Supply Of junior science lab - equipments - Chemical Balance-Digital Iron fillings (500m1.) Lime water Litmus paper PH Paper Spirit for spirit lamp Wire gauge Chart sstand Chart hanger Map Storage Stand Mag hanging stand Videoscope (For prepared slides) Electronic Miscroscope/ USB Microscope — C.D. Circulation of Blood, Heart, Repiratory & Nervous System Liver, Digestive system I & II, Lumphatic system Plant Physiology NCERT Science Activity Kit- For Class VI NCERT Science Activity Kit- For Class vII NCERT Science Activity Kit- For Class VIII , Prepared slides of Spirogyra Prepared slides of Lactobecillus slides slides slides of Malarial Parasite Projector with CD Player Compound Microscope Dissecting Microscope I-land Lens Needle Prepared Prepared of Amoeba of Pararnoeciurn Prepared , Compact Projector with CD Player Compound Microscope Dissecting Microscope [land Lens Needle , Brush Dissecting set Glycerine Slide Cover Slip Sefranine (Stain) Eosine (Stain) Iodine solution Droper Beaker Iron Stand with clamp Watch Glass Test Tube Beaker-500 ml. Beaker-200 ml. Beaker-100 ml. Dellagrating Spoon Magnesium Ribbon, Sodium (Metal) PH.Paper Litmus paper Phenolpthe 1 in Methyle orange Sodium hydroxide Aluminium Foil Test tube holder Pair of tongs Round bottom flask woulfe bottleThistle funnel Gas Jar with lid Cork Delivery tube Potassiu Permagnate Tripod stand Wire guage Venegar Zinc granuales Suipher Powder Clinical thermometer Laboratory Thermometer Hydrocloric Acid,Sulphuric Acid Nitric Acid Copper Sulphate Iron Sulphate Calcium Carbonate Magnetic Compass Solenoid Separa ting funnel Pippet Spring balance Battery lester Plane Mirror Convex lens Concave lens Prism Laser Torch Battery Holder , tiectric Auaptor (JVI)L to 9VL)U) Yeast Powder Spirit lamp Glass Slab Binocular Kel idscope Dynamo- (Model) Cork borer Electroscope Digital Thermometer
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