Bids Are Invited For Tools Equipment Voltage Stabilizer , Dc Power Supply , Current Transformer , Potential Transformer , Solar Panel With Battery , Shaded Pole Motor , Connecting Screwdriver , Electrician Knife , Digital Multimeter , Precision Set Of Screw Drivers , Tweezers Bend Tip , Tools Makers Vice , Tools Maker Vice , Crimping Tool Pliers , Magneto Spanner Set , File Flat Bastard , File Flat Second Cut , File Flat Smooth , Plier Flat Nose , Round Nose Pliers , Scriber Straight , Tubular Box Spanner , Magnifying Lenses , Hacksaw Frame Adjustable , Scissors , Handsaw 450Mm , Hand Drill Machine Electric , Dual Dc Regulated Power , Dc Regulated Variable Programmable , Lcr Meter Digital , Clamp Meter , Dimmer Starter , Auto Transformer , Analog Component Trainer , Milli Ammeter Ac , Milli Ammeter Dc , Op Amp Trainer , Digital And Analogic Tester , Rheostats Various Values , Power Electronics Trainer , Soldering De Soldering , Smd Soldering De Soldering , Dol Starter , Frequency Modulator And Demodulator , Pam Ppm Pwm Trainer Kit , Microcontroller Kits , Seven Segment Dpm Trainer , Ups Trainer , Allen Key Screwdriver , Led Lighting System , Screw Driver Set , Soldering Iron , Screw Driver , Steel Rule , Continuity Tester , Handsaw , Insulated Side Cutting Pliers , Long Nose Pliers , Hand Drill Machine Electric With , Dual Dc Regulated Power Supply , Lcr Meter , Battery Charger , Autotransformer , Digital Ic Tester , Digital And Analog Bread Board Trainer , Rheostats Various Values And Ratings , Lcd Based Dpm Total Quantity : 599
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