partly ) if required. ( ballast container , way bridge, rail table, etc. ) d. checking of bearing clearances of pinions & replacement if required. e. checking / repairing / alignment of connecting shafts. f. checking / repairing / adjustment of pawl lever. g. checking / repairing / replacement of spill plates & rollers. h. checking / repairing of civil foundations. i. checking / repairing of all plumber blocks. j. checking / repairing / replacement of bull gears ( partially ) if required. k. checking / repairing of splice joints of structures. l. checking / repairing of otls, cam switch etc. m. checking / repairing of brake shoes. n. greasing of bearings by grease gun. o. all points of 02 weekly & 04 weekly checks. 10.630 ) . code: fhwgt00gn402 inspection of wagon tippler / calibration ( completion period 04 hours ) a. checking of ls & hs coupling bolts. b. checking of gear box oil level. c. checking of structures ( ballast container , way bridge rail table, etc. ) d. checking of pinions. e. checking of connecting shafts. f. checking of pawl lever. g. checking of spill plates & rollers. h. checking of civil foundations. i. checking of all plummer blocks. j. checking of bull gears. k. checking of splice joints of structures. l. checking of otls, cam switch etc. m. checking of brake shoes. n. checking of top stop clamps and side supports & rubber o. checking of photo sensor for operation. p. weigh bridge & load shell checking 10.640 . ( fhscc00gn402 ) crushers / vibrating screen ( <> ) inspection ( a ) . remove top cover of the secondary crusher to facilitate internal inspection & cleaning. ( b ) . replace missing / loose / broken fasteners of the breaker plate / cage screen / kick off plate / tramp iron tray / end disc liner etc. ( c ) . refix the same after work is over. or ( a ) .check the condition of support springs and do the necessary adjustment / replacement. ( b ) . check and rectify the defect in the tray and its structural members. ( c ) . check receiving and discharge chute liners and report. rectify minor repair in the coffin box. ( d ) . replace the worn out skirt rubber / dust curtain. ( e ) . any other minor work has to be carried out as per direction of eic. 10.650 fheoh00oh000 ( elec hoists ( <> ) serv ) a ) . placing the hoist at suitable position for maintenance and arrange proper approach for maintenance ( b ) . opening the housing drum cover of hoist. ( c ) . checking of gears / gear box internals. repair / replace as required. clean and grease all the gears ( d ) . checking, cleaning & lubricating the bearings. replace the bearings, if reqd. ( e ) . checking the rope drum & repair / replace the parts as required. lubricate the parts needing lubrication. ( f ) . checking the rope for any defect and broken strands, replace the rope if required. clean, lubricate the rope. ( g ) . checking the load hook block assembly. clean & grease the parts. attend the defect. also check the hook for any cracks / deformation. ( h ) . cleaning and greasing guide ring and retaining ring to ensure rotation / reeling. ( i ) . checking of all the bolts, nuts and tension bar ensuring proper tightness and good condition. ( j ) . check the travel wheel and its mechanism and repair / replace as required. ( k ) . take trial of hoist on both the ends. ensure proper mechanical stopper. also check the hoist operation by lowering / raising as per limit. ( l ) . ensure proper braking of hoist on no load as well on load both. ( m ) . checking of hoist for any other defect and rectify the same. 10.660 ( fhsai00gn869 ) self algn idlr ( <> ) servicing ( servicing of trainer idler / repair of carrying / return / impact idlers ) completion time 02 hours. defect liability period 03 months. for payment purpose repair of one idler or one self adjustable frame will be considered as one unit. ( i ) servicing of trainer idler ( a ) removal of self aligning troughing trainer & return side trainer complete assembly from its position. ( b ) over haul the pivot bearing & bush by cleaning the old grease with solvent / cleaning agent, and then regrease the bush / bearing. if required, replace the bearing. ( c ) separate cloth to be used for removing the old grease, and wiping off the solvent from the bearing to avoid contamination. ( d ) optimum grease to be used such that the pivot bush / bearing is properly lubricated. grease shall not be wasted by overfilling in the housing. ( e ) re fix the complete frame back in its position, and properly tighten the bolts. if the bolts are damaged, or missing, then new bolts are to be fixed so that the frame is properly secured. ( f ) grease, bush / bearing & fasteners shall be provided by ntpc. rest all the materials & tools for cleaning to be provided by the contractor. ( g ) after complete servicing of the self adjusting idlers, clean the deposited coal on the surface of remaining rollers by soft hammering and poking. ( h ) if required, rollers are to be removed from the frames for cleaning, coal to be cleaned from the frame slots, and near bearing housing & then fixed back. ( i ) if required, also check the rollers of the assembly for their freeness, and if jammed or damaged, rollers shall be replaced. payment for roller replacement shall be made separately. ( ii ) repair of carrying / return / impact idlers ( a ) . shift damaged rollers from site or wherever dumped to work location. ( b ) . dismantle roller internals like seals, bearings, and shaft etc. ( c ) . clean roller internal properly. ( d ) . select roller shells in good condition. ( e ) . repair damaged shaft by cutting / welding / grinding. ( f ) . assembly of roller with new / good condition bearings, seals, bushes and circlips and check freeness. ( g ) . apply one coat of red oxide primer over the roller surface and put serial number on the same. total quantity :...

Department Of Heavy Industry - Bihar

42535101 bids are invited for lhp ghp 1 conveyor system as per technical specification , lhp ghp 2 complete truck tippler as per technical specification , lhp ghp 3 box feeder or surface feeder or bulk material receiving unit guaranteed capacity 200tph as per technical specification , lhp ghp 4 inline magnetic separators as per technical specification , lhp ghp 5 metal detectors as per technical specification , lhp ghp 6 suspended magnet as per technical specification , lhp ghp 7 belt weighers as per technical specification , lhp ghp 8 rod gates as per technical specification , lhp ghp 9 rack and pinion gates with actuators as per technical specification , lhp ghp 10 vibrating screening feeders before crusher with solid deck with all electricals and c and i as per technical specification , lhp ghp 11 hammer mill type crusher with drives for limestone as per technical specification , lhp ghp 12 complete belt feeders lbf 1, 2 as per technical specification , lhp ghp 13 limestone bucket elevator as per technical specification , lhp ghp 14 v type plough diverter including all electricals as per technical specification , lhp ghp 15 rod gates including all the supporting accessories below limestone storage silo as per technical specification , lhp ghp 16 rack and pinion gates with actuators below limestone storage silo as per technical specification , lhp ghp 17 vibro feeder including all the support accessories and electrical items below limestone storage silo as per technical specification , lhp ghp 18 complete reversible belt feeders including supply of belt on day silo building with all electricals and c and i as per technical specification , lhp ghp 19 lime stone sampling unit consisting of all the electrical items and supporting accessories as per technical specification , lhp ghp 20 rope and sheave type passenger cum goods elevator of capacity 1088kg as per technical specification , lhp ghp 21 weigh bridge 100 mt cap including all electrical lhp ghp 21 weigh bridge 100 mt cap including all electrical items and supporting accessories for limestone and gypsum handling system as per technical specification , lhp ghp 22 complete chute work including saddles, chute support structures etc., as per technical specification , lhp ghp 23 complete travelling tripper as per technical specification , lhp ghp 24 belt sealing arrangement including belt, fixtures and all supporting accessories as per technical specification , lhp ghp 25 flap gates with actuators, electrical items and supporting accessories as per technical specification , lhp ghp 26 dry type dust extraction system for all transfer points, crusher house, storage silos, truck unloading area as per technical specification , lhp ghp 27 complete plain water dust suppression system for gypsum shed as per technical specification , lhp ghp 28 complete service water system for lhp and ghp as per technical specification , lhp ghp 29 complete drinking water system for lhp and ghp as per technical specification , lhp ghp 30 exhaust ventilation for gypsum shed, tripper floor, storage silo top etc. as per technical specification , lhp ghp 31 complete air conditioning system for buildings as per technical specification , lhp ghp 32 electrical hoist with all electricals and c and i as per technical specification , lhp ghp 33 manual hoist with travelling trolley and chain pulley blocks as per technical specification , lhp ghp 34 sump pump complete with motors, local control panel, level switches, individual discharge piping with fittings and valves etc. as per technical specification , lhp ghp 35 belt vulcanizing machine including all electrical items as per technical specification , lhp ghp 36 telescopic chute with all electricals as per technical specification , lhp ghp 37 complete electrical and c and i items as per electrical scope as per technical specification , lhp ghp 38 mandatory spares as per annexure a , b as per technical specification , lhp ghp 39 construction of stores as per technical specification , lhp ghp 40 operation and maintenance as per technical specification , freight total quantity : 180...

Bharatiya Rail Bijlee Company Limited - Bihar

40281742 procurement of spares of sump pump for chp , vg 65 / 430+arl:bearing bed , vg 65 / 430+arl:motor mounting stool , vo65 / 430+ars / arl:coupling nut , 6md100 / 250:key coupling , vg 65 / 430+arl:lock nut , vg 65 / 430+arl:lock washer , vg 65 / 430+arl:oil seal , vg 80 / 340+ars:grease nipple , vg+arl:80 / 460:lock plate , vg 65 / 430+arl:bearing cap , vg 65 / 430+arl:bearing housing , vg 80 / 340+ars:grease cover , vg+arl:80 / 460:seal plate , vg 65 / 430+arl:gland housing , vg 65 / 430+arl:gland packing , vg 100 / 400+tch+n:grease plug , vg 65 / 430+arl:base plate , vg 65 / 430+arl:single shaft , vg 65 / 430+arl:single column pipe , vg 65 / 430+arl:delivery pipe assy , vo100 / 500+tps:suction spool , vg 65 / 430+arl:strainer , vo65 / 430+ars / arl:volute casing , vg 65 / 430+arl:impeller nut , vg 65 / 430+arl:bush housing , vg 65 / 430+arl:labyrinth , vg 65 / 430+arl:gasket , ar100 / 400n:o ring set , vg 65 / 430+arl:coupling set => limited...

Indian Oil Corporation Limited - Bihar

40066761 bids are invited for supply of self priming trolley mounted monoblock pump motor set as per specification for dewatering (q3) , self priming air operated sump pump (complete pump) for dewatering purpose (q3) total quantity : 8...

Indian Oil Corporation Limited - Bihar

30441059 bso engg providing sewage treatment plant ( stp ) , water treatment equipment and supply pumps for our new green office building of bihar state office patna stp & water treatment equipment and supply pump 2 section 1 : sewage treatment plant 3 mbbr based ( moving bed bio reactor follwed by ultrafiltration ) 4 design, supplying, installing, testing & commissioning of sewagetreatment plant of45 kld 5 the contractors scope of work shall also include following: 6 process flow sheet 7 hydraulic profile 8 layout of plant room within given space ( refer attached drawing ) . 9 basic and detailed drawings of structures. 10 equipment, piping, and electrical specifications. 11 piping and electrical & instrumentation drawings. 12 preparation of project report for submission to pollution controlboard and statutory authority and obtaining approvals. 13 all civil works ( including ga and rcc details ) as per of civil scope. [ civil work will be in scope of civil contractor ] 14 fabrication required in plant. 15 supply and installation of all electro mechanicals as per the scope. 16 erection and commissioning of plant. 17 performance guarantee & warrantees. 18 training of employer’s personnel for operation of the plant. 19 manual on operation and maintenance of the plant. 20 operation and maintenance of stp for two years after successful commissioning of the plant. 21 inlet sewage characterstics 22 flow rate 45 kl / day 23 ph 6.0 – 8.5 24 bod 250 350 mg / l 25 s. solids 200 300 mg / l 26 cod 400 600 mg / l 27 oil & grease 15 20 mg / l 28 tkn 35 40 mg / l 29 phospate 10 mg / l 30 note: plant should be able to operate at lower range of above parameters. 31 effluent discharge standard after treatment 32 ph 6.0 – 7.5 33 bod less than 10 mg / l 34 s. solids less than or equal to 20 mg / l 35 cod less than or equal to 50 mg / l 36 oil & grease less than or equal to 1 mg / l 37 turbidity less than 1 ntu 38 total nitrogen less than 10 mg / l as n 39 total phosphorous less than 2 mg / l as pcb 40 note: ensuring that the above parameters are within the statutory compliance limit is the responsibility of the stp contractor. 41 sewage treatment plant shall include the following stp tanks: 42 screen chamber 43 oil & grease chamber 44 equalization tank / sump 45 anoxic tank 46 mbbr tank ( 2 no. ) 47 tube settler tank 48 filter feed tank 49 clear water tank ( primary treated water ) 50 flushing water tank 51 sludge holding tank 52 soft water tank 53 sludge holding tank 54 note: contractor shall ensure submission of detailed ga drawings ( plan & section ) , p & i diagram, schematic diagram for the mentioned component in soq and additional component if so required for the complete working of the stp and got it approved by the owner’s architect / project manager / consultants. 55 tanks in civil are tentative and that need to be varified by the vendor before quoting and after comming on the board it shall be stp vendors resposibility any changes required at site and shall be in done by stp contractor. location, size and dimesional detail shall be provided by the stp vendor in the shop drawing. 56 all manhole covers shall be double seal medium duty ci alongwith frame and lockable arrangement and shall be in scope of civil contractor. location and other relevant details of the same shall be provided by the stp vendor in the shop drawing. 57 the sewage treatment plant shall comprise of following: 58 pretreatment devices and plant accessories 59 supply, installation, testing & commissioning of 300 mm x 600 mm high stainless steel construction coarse screen ( including one standby ) with lifting arrangement.the perforation in the screen shall be 8 mm. 60 supply of ms hot dip galvanized puddle flanges in accordance to bs:10 table d as required to be provided ( in the structural slab and wall ) of various diameters. puddle flanges shall be provided for all the structural component of the stp. the installation of the puddle flanges shall be carried out by the civil contractor in accordance to the civil ga drawing ( to be prepared by the stp contractor ) at the required levels& position; under the supervision of the stp contractor 61 supply of plastic step / foot rest ( @ 300 mm c / c ) with polypropelene compound injection molded around 12 mm dia ( fe 415 ) steel reinforcing bar. provision of the foot rest is envisaged in various tanks / components of the stp for the purpose of accessability. the installation of the foot rest shall be done by the civil contractor as per civil ga drawing 62 supply, installation, testing & commissioning of cilight duty / msep rectangular manhole cover with frame for the feasibility of access in the tank 63 size : 600 x 900 weight as per mfg. stds. 64 supply of vent pipes of 100 mm dia vent pipe with mosquito proof grating for treated water tank suitable for the ventilation purpose of the various tanks 65 supply, installation, testing & commissioning of electronic type level controller for automatic operation of the system with high / low level alarm complete with auxillary no / nc contacts for ( to be provided for all the tanks and plant room sump ) 66 supply, installation, testing & commissioning of sight tube ( of 3.5 to 4.5 m length ) with isolation valve at top / bottom, demarcation on tube & for making the installation complete for treated water tanks. 67 supply of submersible mixer for mixing in anoxic tank: 68 moc: pp / ss blades with ci / ss casing 69 mechanical equipment: pumps, blowers etc. 70 supply, installation, testing & commissioning of non clogging type pumps capable of handling solids upto 35 mm having ci casing & ci impeller complete with all accessories, motor of required capacity. delivery header with isolation valve, pressure gauge on delivery line with isolation cock, level controller as per item no. 1.7 along with control panel ( with wiring ) to control the level of sump automatically. pumpsshall have following duty: the provsion of local push button near the pumps should be considered. 71 submersible sewage pumps ( non cutter type ) for transfer of raw sewage in eqt ( 1 working & 1 standby ) : 72 flow rate ( each ) = 3 m3 / hr 73 head =8 10m 74 solid handling size for this pump = 20mm 75 submersible sewage pumps ( non cutter type ) for transfer of stp plant room sump tank ( 1 working + 1 standby ) 76 flow rate ( each ) = 3.0 m3 / hr 77 head =12 15 m 78 solid handling size for this pump = 20 mm 79 cost shall be inclusive of pvcflexible hose pipe ( for piping submreged in effluent ) with pvc / gipiping ( for piping non submerged in effluent ) 80 provision of guide ropes to guide submersible pump from upper level to operational level in sump basin with channels / angle section shall be made by the stp contractor. ( if required ) 81 air diffusionsystemshall include the following: 82 air blower for equilisation , sludge tank & aeration tank : air blowers of suitable hp suitable for 415 ± 10% volts, 3 phase, 50 cycles a / c supply. numbers & capacity as per requirement with standby to be specified by vendor. capacity: 100 m3 / hr @ 0.4 kg / cm2 qty ( 1w+1s ) 83 air piping shall comprise of pvc pipedroppers / laterals with gi header complete with all fittings such as valves, nrv, strainer, tees, crosses, plugs, sockets, elbows, reducers, supports & clamps, puddle flanges etc. contactor to submit detailed p & i indicating their proposal. 84 non clog, self cleaning type air dispersion system capable of handling 3 5 cfm of air with oxygen transfer efficiency of3 4% per / meter water depth. air dispersion grid shall be assembled in modular form so that they can be replaced / repaired easily from plat form at the top. ( imported fine bubble membrane diffusers ) . 85 supply, installation, testing & commissioning of mbbr media consisting of virgin pe / pp carrier modules with surface not less than 400 m2 / m3. the media qty. shall be calculated based on 6 12 gm / m2 area. also supply and fixing of tube deck media of reputed make with suitable quantity. the surface area of tube deck shall be 11 m2 / m3 and the quantity will be based on max 2.0 m / h velocity. 86 note: contractor shall consider the media as required for the stp and include in his quote. 87 bronze ball valve and air dispersion grid as required for stp as described above. 88 note : air dispersion system shall be provided for equalization tank, anoxic tank, mbbr tanks and sludge holding tank. 89 providing and fixing all piping ( as described below ) and isolation control valves for making the system complete. 90 ms: exposed air pipe, frontal pipe for vessels 91 upvc piping: waste water pipe, submerged pipe, interconnecting pipe line afterdelivery header of pumps, tank overflow pipe etc. 92 providing, fixing, testing and commissioning of single stage, horizontal, centrifugal, 2 pole, 50 hz, ac, monoblock pumps ( as per is : 9079 ) incorporating c.i. casing and frame, stainless steel shaft, bronze / ss impeller, tefc induction motor directly coupled to the pump, ip44 protection, class b insulated, c.i. body, hydraulically and dynamically balanced to give vibration free operation, with mechanical seal arrangement, fixed on a base plate with suitable vibration eliminator pads complete with level controller, pressure switch , necessary wiring / cabling ( from tank to pumps & panel ) , pressure gauge, valves, vibration eliminators on the delivery side and strainer on suction side, including non return valve and isolating valves on suction and delivering sides as required, including suction, delivery headers and interconnecting piping ( upvc ) complete in all respects. 93 capacity : 6.0 m3 / h 94 head : 30 35 m 95 rpm : 2900 96 ( 1 working + 1 standby ) 97 ( filter feed pumps ) 98 capacity : 5.0 m3 / h 99 head : 70 m 100 rpm : 2900 101 ( 1 working + 1 standby ) 102 ( flushing water transfer pumps ) 103 capacity : 7 m3 / h 104 head : 35 m 105 rpm : 2900 106 ( 1 working + 1 standby ) 107 ( softner feed pumps ) 108 capacity : 10.0 m3 / h 109 head : 70 m 110 rpm : 2900 111 ( 1 working + 1 standby ) 112 ( soft water transfer pumps ) 113 capacity : 3.0 m3 / h 114 head : 25 30 m 115 rpm : 2900 116 ( 1 working + 1 standby ) 117 ( irrigation pumps ) 118 supplying, installation, testing and commissioning of horizontal centrifugal sludge recirculation pumps for tank coupled with motor of capacity 3.375 m3 / h at 6 to 8 m head of c.i. parts and mechanical seal complete with isolation and non return valves. ( 1 working + 1 standby ) 119 supply, installation, testing & commissioning of vertical self supporting multigrade sand filter in frp / grp construction ( the filter shall be designed for a tested presure of min. 5.5 kg / cm2 ) pressuregaugesatinlet&outlet, sample cock, upvc / cpvc face piping, automatic mpv along with prvision for manual multiport valve andallaccessories, withinitialchargeoffiltermediafor multigrade & activated carbon filter, testing and commissioning complete 120 multi grade filter 121 capacity / flow rate:6.0 m3 / hr 122 design velocity:15 m / hr 123 operating pressure :3.0 to 3.5 kg / 124 test pressure:5.5 kg / 125 suggested dia meter : 700mm ø 126 moc: frp / grp ( filament winded ) 127 activated carbon filter 128 capacity / flow rate:6.0 m3 / hr 129 design velocity:15 m / hr 130 operating pressure :3.0 kg / 131 test pressure:5.5 kg / 132 suggested dia meter : 700mm ø 133 activated carbon :i / vshould be 600 134 moc: frp / grp ( filament winded ) 135 softener 136 supply, installation, testing and commissioning of water softening plant. the water softener vessel in frp / grp construction ( the filter shall be designed for a tested presure of min. 5.5 kg / cm2 ) pressuregaugesatinlet&outlet, sample cock, upvc / cpvc face piping, automatic mpv along with prvision for manual multiport valve andallaccessories, withinitialchargeofion exchange resin. the inner distribution system and the under bed draw off system shall be of hub & lateral type with top & bottom strainers of . softener shall be supplied with initial charge resin with supporting media like silex, gravel etc. outlet fitting complete along with regeneration assembly comprising of ejector, brine suction valve and all associated pipe work. 137 the brine tank shall be provided with salt saturation arrangement including suitable hdpe brine tank of300 liters / as per design capacity complete including piping, cpvc / upvc valves and accessories of required size. 138 softener size: 139 flow rate : 7 m3 / hr 140 input hardness considered 600 ppm ( considered ) 141 output hardness less than 50 ppm 142 moc frp / grp ( filament winded ) 143 obr 50 kl 144 operating pressure 3.0 kg / 145 test pressure 5.5 kg / 146 size: 700 mm dia x 1800 mm hos with 500 liters resin 147 supplying, installing, testing and commissioning of dosing system consisting of one hdpe tank of 100 litres capacity with a positive displacement diaphragm dosing pump having variable flowrate of 0 6 lph. the motor shall be suitable for operation at 240 v / single phase / 50 hz. supply. the pump shall be supplied complete with necessary polypropylene piping, valves, strainers, low level switch andinjection fittings. the pump shall be speed & stroke control. 148 providing, installing, testing and commissioning ofskid mounted ultra filtration ( uf ) system for further polishing treated effluent and capable of producing 8 m3 / hour of polished water meeting the requirements. the system shall be complete with uf feed pumps ( 1w+1s ) , backwash cum cip pumps ( 1w+1s ) , cartridge filter, uf membranes flushing / cleaning system, complete instrumentation for automation and monitoring, rotameters, pressure gauges, interconnecting pipework, electrical cabling and switchgear, all complete as described in scope of work enclosed herewith.note: the process and the control system of ultra filtration ( uf ) package shall be in complete conformity of the uf membrane manufacturer. the complete system of ultra filtration including its skid, mmembrane, piping, pumps, automation valves must be factory assembled by the approved system makes only. 149 supplying, installing, testing & commissioning of ultravoilet dis infection unit. the unit shall have over 99.9 % bacterial reduction from inlet to outlet. the dis infection chamber shall be constructed of ss 316l on all welted parts. the uv lamp shall be of low pressure mercury vapour type with hard glass enclosure, the sockets shall be water tight & vibration resistant. the lamp life shall be rated for 6000 hours. the unit shall be complete with temperature safety control, lamp out alert circuit & uv radiometer with 4 – 20 ma output. 150 the uv unit shall have with reactor, cabinet housing, cabinet cooling, treatment chamber, electrical panel, temperature safety control, lampout alert and uv monitoring readout panel.the uv dosage should be > 60, 000 uw – sec / the lamps should be selected based upon the flow requirement of respective unit. 151 flow rate : 3 m3 / hour [ at outlet of irrigation water transfer pumps ] 152 flow rate : 5 m3 / hour [ at outlet of flushing water transfer pumps ] 153 flow rate : 10 m3 / hour [ at outlet of soft water transfer pumps ] 154 supply , installation , testing and commissioning of hydraulic filter press of size 12 x 12 with 7 no of plates with 1 set ( 1 working + 1 standby ) of screw pumps to feed to filter press as per the complete set as per the vender specification 155 supply of microprocessor based electo magnetic flow meter for total plant capacity of 45 kld with pulsed dc excitation having automatic zero correction with bi directional flow measurement , compact instrument version with measuring sensor ( primary ) and amplifier integrated in one mechanical unit ( suitable for required flow range, inlet / outlet connections, ip 67 protection, measuring pipe material ss 304, electrode material ss 316 with 16 character x 2 lines lcd alphanumeric display for flow rate, totalizer, diagnostic message, flow alarms with high & low flow programmable throught the range. ) with all accessories for inlet flow measurement before screen chamber. 156 supply, installation, testing & commissioning of digital turbine type water meter with sensor for treated water monitoring 157 flow rate : 3 m3 / hour [ at outlet of irrigation water transfer pumps ] 158 flow rate : 5 m3 / hour [ at outlet of flushing water transfer pumps ] 159 flow rate : 10 m3 / hour [ at outlet of soft water transfer pumps ] 160 approval from pollution board including consent to operate at initial & various other stages of works including preparation of report / drawings as per pollution board requirement, arrangement of raw sewage. contractor shall include the cost of all chemicals consumed and the cost of such items of works which are not explicitly mentioned above, but are mandatory to have pollution board approval. 161 bypass arrangement from equalization tank to municipal sewer includingfittings, isolation valves / nrv / accessories within the plant room at the discharge of the sewahe bye pass pump upto discharge header. 162 providing & fixing of online monitoring system comprising of following : 163 measuring range: as required 164 method: uv / visible different optical absorption spectroscopy, wave length range 200 800 nm. 165 technology : uv visible spectroscopy 166 sample flow: 0 5 lpm 167 power: 230v ac, 30 w 168 range ( cod ) : 0~5~200 mg / l 169 interval: 60 sec 170 probe depth: < 10 m 171 working temp: 5 deg cel ~ 45 deg cel 172 auto cleaning: yes 173 probe weight: 5 kg 174 power supply: 12 24vdc ( + / 10% ) 175 sample temperature: plus 2… 40 deg cel 176 ambient temperature: plus 2… 40 deg cel 177 inflow velocity:0.1 10 m / s 178 mild steel fabrication works for various sections like operating platforms, stairs & ladders, base frame of tube settler media ( including frp / resin coat ) supporting strcutures within the stp plant room required for the stp piping supports / cable tray supports. all ms fabricated structures must be properly painted with epoxy or rubber coats for corrotion protection after having put 2 coats of redoxide primer. 179 electrical installation for stp 180 design, fabrication, assembling, wiring, supply, installation, testing and commissioning of motor control center fabricated out of 14 gauge crca sheet steel. cable gland plates shall be provided on top as well as at the bottom of the panels. panels shall be treated with all anticorrosive process before painting as per specifications with 2 coats of red oxide primer and final approved shade of powder coated paint. 2 nos. earthing terminals shall be provided for 3 phase, 4 wire, 50 hz supply system. lifting hooks shall also be provided in case of large panels. approval shall be taken for each panel before fabrication. quoted rates shall be inclusive of cables, ( in accordance to cable trays specification ) with earthing from panel to each motor / equipment. 181 motor control centre : 182 incoming 183 63 amps tpn mccb with the following accessories: 184 0 500 volts 96 x 96 mm square electronic voltmeter with selector switch shall be protected by2 amps tp mcb.1 set 185 0 60 amps 96 x 96 mm square electronic ammeter with selector switch and 100. / 5 amps 10 va cl:1 cts. 1 set 186 phase indicating lamps shall be protected by 2 amp sp mcb 3 sets 187 1 set of on / off indication lamps 188 bus bar 189 100 amps tpn aluminum bus bar with heat shrinkable insulation sleeves. 190 outgoing 191 a. 2 nos. suitable rating mpcb for 0.75 kw dol starter and outgoing feeder to raw sewage transfer pumps motor ( including 1nos. standby ) .each compartment shall contain auto / manual selector swtich and indicating / pushbutton lamps with mcb for on / off / trip of motor. 192 b. 2 nos. suitable rating mpcb for 0.75 kw dol starter and outgoing feeder to plant room sump pumps motor ( including 1nos. standby ) .each compartment shall contain auto / manual selector swtich and indicating / pushbutton lamps with mcb for on / off / trip of motor. 193 c. 2 nos. suitable rating mpcb for 3.75 kw direct on line starterand outgoing feeder to air blowers ( including 1 no. standby ) . each compartment shall contain auto / manual selector switch andindicating lamps with mcb’s for ‘on / off / trip status of motor. 194 d. 2 nos. suitable rating mpcb for 0.375 kw direct on line starter and outgoing feeders to sludge recirculation pumps ( including 1 no. standby ) . compartment shall contain auto / manual selector switch andindicating lamps with mcb’s for‘on / off / trip’ status of motor. 195 e. 2 nos. suitable rating mpcb fornos. 1.1 kw direct on line starter and outgoing feeders to filter feed pumps ( including 1 no. standby ) . each compartment shall contain auto / manual selector switch and indicating lamps with mcb for ‘on / off / trip’ status of motor. 196 f. 2 nos. suitable rating mpcb fornos. 1.1 kw direct on line starter and outgoing feeders to softener feed pumps ( including 1 no. standby ) . each compartment shall contain auto / manual selector switch and indicating lamps with mcb for ‘on / off / trip’ status of motor. 197 g. 2 nos. suitable rating mpcb fornos. 1.1 kw direct on line starter and outgoing feeders to uf feed pumps ( including 1 no. standby ) . each compartment shall contain auto / manual selector switch and indicating lamps with mcb for ‘on / off / trip’ status of motor. 198 h. 2 nos. suitable rating mpcb fornos. 2.2 kw direct on line starter and outgoing feeders to uf backwasg cum cip pumps ( including 1 no. standby ) . each compartment shall contain auto / manual selector switch and indicating lamps with mcb for ‘on / off / trip’ status of motor. 199 i.2 nos. suitable rating mpcb fornos. 1.1 kw direct on line starter and outgoing feeders to irrigation water transfer pump ( including 1 no. standby ) . each compartment shall contain auto / manual selector switch and indicating lamps with mcb for ‘on / off / trip’ status of motor 200 j.2 nos. suitable rating mpcb fornos. 2.2 kw direct on line starter and outgoing feeders to flushing water transfer pump ( including 1 no. standby ) . each compartment shall contain auto / manual selector switch and indicating lamps with mcb for ‘on / off / trip’ status of motor 201 k.2 nos. suitable rating mpcb fornos. 3.0 kw direct on line starter and outgoing feeders to soft water transfer pump ( including 1 no. standby ) . each compartment shall contain auto / manual selector switch and indicating lamps with mcb for ‘on / off / trip’ status of motor 202 l.2 nos. suitable rating mpcb fornos. 0.75 kw direct on line starter and outgoing feeders to screw pumps ( including 1 no. standby ) . each compartment shall contain auto / manual selector switch and indicating lamps with mcb for ‘on / off / trip’ status of motor 203 m. supply for dosing pumps, uvs, necessary cable alleys, internal / cabling, wiring, cabling from mcc to various pumps / equipment and interlocking, gi cable trays earthing for all equipment shall also included. 204 all mccbs / mcbs shall be of 25 kabreaking capacity and suitable for motor duty application. 205 all motor starters shall be provided with automatic level controller. 206 provision shall be made for providing potential free contacts to all pumps starters 207 note: ratings of all starters may vary as per actual selection of equipment & should be approved by consultant before manufacturing 208 mcc – 1 for stp as described above 209 section 2 : water treatement equipment & supply pumps 210 providing, fixing, testing and commissioning of single stage, horizontal, centrifugal, 2 pole, 50 hz, ac, monoblock pumps ( as per is : 9079 ) incorporating c.i. casing and frame, stainless steel shaft, bronze / ss impeller, tefc induction motor directly coupled to the pump, ip44 protection, class b insulated, c.i. body, hydraulically and dynamically balanced to give vibration free operation, with mechanical seal arrangement, fixed on a base plate with suitable vibration eliminator pads complete with level controller, pressure switch , necessary wiring / cabling ( from tank to pumps & panel ) , pressure gauge, valves, vibration eliminators on the delivery side and strainer on suction side, including non return valve and isolating valves on suction and delivering sides as required, including suction, delivery headers and interconnecting piping ( g.i. heavy class ) complete in all respects. 211 capacity : 7.5 m3 / h 212 head : 70 m 213 rpm : 2900 214 ( 1 working + 1 standby ) 215 ( domesticwater transfer pumps ) 216 submersiable pump 217 supply, installation, testing and commissioning of continuous duty submersible centrifugal non clogging drainage pumps complete with 3 phase motor with all necessary protection and mechanical seal etc. complete with all ancillaries including float type level controllers, electrical control panels fabricatd from 14 gauge crca sheet volt meter ammeter with selector switch, tpmcb, 5 va cl : cts, phase indicating lamps protected by 2 amp sp mcb, dol starter, necessary wiring, cable alleys, earthing, interlocking, starter with automatic float type level controller, providion of high level alarm, sequence timer, potential free contact to starter for connection to bas, both pumps may run simultaneously at pre determind level. the submersible sump pump shall be provided with guide wire for lifting and lowering pump, m.s. galvanized lifting chain, duck foot bend. ( 1working + 1standby ) 218 vendor to submit proposed pump model with duty curve. 219 flow rate: 15 lps each 220 head: 15 20 mts 221 solid handling : 30 40 mm 222 location : basment 223 purpose : drainage basment 224 moc:ss body ss impeller & shaft 225 flow rate: 10 lps each 226 head: 15 20 mts 227 solid handling : 20 30 mm 228 location : basment 229 purpose :plant room 230 moc:ss body ss impeller & shaft 231 flow rate: 2 lps with cutterpump 232 head: 15 20 mts 233 location : basment 234 purpose : basement toilet sewage pump 235 moc:ci body bronze impeller & shaft 236 providing, fixing, testing and commissioning of single stage, horizontal, centrifugal, 2 pole, 50 hz, ac, monoblockpumps ( as per is : 9079 ) incorporating c.i. casing and frame, stainless steel shaft, bronze / ss impeller, tefc induction motor directly coupled to the pump, ip44 protection, class b insulated, c.i. body, hydraulically and dynamically balanced to give vibration free operation, with mechanical seal arrangement, fixed on a base plate with suitable vibration eliminator pads complete with level controller, necessary wiring ( from tank to pumps & panel ) , pressure gauge on the delivery side and strainer on suction side, including non return valve and isolating valves on suction and delivering sides as required, including suction and delivery headers complete in all respects. 237 filter feed pump ( 1 working + 1 standby ) 238 flow rate ( each ) =3.75 m3 / hr 239 head =30 35 m 240 purpose : raw to domestic 241 location : plumbing plant room 242 filter feed pump ( 1 working + 1 standby ) 243 flow rate ( each ) =3.75 m3 / hr 244 head =30 35 m 245 purpose : rain waterto raw 246 location : plumbing plant room 247 supply, installation & testing and commissioning of vertical floor mounted filterof suitable size, provided with an inlet distributor. the vessel material of m.s with frp lining / epoxy coating with g.i. frontal piping , inter connection, suction & delivery header and valves ( c.i. ) , back wash system & filter media etc. complete with standard fittings like access cover, pressure gauge at inlet & outlet, sampling cock, rinse drain valve, air vent valve with piping, bolts, nuts & rubber gaskets. 248 note: all the frontal piping, valves and their fitting should be designed on 1.5m / s velocity 249 multi grade filter 250 capacity / flow rate:3.75 m3 / hr 251 filteration rate : 18000 l / sqm / hr 252 operating pressure :3.0 kg / 253 test pressure:5.5 kg / 254 purpose : raw to domestic 255 moc m.s. with frp linning 256 activated carbon filter 257 capacity / flow rate:3.75 m3 / hr 258 filteration rate : 15000 l / sqm / hr 259 operating pressure :3.0 kg / 260 test pressure:5.5 kg / 261 purpose : raw to domestic 262 moc m.s. with frp linning 263 multi grade filter 264 capacity / flow rate:3.75 m3 / hr 265 filteration rate : 18000 l / sqm / hr 266 operating pressure :3.0 kg / 267 test pressure:5.5 kg / 268 purpose : rain waterto domestic 269 moc m.s. with frp linning 270 softener 271 supply, installation, testing and commissioning of water softening plant. the water softener vessel shall be constructed of m.s material with epoxy coating. the inner distribution system and the under bed draw off system shall be of hub & lateral type / riser tube with top & bottom strainers of . softener shall be supplied with initial charge resin with supporting media like silex, gravel etc. the softener shall be complete with pressure gauge at inlet & outlet, sample cock, g.i face piping / interconnected piping, multiport valve ( control valve ) . overflow & drain, outlet fitting complete regeneration assembly comprising of power valve, ejector, brine suction valve and all associated pipe work. a density meter for brine shall be included. 272 salt saturation arrangement: 273 the brine tank shall be provided with salt saturation arrangement including suitable hdpe brine tank of 2 regeneration capacity complete with resins of approved quality and make complete with bypass arrangement including piping, ci valves ( 3 nos. ) and accessories of required size. 274 plant sizes: 275 capacity / flow rate 3.75 m3 / hr 276 input hardness considered 600 ppm ( considered ) 277 output hardness less than 150 ppm 278 moc ms with epoxy 279 obr 30 kl 280 operating pressure 3.0 kg / 281 purpose : rain waterto domestic 282 test pressure 5.5 kg / 283 supplying, installing, testing and commissioning of dosing system ( for domestic water treatment plant ) consisting of one hdpe tank of 100 litres capacity with a positive displacement diaphragm dosing pump having variable flowrate of 0 6 lph. the motor shall be suitable for operation at 240 v / single phase / 50 hz. supply. the pump shall be supplied complete with necessary polypropylene piping, valves, strainers, low level switch andinjection fittings. the pump shall be speed & stroke control. 284 electrical installation 285 fabrication, wiring, supply of motor control centre shall be fabricated out of 14 gauge crca sheet steel in form in 3b formation with reinforcement of suitable size angle iron, channel ‘t’ sections irons and / or flats wherever necessary. cable gland plates shall be provided on top as well as at the bottom of the panels. panels shall be treated with all anticorrosive process before painting as per specifications with 2 coats of red oxide primer and final approved shade of powder coated paint. 2 nos. earthing terminals shall be provided for 3 phase, 4 wire, 50 hz supply system. lifting hooks shall also be provided in case of large panels. approval shall be taken for each panel before fabrication. cadmium plated hardware shall be used in fabrication of panels. quoted rates shall inclusive of cables, cable trays, control cabling, earthing ( in accordance to specification ) with earthing from panel to each motor / equipment. 286 mcc –1 for plumbing system 287 incoming 288 100 amps tpn mccb with the following accessories: 289 a. 0 500 volts 96 x 96 mm squarevoltmeter with selector switch protected by2 amps tp mcb. 1 set 290 b. 0 100 amps 96 x 96 mm square ammeter with selector switch and 160 / 5 amps 10 va cl:1 cts. 1 set 291 c. phase indicating lamps protected by 2 amp sp mcb 3 set 292 bus bar 293 160 amps tpn ( 25 ka ) aluminium bus bar with heat shrinkable insulation sleeves. 294 outgoings 295 a.2 nos. suitable rating mpcb fornos. 3.0kw direct on line starter and outgoing feeders to domestic watertranfer pump ( including 1 no. standby ) . each compartment shall contain auto / manual selector switch and indicating lamps with mcb for ‘on / off / trip’ status of motor 296 b. 2 nos. suitable rating mpcb for 1.5 kw dol starter and outgoing feeder to filter feed pump motor ( including 1 nos. standby ) .each compartment shall contain vaf meter, auto / manual selector swtich and indicating / pushbutton lamps with mcb for on / off / trip of motor. ( raw to domestic ) 297 c. 2 nos. suitable rating mpcb for 1.5 kw dol starter and outgoing feeder to filter feed pump motor ( including 1 nos. standby ) .each compartment shall contain vaf meter, auto / manual selector swtich and indicating / pushbutton lamps with mcb for on / off / trip of motor. ( rain water to raw ) 298 d.2 no. suitable mccb for 5.0 kw outgoing feeders to borewell starter panel. each compartment shall contain vaf meter, auto / manual selector switch and indicating lamps with mcb for ‘on / off / trip’ status of motor 299 e.2 no. suitable mccb for 3.0 kw outgoing feeders to basementsump pump panel. each compartment shall contain vaf meter, auto / manual selector switch and indicating lamps with mcb for ‘on / off / trip’ status of motor ( 1 working and 1 standby ) 2 set 300 f. spare mcb’s of following capacities: 301 i. 40 amps tpn mcb’s 2 nos. 302 ii. 63 amps tpn mcb’s 2 nos. 303 a. all mccbs shall be of 25 ka breaking capacity and suitable for motor duty application. 304 b. provision shall be made for providing potential free contacts to all pumps starters for connection to bas 305 c. provision shall be made to ensure system protection from dry running of the pump 306 d. necessary cable alleys, internal wiring, and interlocking, earthing for all equipment shall also included 307 mcc 1for plumbing system as described above....

National Thermal Power Corporation Limited - Bihar

29749413 procurement of sump pump assemblies and spares of m / s sam make sump procurement of sump pump assemblies and spares of m / s sam make sumppumps , vo80 / 250+ars:complete assy. , brg coller for sump pump vo 80 / 250+ars , brg cap for sump pump vo 80 / 250+ars , brg housing for sump p / p vo 80 / 250+ars , gland for sump pump vo 80 / 250+ars , gland housing for sump p / p vo 80 / 250+ars , lantren ring for sump pump vo 80 / 250+ars , gland ring for sump pump vo 80 / 250+ars , pump shaft for sump pump vo 80 / 250+ars , circlip for sump pump vo 80 / 250+ars , coupling set for sump pump vo 80 / 250+ars , bush brg p / p for sump p / p vo 80 / 250+ars , p / p shaft sleeve sump p / p vo 80 / 250+ars , volute casing for sump p / p vo 80 / 250+ars , bush housing for sump p / p vo 80 / 250+ars , impeller for sump p / p vo 80 / 250+ars , wear plate for sump p / p vo 80 / 250+ars , vo80 / 250+ars:lock nut ( shaft ) , vo80 / 250+ars:lock washer , vo80 / 250+ars:ratchet coller , vo80 / 250+ars:adjusting screw , vo80 / 250+ars:lock nut , vo80 / 250+ars:gland packing , vo80 / 250+ars:base plate , vo80 / 250+ars:pump column pipe , vo80 / 250+ars:delivery pipe top , vo80 / 250+ars:strainer , vo80 / 250+ars:gasket , vo65 / 340+ff:gland housing , vo65 / 340+ff:side casing , vo65 / 340+ff:bush bearing , vo65 / 340+ff:shaft sleeve , vo65 / 340+ff:impller , vo65 / 340+ff:impeller nut , vo65 / 340+ff:bearing bed , vo65 / 340+ff:lock nut , vo65 / 340+ff:ratchet pin , vo65 / 340+ff:ratchet coller , vo65 / 340+ff:bearing cap , vo65 / 340+ff:lock washer , vo65 / 340+ff:bearing housing pr no.7 , vo65 / 340+ff:lock nut , vo65 / 340+ff:strainer , vo65 / 340+ff:p / p shaft , casing, sump pump.model ar 300 / 650 , vo65 / 340+ff:pin bush cplng , vo65 / 340+ff:circlip , vo65 / 340+ff:pump column pipe , vo65 / 340+ff:comp pump assy , vo65 / 340+ff:lantern ring , vo65 / 340+ff:gland ring , vo65 / 340+ff:delivery bend , vo65 / 340+ff:delivery pipe ( middle ) , vo65 / 340+ff:adjusting screw , vo65 / 340+ff:gland , vo65 / 340+ff:gland packing , vo65 / 340+ff:cooling pipe line , vo65 / 340+ff:suction spool , vo 150 / 340a+ars:lock nut , vo 150 / 340a+ars:lock washer , vo 150 / 340a+ars:ratchet pin , vo 150 / 340a+ars:ratchet coller , vo 150 / 340a+ars:bearing coller , vo 150 / 340a+ars:bearing cap , vo 150 / 340a+ars:bearing housing , vo 150 / 340a+ars:adjusting screw , vo 150 / 340a+ars:lock nut , vo 150 / 340a+ars:gland , vo 150 / 340a+ars:gland housing , vo 150 / 340a+ars:gland packing , vo 150 / 340a+ars:lantern ring , vo 150 / 340a+ars:gland ring , vo 150 / 340a+ars:shims , vo 150 / 340a+ars:circlip , vo 150 / 340a+ars:drive shaft , vo 150 / 340a+ars:drive column pipe , vo 150 / 340a+ars:bush bearing , vo 150 / 340a+ars:delivery pipe middle , vo 150 / 340a+ars:strainer , vo 150 / 340a+ars:shaft sleeve , vo 150 / 340a+ars:impeller with nut , vo 150 / 340a+ars:wear plate , vo 150 / 340a+ars:bush housing , vo 150 / 340a+ars:delivery bend , vo 150 / 340a+ars:coupling set , vo80 / 460+arl:complete assy. , ds125 / 340:complete assy. , ds125 / 340:casing , ds125 / 340:plug , ds125 / 340:plug , ds125 / 340:cooling pipe assy , ds125 / 340:gland packing , ds125 / 340:key , ds125 / 340:key , ds125 / 340:pin wear ring , ds125 / 340:lock washer , ds125 / 340:lock nut , ds125 / 340:sleeve lock nut , ds125 / 340:sleeve lock nut , ds125 / 340:deflector , ds125 / 340:lantern ring , ds125 / 340:shaft , ds125 / 340:shaft sleeve , ds125 / 340:bearing cover , ds125 / 340:bearing bracket , ds125 / 340:bearing bracket , ds125 / 340:gland , ds125 / 340:wear ring , ds125 / 340:impeller , ds125 / 340:casing...

National Thermal Power Corporation Limited - Bihar

29701132 procurement of drain pump spare and esp drain pump and stage 1 bottom procurement of drain pump spare and esp drain pump and stage 1 bottomash drain pump , top head shaft varat type 65vws 1 , shaft bottom varat 65vws 1 , coupling pin & bush, sump pump.65vws 1 , pump half coupling with key, 65vws 1 , distance piece, sump pump.65vws 1 , brg cover, sump pump.65vws 1 , lock nut, brg of sump pump.65vws 1 , collar ring, sump pump.65vws 1 , shaft, sump pump.65vws 1 , lockng screw, sleeve of sump pump.65vws 1 , grub screw, sump pump.65vws 1 , locking bolt for impeller , oil seal cover, sump pump.65vws 1 , bush, lowr brg housng of sump p / p.65vws 1 , lower brg huusing, sump pump.65vws 1 , shaft sleeve, sump pump.65vws 1 , guide ring, sump pump.65vws 1 , impeller key, sump pump.65vws 1 , grub screw, lockng bolt 65vws 1 , locking bolt, impelr of sump p / p.65vws 1 , volute casing, sump pump.65vws 1 , impeller, sump pump.65vws 1 , renewable ring, sump pump.65vws 1...

National Thermal Power Corporation Limited - Bihar

29044962 spares of sam turbo make pumps and pump assembly spares of sam turbo make pumps and pump assembly , 11md80 / 205:d:pump shaft , 10md 80 / 205:205d: bearing lock washer , 4md 125 / 305v d:pump shaft , md 125 / 305v d:balancing drum , md 125 / 305 r:impeller , md 125 / 305:key ( bl disc ) , 4md80 / 205d:bearing cover , 4md80 / 205d:bearing housing , 4md80 / 205d:balancing drum , 4md80 / 205d:205d:drum housing , 4md80 / 205d:delivery casing , 4md80 / 205d:bearing lock washer , 4md80 / 205d:spacer ( bearing ) , 4md80 / 205d:o ring drum , 4md80 / 205d:pump shaft , 4md80 / 205d:key ( balancing drum ) , 3md80 / 205d:o ring drum , vg 100 / 400+tch+n:impeller ( samron 17, 500 , balancing disc seat code no:61.4, , balancing disc, code no:61.3, , pump shaft with key code no:22.3 , 4ad14:shaft , 4ad14:shaft sleeve , 4ad14:bearing housing , 4ad14:stuffing box , vo 150 / 340a+ars:line shaft , vo 150 / 340m+ars:wear plate , vo 150 / 340m+ars:impeller with nut , vo 150 / 340m+ars:shaft sleeve , vo 150 / 340a+ars:drive shaft , vo 150 / 340m+ars:bush bearing , vo 150 / 340m+ars:bush bearing , vo 150 / 340m+ars:coupling sleeve set , vo 150 / 340m+ars:pump shaft , vo 150 / 340m+ars:line shaft , vo 150 / 340m+ars:drive shaft , vo 150 / 340a+ars:pump shaft , 4ad14:coupling set , vo 150 / 340a+ars:bush bearing , vo 150 / 340a+ars:bush bearing , vo 150 / 340a+ars:shaft sleeve , vo 150 / 340a+ars:impeller with nut , vo 150 / 340a+ars:wear plate , cpc 80 / 400:complete pump assy. , coupling set for sump pump vo 80 / 250+ars , bush housing for sump p / p vo 80 / 250+ars , p / p shaft sleeve sump p / p vo 80 / 250+ars , drive shaft for sump pump vo 80 / 250+ars , pump shaft for sump pump vo 80 / 250+ars , vo80 / 250+ars:complete assy. , 4ad14:m seal with gland plate assy , cpc 80 / 400:helicoil insert , vo 150 / 340a+ars:complete assy....

Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited - Bihar

29034738 gypsum dewatering system vaccum belt filter type for ntpc kahalgaon stpp fgd project gypsum dewatering system vaccum belt filter type for ntpc kahalgaon stpp fgd project , break up of main supply items , primary hydro cyclone comprising of hydrocyclone clusters, anchor bolts, nuts and washers, flanges for inlet and overflow, a variety size of vortex finders for all the hydro cyclone, accessory piping within the skid to make the system complete. , secondary hydro cyclone comprising of hydrocyclone clusters, anchor bolts, nuts and washers, companion flanges for inlet and overflow, variety size of vortex finders for all the hydro cyclone &accessory piping within the skid to make the system complete. , vacuum belt filters complete with accessories, maintenance platform with staircase including discharge chute, and driving motors (ie3) with vfd & inverter panel, coupling along with guard. , vacuum receivers with anchor bolts, nuts and washers. , vacuum pumps with drive (ie3 motor) along with all connecting bolts/ nuts/ washers/foundation bolts for installation, coupling along with guard, required instruments and safety device (as required). , vent fan including enclosure along with drive motor (ie3), coupling along with guard , complete arrangement for cloth and cake washing arrangement, cloth and cake wash pumps with motors (ie3), coupling along with guard, associated piping, valves, spray nozzles & accessories , complete arrangement of filtrate extraction pumps with motors (ie3), coupling along with guard, suction and discharge valves, instrumentation etc. to make system complete. , complete arrangement of vacuum pump seal water sump pumps with motors (ie3), valves, coupling along with guard(as applicable), instrumentation etc. to make system complete. , complete interconnected piping (slurry, air and water pipes) along with valves, rubber lining (wherever applicable), supports, gaskets, fasteners and accessories which is integral to gypsum dewatering system as defined in technical specification, section i, sub section ic, clause no. (i). , complete instruments associated with equipment and integral piping as defined at 1.10 above for gypsum dewatering system...

National Thermal Power Corporation Limited - Bihar

28730444 procurement of spares for sump pump at ntpc barh. impeller ( moc:cf8m ) for maxflow make dewatering pump. , shaft ( moc:ss 410 ) for maxflow make dewatering pump. , shaft sleeve ( moc:ss 410 ) for maxflow make dewatering pump. , strainer ( moc:ms ) for maxflow make dewatering pump. , stuffing box bush ( moc:cast iron ) for maxflow make dewatering pump. , complete pump assy with base frame & motor. , impeller ( moc:cf8m ) for tg inside trench dewatering pump. , shaft ( moc:ss 410 ) for tg inside trench dewatering pump. , strainer ( moc:ms ) for tg inside trench dewatering pump. , stuffing box ( moc:cast iron ) for tg inside trench dewatering pump. , stuffing box ( moc:cast iron ) for tg inside trench dewatering pump. etc...

Kanti Bijlee Utpadan Nigam Limited - Bihar

28483096 procurement of sump pump spares for chp procurement of sump pump spares for chp , vo+ps 50 c:bush housing , vo+ps 50 c:shaft sleeve , vo+ps 50 c:impeller nut , vo+ps 50 c:bush brng. , vo+ps 50 c:bush brng. , vo+ps 50 c:lock washer , vo+ps 50 c:bearing collar , vo+ps 50 c:circlip , vo+ps 50 c:drive shaft , vo+ps 50 c:pump shaft , vo+ps 50 c:coupling sleeve , vo+ps 50 c:impeller , vo+ps 50 c:ratchet collar , vo+ps 50 c:ratchet pin , vo+ps 50 c:comoplete assy , vo+ps 50 c:star support...

National Thermal Power Corporation Limited - Bihar

28406864 procurement of spares of sump pumps at ntpc farakka procurement of spares of sump pumps at ntpc farakka , oilseal set inboard / cpp1 100x80 400rl , cpv 13 80x50 315:complete pump , cpv 13 80x50 315:impeller , cpv 13 80x50 315:casing , cpv 13 80x50 315:lower shaft , cpv 13 80x50 315:intermediate shaft , cpv 13 80x50 315:upper shaft , cpv 13 80x50 315:shaft sleeve , cpv 13 80x50 315:bearing sleeve , cpv 13 80x50 315:bush , cpv 13 80x50 315:lower bearing bracket , cpv 13 80x50 315:bearing housing , cpv 13 80x50 315:split ring...

National Thermal Power Corporation Limited - Bihar

28183495 procurement of spare parts for sump pump at ntpc farakka and sewage procurement of spare parts for sump pump at ntpc farakka and sewagepumps at ntpc kahalgaon , complete pump with motor model 150 vws 4 , comp.pump with motor 80 vws 1 / 2, , renewable ring ( gm 318 gr v ) , impeller ( 2.5% nici ) , shaft sleeve ( aisi 410 ) , bush for lower brg hsg # 12 4vws pump , bottom shaft ( pump ) ( aisi 316 ) , bush for intermediat brg.holder#23a 4vws , line shaft intermediate ( 1set 2nos ) ( en8 ) , outer casing for sleeve coupling , collar ring , top shaft ( en 8 ) , pin & bush for flexible coupling ( steel ) , volute casing ( 2.5% nici ) , impeller key ( steel ) , key for pump top shaft ( steel ) , oil seal cover for lower brg housing , key for sleeve coupling , oil seal cover for ibh , lower bearing housing end plate , bearing holder:intermediate...

Indian Oil Corporation Limited - Bihar

27894015 limited tender for supply of vertically mounted sump pump supply , installation , testing and commissioning of vertically mounted sump pump for underground tanks...

National Thermal Power Corporation Limited - Bihar

26324215 procurement of spares for sump pump stage#1 , vo80 / 460+arl:gland housing , vo80 / 460+arl:lantern ring , vo80 / 460+arl:gland ring , vo80 / 460+arl:pump shaft , vo80 / 460+arl:coupling ring , vo80 / 460+arl:bush bearing ( pump ) , vo80 / 460+arl:bush , vo80 / 460+arl:lubrication pipe line , vo80 / 460+arl:shaft sleeve ( p end ) , vo80 / 460+arl:volute casing , vo80 / 460+arl:impeller , vo80 / 460+arl:star support ( pump ) , vo80 / 460+arl:vo80 / 460+arl , vo80 / 460+arl:o ring , vo80 / 460+arl:strainer , vo80 / 460+arl:lock nut , vo80 / 460+arl:bearing housing , vo80 / 460+arl:bearing cap , vo80 / 460+arl:bearing collar , vo80 / 460+arl:ratchet collar , vo80 / 460+arl:ratchet pin , vo80 / 460+arl:lock washer , vo80 / 460+arl:lock nut...

National Thermal Power Corporation Limited - Bihar

25975290 procurement of boiler blow down sump pump and its spares for units ofntpc barauni and procurement of spares of gland drain pump of stage iiof ntpc farakka , impeller ring suc#192 kbl kpds80/26 , key:cs cplng#321 kbl kpds80/26 , brg . nut ms#335 kbl kpds80/26 , helical spring insert#479 kbl kpds80/26 , ext . circlip#486 kbl kpds80/26 , oil seal#500 . 1 kbl kpds80/26 , head shaft:cs#185 kbl kpds80/26 , casing cover:ci:#220 kbl kpds80/26 , pump casing:ci:#107 kbl kpds80/26 , impeller:ss:#151 kbl kpds80/26 , impeller shaft:cs#186 kbl kpds80/26 , casingwear ring suc:brz#190kbl kpds80/26 , shaft sleeve:de: ss410#310 kbl kpds80/26 , shaft sleeve:nde ss410#311 kbl kpds80/26 , intermidiate brg . bush#351 kbl kpds80/26 , brg . bush imp shaft#353 kbl kpds80/26 , brg . shell:ci#356 . 1 kbl kpds80/26 , bearing shell for intermediate brg bush , screwed cplng#395 kbl kpds80/26 , brg . spider:ci#245 kbl kpds80/26 , kpds 40/26:complete assy . , kpds 40/26 qf:semiopen impeller , kpds 40/26:intermediate shaft , kpds 40/26:head shaft , kpds 40/26:impeller shaft , kpds 40/26:lantern ring , kpds 40/26:split gland , kpds 40/26:stuffing box housing , kpds 40/26:bearing spider , kpds 40/26:thrust bearing carrier , kpds 40/26:bearing holder , kpds 40/26:bearing cover , kpds 40/26:shaft sleeve drive side , kpds 40/26:shaft sleeve pump side , kpds 40/26:impeller nut , kpds 40/26:intermediate brg . bush , kpds 40/26:brg . bush under casing cover , kpds 40/26:brg . shell for brg . bush , kpds 40/26:screwed coupling...

National Thermal Power Corporation Limited - Bihar

25780353 procurement of sam turbo make pump and its spares at ntpc kahalgaon , vo80/340+ars:wear plate , vo80/340+ars:bush housing 17 . 3 , vo80/340+ars:single shaft , vo 150/340a+ars:shaft sleeve , vo 150/340a+ars:delivery pipe middle , vo 150/340a+ars:delivery pipe top , vo 150/340a+ars:bush bearing , vo 150/340a+ars:bush bearing , vo 150/340a+ars:coupling sleeve set , vo 150/340a+ars:line shaft , 4ad14:m seal with gland plate assy , 4ad14:stuffing box , 4ad14:bearing cover , 4ad14:bearing housing , 4ad14:bearing lock nut , 4ad14:sleeve nut , 4ad14:shaft sleeve , 4ad14:casing ring , o ring set:boiler fill pump , spacer for boiler fill pump , pump shaft with key code no:22 . 3 , 9md 80/205:complete assy , vo 150/340m+ars:bush housing , vo 150/340m+ars:bush bearing , vo 150/340m+ars:complete pump assy . , ds125/340:cooling pipe assy , ds125/340:lock washer , ds125/340:sleeve lock nut , ds125/340:sleeve lock nut , ds125/340:lantern ring , ds125/340:shaft , ds125/340:shaft sleeve , vo65/430+ars/arl:complete assy . , ar150/340a:wear plate , bush housing for sump p/p vo 80/250+ars , bush brg ( star ) for sump p/p vo 80/250+ars , casing cover:dm water regeneration pump , casing for cw chlor wtr supply pump , vo 150/340a+ars:complete assy . , pump shaft for sump pump vo 80/ 250+ars , drive shaft for sump pump vo 80/250+ars , coupling set for sump pump vo 80/250+ars , bush brg p/p for sump p/p vo 80/250+ars , vo80/250+ars:line shaft...

Bharatiya Rail Bijlee Company Limited - Bihar

24766820 procurement of schneider make spares for sump pump of chp and vfd drive procurement of schneider make spares for sump pump of chp and vfd drivefor clarifier , vfd system: 5 . 5kw , 415vac , 14a , electrical module: atv312hu55n4;shneider , sfu:normal duty tp:125a:690v , sfu:heavy duty tpn:63a:660v , sfu:heavy duty tpn:32a:660v , 3 pole contactor with ac 63amp , add on block ( 1 no + 1 nc ) , jj1500bmn:eocr relay...

National Thermal Power Corporation Limited - Bihar

24411012 supply of spares for sump pump for use in chp area , lock nut for sump pump vo 80/400+ff , lock washer for sump pump vo 80/400+ff , brg coller for sump pump vo 80/400+ff , bearing cap for sump pump vo 80/400+ff , brg housing for sump pump vo 80/400+ff , lock nut for sump pump vo 80/400+ff , circlip for sump pump vo 80/400+ff , drive shaft for sump pump vo 80/400+ff , coupling ring for sump pump vo 80/400+ff , coupling sleeve sump pump vo 80/400+ff , bush brg star for sump pump vo 80/400+ff , star support for sump pump vo 80/400+ff , coupling nut for sump pump vo 80/400+ff , shaft sleve ( pump end ) for vo 80/400+ff , bush brg ( pump ) for pump vo 80/400+ff , impeller nut for sump pump vo 80/400+ff , connecting coupling set for vo 80/400+ff...

National Thermal Power Corporation Limited - Bihar

24066958 procurement of spares of sam pumps of dm plant stage i and ii for dm plant , throttle bush ( delivery end ) code no:55 . 24 , balancing disc seat code no:61 . 4 , , sleeve ( delivery casing ) for boiler fil p , o ring , code no:42 . 24 , o ring , code no:42 . 23 , o ring , code no:42 . 4 , lock washer:boiler fill pump , o ring set:boiler fill pump , spacer pno 53 . 3 , 6md 125 / 305v , 6md125 / 305&6md 125 / 305v:stage casing , 6md125 / 305&6md 125 / 305v:stage casing , 6md125 / 305&6md 125 / 305v:flat gasket , 6md125 / 305&6md 125 / 305v:gland , 6md125 / 305&6md 125 / 305v:gland packing , 6md125 / 305&6md 125 / 305v:grease nipple , 6md125 / 305&6md 125 / 305v:lock nut , 6md125 / 305&6md 125 / 305v:o ring pno 42 . 25 , coup mtr / pump sft hp water sam wp125 / 320 , shaft , hp water booster wp 125 / 320 , sam , key ( coupling ) for h . p . booster pump . , gland for h . p . booster pump . , gasket set for h . p . booster pump . , outer bearing cap for h . p . booster pump . , lantern ring for h . p . booster pump . , key ( impeller ) for h . p . booster pump , , bearing bed for h . p . booster pump . , oil seal ( set ) for h . p . booster pump . , chc 150 / 500:oil seal set , chc 150 / 500:constant level oiler , oil seal sefor de gasserpump , complete mechanical seaof dega sser pump , cpc 100 / 400:key ( coupling ) , cpc 100 / 400:grooved nut , cpc 100 / 400:helicoil insert , cpc 100 / 400:wear ring , cpc 100 / 400:constant level oiler , cpc 100 / 400:vent , cpc 100 / 400:vent , cpc 100 / 400:hex nut , cpc 100 / 400:hex screw , cpc 100 / 400:packing , cpc 100 / 400:shaft sleeve , cpc 100 / 400:stud , cpc 100 / 400:bearing housing lantern , support foot:dm water reg . pump , brg . housing lantern:dm water reg . pump , brg . cap ( outer ) : dm water reg . pump , wear ring:dm water reg . pump , cpc 80 / 400:key , cpc 80 / 400:washer , shaft sleeve 100 / 260 water wash pp stp , cplng sleeve 100 / 260 water wash pp stp , bush brng 100 / 260 water wash pump stp , bush brng ( star ) 100 / 260 water wash pump , line shaft 100 / 260 water wash pump stp , pump shaft 100 / 260 water wash pump stp , vo100 / 260+tch+n:bush housimg , circlip for vo 80 / 300+tch+n model pump , drive shaft for vo 80 / 300+tch+n pump , lock washer for vo 80 / 300+tch+n pump , bush housing , strainer , for pump type:vo 80 / 260+tch+n , bush bearing ( pump ) , , bearing cap , , bearing collar , gland for sump pump , ratchet pin , star support , coupling sleeve set , bearing housing of backwash tr . p / p , pt:2 , bush bearing ( star ) of backwash tr . p / p , pt2 , drive shaft of backwash tr . p / p , pt:2 , gland ring of backwash tr . p / p , pt:2 , impeller nut of backwash tr . p / p , pt:2 , lantern ring of backwash tr . p / p , pt:2 , delivery pipe top of backwash tr . p / p , pt2 , delivery pipe asy of backwash tr . p / p , pt2 , pump column pipe of backwash tr . p / p , pt:2 , locknut+washer of backwash tr . p / p , pt:2 , vo 80 / 260+tch+n:line shaft , cpc 80 / 320:complete assy . , cpc 80 / 320:bearing , cpc 80 / 320:oil seal , cpc 80 / 320:constant level oiler , 5tu15 m:impeller rh & lh , 5tu15 m:lantern ring , 5tu15 m:key , 5tu15 m:outboard bearing housing , 5tu15 m:interstage sleeve , 5tu15 m:stuffing box bush , 5tu15 m:shaft collar , 5tu15 m:interstage bush , 3md125 / 305v:sealing washer , 3md125 / 305v:o ring , 3md125 / 305v:shaft sleeve , 3md125 / 305v:throttle bush , 3md125 / 305v:cylindrical pin , 3md125 / 305v:balancing disc seat , 3md125 / 305v:sh . position indicator+pin , 4tu14:bolt ( gland / st . box ) , 4tu14:bearing ( nde ) , 4tu14:lock nut ( bearing ) , 4tu14:lantern ring , 4tu14:outboard brg . housing , 4tu14:bearing cover , 4tu14:bearing cap , 4tu14:interstage sleeve , 4tu14:casing gasket , 4tu14:bearing cover gasket , 4tu14:interstage bush , 4tu14:seal piping...

Indian Oil Corporation Limited - Bihar

23343284 supply of mainline emergency tools for locations under bkpl including hmrbpl jasidih and phbpl barauni , item supply , supply of pneumatic sump pump with 2 discharge for locations under bkpl including hmrbpl jasidih & phbpl barauni . ( as per attached technical specifications ) ( distribution: barauni 01 , patna 1 , mugalsarai 1 , allahabad 1 , kanpur 1 , lucknow 1 , jasidih 1 , phbpl barauni 1 ) ...

National Thermal Power Corporation Limited - Bihar

21425506 procurement of sam turbo make pump spares for mmos ntpc kahalgaon , 4ad14:casing ring , 4ad14:shaft sleeve , 4ad14:sleeve nut , 4ad14:bearing lock nut , 4ad14:o ring sleeve , cpc 80/400:key , cpc 80/400:key , vo 150/340a+ars:drive shaft , vo 150/340a+ars:pump shaft , vo 150/340a+ars:coupling sleeve set , vo 150/340a+ars:bush bearing , vo 150/340a+ars:bush bearing , vo 150/340a+ars:shaft sleeve , vo 150/340a+ars:impeller with nut , lantren ring for sump pump vo 80/250+ars , gland ring for sump pump vo 80/ 250+ars , vo80/250+ars:line shaft , pump shaft for sump pump vo 80/ 250+ars , drive shaft for sump pump vo 80/250+ars , coupling set for sump pump vo 80/250+ars , bush brg ( star ) for sump p/p vo 80/250+ars , bush brg p/p for sump p/p vo 80/250+ars , wear plate for sump p/p vo 80/ 250+ars , vo80/250+ars:adjusting screw , vo 150/340m+ars:drive shaft , vo 150/340m+ars:line shaft , vo 150/340m+ars:pump shaft , vo 150/340m+ars:coupling sleeve set , vo 150/340m+ars:bush bearing , vo 150/340m+ars:bush bearing , vo 150/340m+ars:shaft sleeve , vo 150/340m+ars:bush housing , vo 150/340m+ars:wear plate...

National Thermal Power Corporation Limited - Bihar

21145119 procurement of spares for sam make sump pumps installed in chp st i forprocurement of spares for sam make sump pumps installed in chp st i forbarauni , vo80 / 250+ars:complete assy . , vo80 / 250+ars:bearing bed , vo80 / 250+ars:lock nut ( shaft ) , vo80 / 250+ars:lock washer , vo80 / 250+ars:ratchet pin , vo80 / 250+ars:ratchet coller , brg coller for sump pump vo 80 / 250+ars , brg cap for sump pump vo 80 / 250+ars , brg housing for sump p / p vo 80 / 250+ars , vo80 / 250+ars:lock nut , vo80 / 250+ars:adjusting screw , gland for sump pump vo 80 / 250+ars , gland housing for sump p / p vo 80 / 250+ars , lantren ring for sump pump vo 80 / 250+ars , gland ring for sump pump vo 80 / 250+ars , circlip for sump pump vo 80 / 250+ars , vo80 / 250+ars:delivery pipe top , delivery bend for sump p / p vo 80 / 250+ars , pump shaft for sump pump vo 80 / 250+ars , vo80 / 250+ars:pump column pipe , bush brg p / p for sump p / p vo 80 / 250+ars , p / p shaft sleeve sump p / p vo 80 / 250+ars , vo80 / 250+ars:strainer , volute casing for sump p / p vo 80 / 250+ars , impeller for sump p / p vo 80 / 250+ars , wear plate for sump p / p vo 80 / 250+ars , bush housing for sump p / p vo 80 / 250+ars , vo80 / 250+ars:gasket , coupling set for sump pump vo 80 / 250+ars...

Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited - Bihar

17758997 tender for 600 lpm , verti.submer . sump pump, supply of ms pumps 600 lpm x 50 m head vertical submersible pumps along with electrical motor drivers and complete with auxiliaries and accessories as per attached scope of supply, pump schedule, technical specifications, the data sheets attached and codes and standards referred and attached to, for the following services. scope includes design, engineering, manufacturing, testing, inspection, supply and commissioning of product pump motor units with coupling, base frame, and all required accessories as per api 610 6th edition (minimum requirement) including third party inspection, supply of commissioning spares and special tools and tackles etc in accordance with detailed specifications, terms and conditions and attached pump schedules. however, vendor can choose to supply in accordance with any of the later editions including 10th edition....

National Thermal Power Corporation Limited - Bihar

17277443 supply of spares for sam turbo pumps of ntpc barh. 10 tps 350 / 500:wear plate 20 tps 350 / 500:impeller 30 tps 350 / 500:bearing bed 40 tps 350 / 500:oil seal 50 tps 350 / 500:o ring 60 tps 350 / 500:shaft sleeve 70 tps 350 / 500:lantern ring 80 tps 350 / 500:throtile bush 90 tps 350 / 500:dismantling sleeve 100 tps 350 / 500:pump shaft 110 tps 350 / 500:bearing cap 120 tps 350 / 500:bearing cap 130 tps 350 / 500:support sleeve 140 tps 350 / 500:lock nut 150 tps 350 / 500:lock washer 160 tps 350 / 500:circlip 170 tps 350 / 500:impeller lock screw 180 tps 350 / 500:impeller lock washer 190 tps 350 / 500:deflaector 200 tps 350 / 500:oil flinger 210 tps 350 / 500:gasket 220 tps 350 / 500:key 230 tps 350 / 500:key 240 tps 350 / 500:fasteners set 250 cpc125 / 260:bearing bed 260 cpc125 / 260:bearing cap 270 cpc125 / 260:bearing cap 280 cpc125 / 260:coupling key 290 cpc125 / 260:oil seal 300 cpc125 / 260:impeller nut 310 cpc125 / 260:deflector 320 cpc125 / 260:circlip 330 cpc125 / 260:constant level oiler 340 cpc125 / 260:impeller key 350 cpc125 / 260:pressure ring 360 cpc125 / 260:lantern ring 370 vo / 50 / 300+tch+n:bush bearing ( pump ) 380 vo / 50 / 300+tch+n:bush bearing ( star ) 390 vo / 50 / 300+tch+n:gland ring 400 vo / 50 / 300+tch+n:circlip 410 pump shaft;sump pump sam v0 50 / 300 420 vo / 50 / 300+tch+n:bearing bed 430 vo / 50 / 300+tch+n:coupling sleeve set 440 vo / 50 / 300+tch+n:lock nut 450 zm ii 530 / 02:impeller 460 zm ii 530 / 02:pump shaft 470 zm ii 530 / 02:shaft sleeve 480 zm ii 530 / 02:bearing housing 490 zm ii 530 / 02:bearing end cover 500 zm ii 530 / 02:bearing cover 510 zm ii 530 / 02:oil ring...