Bids Are Invited For Steel Rule , Gimlet , Bradawl , Scriber Knurled Centre Postion , Pincer , First Aid Box , Spanner Adjustable , Pressure Guage , Chisel Cold Firmer , Allen Key , Motorised Bench Grinder , Rawl Plug Tool And Bit , Pully Puller , Bearing Puller , Thermometer , Wire Stripper , Mallet Hard Wood , Hammer Extractor Type , Outside Divider Caliper , Inside Divider Caliper , Tweezers , Snip Straight , Snip Bent , De Metric Spanner , Drill Hand Brace , Drill Ss Twist Block , Plane Smoothing Cutters , Gauge Wire Imperial , Copper Bit Soldering Iron , Desoldering Gun , Hand Vice , Pipe Cutter To Cut Pipes , Stock And Die Set , Online Ups , Stock And Dies Conduit , Multi Meter Analog , Dc Milli Ammeter , Ammeter Mc , Ac Ammeter Mi , Kilo Wattmeter , Ac Energy Meter Single Phase , Ac Energy Meter Three Phase , Flux Meter , Wheat Stone Bridge Total Quantity : 327