Bids Are Invited For Electrical And Electronics Items Digital Frequency Meter Tongue Tester Techometer Power Factor Meter Conversion Of Galvanometer Into A Voltmeter V-I Characteristics Of Diode Kit Hall Wave Rectifier Kit Full Wave Rectifier Kit Centre Tao Capacitor Filter Kit Inductive Filter Kit Input & Output Characteristics Of Transistors Ce & Cb Mode Fet Characteristics Kit Single Stage Common Emmiter Amplifier Two Stage Rc Coupled Amplifier Voltmeter And Ammeter Of Different Ranges Wattmeter 0-75 W Wattmeter 0-150 W 1 Kva Aulo Transformer Rlc Kit Whoatstone Bridge Lost Kil D.C. Potentiomotor Kit With 12V ( D.C. ) Standard Coll 1 And 3 Energy Meter Testing Kit Wallmotor ( 0-75W ) , ( 0-150W ) And ( 0-350W ) Earth Tester 2N Range: 0.010 200 Range: 0.1 N 2000 Range: 10 2Kn Range: 0.01Kn Lamination Plates For Assombly Of Small Transformor Coros Small Battery Charger For Assembly And Sludy Purpose. 5A And 15A Sockols Distribution Board Sa Switch, Micro Switchos Sockols And Wiring Accossorios ( Celling Rose, Holders, Junction Boxes ) Pipes For Various Types Of Wiring Wires ( 1 Mm, 1.5 Mm, 2.5 Mm ) Tool Kit ( With Scrow Drivers, Alignnors, Spannors Tester, Logic Indicator, Strippor, Cutter, Pliars Olc ) Wronch Sot Soldering And Desoldering Equipment Invertor ( Ups, Battery Chargers ) 12 V Bred Board 830 Tio Pin, 400 Tia Pin, 170 Tie Pin Kit For Datarmino The Pormeability Of Magnetic Matorial By Plotting Its 8-H Curvo. Star-Dolla Connection Kit Tools And Hardwaro Scrow Driver Sot Monkey Wronch / Pipe Wrench Wiro Strips Hand Drill Total Pliers Scl ( With Flat Noso Side Culling Or Round Nose ) Electric Drill Tool Box-Containing Adjustable Wrench Screwdriver Hits, Take Moasuro, Hammor, Knife, Socket Wrench, Bull Nosa Pliers, Neodle- Noso Pliers Lavel, Washer, Nut, Etc Drill Bits-Metal Bit, Reamer, Carpentry Bits, Flat Wood Bit, And Masonry Bll Soldering Iron ( Different Size ) Wiro Cultors Electrical Tapo Vico Circular Saw Ammotor 0-5A And 0-10A Voltmeter 0-300V And 0-600V 0-5A And 0-10A-0-300V And 0-600V 1 And 3 Energy Meler Testing Kit 1 And 3 Energy Meter Rhoostats Of Various Rangos Digital Multimeter 1000 V Ac / Dc: 10A Ac / Dc ( With Test Leads And Current Jacks ) ; Resistance To 50Mn; Capacitance To 10, 000 Μf, Frequency To 100 Khz; Temperature From -40C To 400C Analog Multimgter 12 Ranges. 500 Volls Ac / Dc. Dc Milliamps Total Quantity : 1

Tender Notice




January 17, 2024

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Bids Are Invited For Electrical And Electronics Items Digital Frequency Meter Tongue Tester Techometer Power Factor Meter Conversion Of Galvanometer Into A Voltmeter V-I Characteristics Of Diode Kit Hall Wave Rectifier Kit Full Wave Rectifier Kit Centre Tao Capacitor Filter Kit Inductive Filter Kit Input & Output Characteristics Of Transistors Ce & Cb Mode Fet Characteristics Kit Single Stage Common Emmiter Amplifier Two Stage Rc Coupled Amplifier Voltmeter And Ammeter Of Different Ranges Wattmeter 0-75 W Wattmeter 0-150 W 1 Kva Aulo Transformer Rlc Kit Whoatstone Bridge Lost Kil D.C. Potentiomotor Kit With 12V ( D.C. ) Standard Coll 1 And 3 Energy Meter Testing Kit Wallmotor ( 0-75W ) , ( 0-150W ) And ( 0-350W ) Earth Tester 2N Range: 0.010 200 Range: 0.1 N 2000 Range: 10 2Kn Range: 0.01Kn Lamination Plates For Assombly Of Small Transformor Coros Small Battery Charger For Assembly And Sludy Purpose. 5A And 15A Sockols Distribution Board Sa Switch, Micro Switchos Sockols And Wiring Accossorios ( Celling Rose, Holders, Junction Boxes ) Pipes For Various Types Of Wiring Wires ( 1 Mm, 1.5 Mm, 2.5 Mm ) Tool Kit ( With Scrow Drivers, Alignnors, Spannors Tester, Logic Indicator, Strippor, Cutter, Pliars Olc ) Wronch Sot Soldering And Desoldering Equipment Invertor ( Ups, Battery Chargers ) 12 V Bred Board 830 Tio Pin, 400 Tia Pin, 170 Tie Pin Kit For Datarmino The Pormeability Of Magnetic Matorial By Plotting Its 8-H Curvo. Star-Dolla Connection Kit Tools And Hardwaro Scrow Driver Sot Monkey Wronch / Pipe Wrench Wiro Strips Hand Drill Total Pliers Scl ( With Flat Noso Side Culling Or Round Nose ) Electric Drill Tool Box-Containing Adjustable Wrench Screwdriver Hits, Take Moasuro, Hammor, Knife, Socket Wrench, Bull Nosa Pliers, Neodle- Noso Pliers Lavel, Washer, Nut, Etc Drill Bits-Metal Bit, Reamer, Carpentry Bits, Flat Wood Bit, And Masonry Bll Soldering Iron ( Different Size ) Wiro Cultors Electrical Tapo Vico Circular Saw Ammotor 0-5A And 0-10A Voltmeter 0-300V And 0-600V 0-5A And 0-10A-0-300V And 0-600V 1 And 3 Energy Meler Testing Kit 1 And 3 Energy Meter Rhoostats Of Various Rangos Digital Multimeter 1000 V Ac / Dc: 10A Ac / Dc ( With Test Leads And Current Jacks ) ; Resistance To 50Mn; Capacitance To 10, 000 Μf, Frequency To 100 Khz; Temperature From -40C To 400C Analog Multimgter 12 Ranges. 500 Volls Ac / Dc. Dc Milliamps Total Quantity : 1