Bids Are Invited For Lab Equipments For Workshop & Me Lab---1. Screw Jack Apparatus With Weights 1 2. Worm and Worm Wheel :: Single With Weights 1 3. Worm and Worm Wheel :: Double With Weights 1 4. Worm and Worm Wheel :: Triple With Weights 1 5. Wheel and Differential Axle 30 cm With Weight 1 6. WinchCrab Single Purchase With Weight 1 7. Winch Crab Double Purchase With Weight 1 8. Universal Force Table (Normal) 1 9. Momentof Inertia of Flywheel - 25 cm With Weights 1 10. Parallel Forces Apparatus (Dial Type 10 kg. Balance) (Q3) Total Quantity : 1
Tender Notice
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