Soil exploration for collecting all required input data for designing and construction of four Nos. ROB in between i) Matari-Gomoh L.C. No.-9-B ), Gomoh-Telo L.C. No.- 9-B /CIC) and Gomoh- Khanudih L.C. No. - 9-B) sanctioned vide Pink Book No. 169/11-12, ii) Hazaribagh Road- Keshwari in lieu of L.C. No.-20/B/T sanctioned vide Pink Book No. 1170/11-12, iii) Sonardih- Phularitanrh L.C. No.-7/B/2-T) sanctioned vide Pink Book No. 183/12-13 & iv) Sonardih- Phularitanrh L.C. No.-8/B/2-T) sanctioned vide Pink Book No. 182/12-13 and preparation of General Arrangement Drawing showing approach and bridge proper alignment, slip roads and infringements to be shifted etc in detail for proposed two ROBs at L.C. No.- 7/B/2-T sanctioned vide Pink Book No. 183/12-13 & L.C. No.-8/B/2-T sanctioned vide Pink Book No. 182/12- 13 between Sonardih- Phularitanrh.

Tender Notice


East Central Railway




September 14, 2012

Key Value

63.82 Lakhs

63.82 Lakhs

63.82 Lakhs