Notice Inviting Quotation For Disposal Of Unserviceable/Condemned Medical Equipment/Instruments.- 1 Dissecting Tooth Forcep, Lengtl 6 2 Chittals Foceps(ulfter) 3 MTP Canula 4 Sims vaginal specutum, size-Medium 5 Bone Curretteru 6 Head extractor 7 Dental x-ray 8 oxygen cyllhder( B-Type) 9 O.T.Ceiling llght 10 O.T.Mobile Ught 11 Defnbrl1lator BPL) 12 SPI Pulseozimeter 13 Face Mask No-O 14 steam vaporizer 15 race Mask No-4 16 race Mask No.3 17 Face Mask ‘lo-2 18 face Mask ‘10-1 19 SuctiOn machine 20 NEBuuIZER 21 NEBULIZER? 22 GULCOMITER 23 AMBU AG AbULT 24 LARINGO SCOP ADULT 25 OxYGENETAR 26 steel durm 27 SHAM INHEuER 28 ANAE.sTHLSIA MASK NO.04 29 awmren cyhder troly 30 omen fLowMITER 31 ARThY FORCEPS 32 Iv STAND 33 Splint 34 Oxygen cytinder wIth stancl(B Type) 35 Oxygen cylinder wIth stand(8 Type) 36 kidney Tray 37 Treatment Tray W-1O.m 38 MedIcine Trolley 39 Sdssor(Straigst) 40 scissorcurve) 41 iV Stand 42 Bowl 28cm 43 O.T. Table 44 surgical Diathermy 45 Fogger Machine 46 uarmgoscoep wlth Handle(AduII) 47 Scrub Station 48 Stretcher 49 Mobile Resuscitation Trolly 50 Analytical Balance 51 Hot Air Oven 52 Incubator 53 Boiling water Bath with Thermostat 54 serologIcal water Bath 55 DigItal Haemogloblnometer 56 Centrifuge Machlne(4tubes) . 57 uight MIcroscope 58 colorlmeter(lnnova-1000) 59 ph meter 60 BINOcULAR MIcROScOPE
Tender Notice
Key Value
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