Tender For Supply Of Food Materials And Dry Ration - Daal, Flour, Chuda, Gram, Jaggery, Mudhi, Daal, Sarso Oil, Jira Powder, Haldi Powder, Red Chili Powder, Dhania Powder, Gol Chili Powder, Jira Khanda, Haldi Khanda, Dhaniya Khanda, Red Chili Khanda, Gol Chili Khanda, Soya Bin Badi, Potato, Onion, Satu, Biscuit, Pavroti, Iodine Salt, Milk Powder, Candle, Water, Water Bottle, Vessel Aluminum, Water Holder Aluminum, Pan Iron, Relex Iron, Spring Iron, Kachi Steel/ Iron, Pressure Cooker, Flour Sieve, Plate Steel, Bowel Steel, Glass Steel, Jug Steel, Steel Container, Snacks, Gas Burner, Chapati Pan, Hammam Squad, Iron Bucket, Knife, Kathota, Aluminum Tray, Fire Woods, Dhoti, Saree, Ganji, Lungi , Towel, Sanitary Pad/ Nap Kin, Surf, Kit, Sanitary Kit, Plate Thermocol, Bowel Thermocol, Glass Plastic, Plastic Empty Bag, Non Oven Bag, Markin Cloth, Plastic Bag, Mosquito Net, Log Book, Sutali, Plastic Sutali, Plastic Cane, Plastic Jug, Mask, Hand Gloves, Head Cap, Face Shield, eye projector , ppe kit, sanitizer, floor sanitizer and machine, all in one, non contact, tissue paper, hand wash, soap, book printing, flex board production, mahajal, pots and other material on rent, small jar, carpet, blanket, box steel, chimta steel, cc tv camera, drone camera, barricading, pillow, mattress, chair, table, video graph camera with men, vehicle on rent.

Tender Notice


District Collector



April 26, 2022

Key Value

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