Tender For Supply Of Reagents/Kits/Chemical/Calibrator & Control Etc For Department Of Microbiology On Rate Contract Basis To Igims, Patna - 1. Brain /heart infusion broth 2. Simmons citrate medium 3. Brain/heart infusion agar 4. Urea Agar base 5. Urea solution 40% 6. Triple sugar iron medium 7. Muller Hinton Agar 8. Selenite F broth 9. Robertson cooked meat medium 10. TCBS agar 11. Nutrient agar 12. Mac Conkey agar 13. CLED agar 14. Thioglycolate broth 15. XLD medium 16. Muller Hinton broth 17. MR – VP Media 18. Deoxychlolate citrate agar 19. ESBL Screening agar 20. DNAse test agar base 21. Gelatin agar 22. Hugh Leifson of Media 23. Mannitol salt agar 24. Nutrient broth 25. Peptone water 26. Bile Esculin agar 27. Anaerobic blood agar base (neomycin supplements) 28. Blood agar base 29. Agar powder 30. Chocolate agar base 31. Phenyl alanine bases 32. Mannitol motility test medium 33. Ferric chloride anhydrous 34. Buffered Glucose Broth (MR/VP media) 35. Nitrate Broth 36. Lowenstein Jensen Media 38. Loffler Serum Slope Media 1. Poly Shigella flexneri 1 -6 x 2 Y – 2 ml (PL 6901) 2. Poly Shigella dysentriae 1 -10 – 2 ml (PL 6902) 3. Poly Shigella boydii 1 -15 – 2ml (PL 6903) 4. Shigella Sonnei phase 1 & 2 -2 ml (PL 6900) 5. Poly H ph 1 & 2 factor 3 ml PL 6100 6. Salmonella agglutination serum 3 ml (PL 6015) 7. Salmonella agglutination serum 3 ml (PL 6011) 8. Salmonella agglutination serum 3 ml (PL 6011) 9. Salmonella agglutination serum 3 ml (PL 6002) (0 Poly AS) 10. Vibrio Cholerae Antiserum INABA,3ml 11. Vibrio Cholerae Antiserum OGAWA,3ml 12. Vibrio Cholerae Antiserum Polyvalent,3ml 13. Mc Farland equivalent turbidity standard (Readymade BaSO4 solution) 14. Kovacs reagent 15. Oxidase test reagent 16. Gas pak sachet for anaerobic culture (3.5 liter) 17. Vitamin K1 10ugm/ml 18. Heamin 5 ugm/ml 19. Hydrogen peroxide H2O2 (3%) 20. Spirit 21. Conc H2SO4 22. Sodium bicarbonate 23. Conc HCl 24. Crystal violet 25. Safranine 0.5% w/v 26. Grams Iodine 27. Acetone 28. Ph paper 29. Parrafin oil (Light) 30. Formaldehyde 31. Para dimethyl amino benzaldehyde 32. Isoamylalcohol 33. Sodium hypochlorite 34. Albert stain (A & b) 35. Ethyl alcohol 36. NNNN – Tetramethyl -P- phenylenediamine dihydrochloride 37. Assay plate 96 well clear round bottom with lid non treated polystyrene 38. Vancomycin hydrochloride from Streptomyces orientalis protency ≥ 900 per mg 39. Colistin sufate salt ≥ 1900IU/mg 40. Graduated 100 ml transparent glass bottle 41. Esch. Coli ATCC 35218 (0495P) 42. Esch. Coli ATCC 25922 (0335P) 43. P- aeruginosa ATCC 27853 (0353P) 44. E. faecalis ATCC 29212 (0366P) 45. S. aureus subsp. Aureus ATCC 25923 (0360P) 46. S. aureus subsp. ATCC 29213 (0365P) 47. E.coli polyvalent antisera 48. Gram stain kit 49. Andrades indicator 50. Methylene blue indicator strip 51. Dulcitol 52. Glucose 53. Lactose 54. Sucrose 55. Maltose 56. Mannitol 57. Trihallose 58. Rhamnose 59. Hippurate 60. Bile Esculin 61. Lysine 62. Arginine 63. Ornithine 64. Methyl red reagent 65. ά- naphthylamine 66. ZN Acid Fast Stain - Kit 67. Whatman Filter paper 125mm (100 circle / pack) 68. Extran (MA02) Solution 01 Cefoperazone sulbactum 02 Aztreonam (30 ug) 03 Teicoplanin 04 Clindamycin (2 ug) 05 Cefepime (30 ug) 06 High level Gentamicin (120 ug) 07 Ampicillin (10 ug) 08 Cefazolin (30 ug) 09 Cefoxitin (30 ug) 10 Ceftriaxone (30 ug) 11 Cefotaxime (30 ug) 12 Ceftazidime (30 ug) 13 Ciprofloxacin (5 ug) 14 Levofloxacin (5 ug) 15 Gentamicin (10ug) 16 Amikacin(30ug) 17 Erythromycin (15 ug) 18 Linezolid (30 ug) 19 Vancomycin (30 ug) 20 Oxacillin (1 ug) 21 Penicillin 10 units 22 Co – trimoxazole (1.25 / 23.75 ug) 23 Nitrofurantoin (300 ug) 24 Chloramphenicol (30 ug) 25 Ceftazidime + Clavulanic acid 26 Imipenem (10 ug) 27 Meropenem (10 ug) 28 Piperacillin + Tazobactam (100/10 ug) 29 Optochin 30 Novobiocin (5 ug) 31 Bacitracin (10ug) 32 X Factor 33 V Factor 34 Tetracycline (30ug) 35 Amoxicillin + Clavulanic acid m (20 /10 ug) 36 Norfloxacin (10 ug) 37 Ofloxacin (5 ug) 38 Tobramycin (10 ug) 39 Amoxycillin (10 ug) 40 Colistin (10 ug) 41 Doxycyline (30 ug) 42 Minocycline (30 ug) 43 Ertapenem (10 ug) 44 Cefixime (5 ug) 45 Cefuroxime(30 ug) 46 Fosfomycin(200 ug) 47 Pefloxacin(5 ug) 48 Netilmicin(30 ug) 49 Ceftazidime/avibactam(30 / 20 ug) 50 Ampicillin/Sulbactam(10/10 ug) 51 Azithromycin (15 ug ) 01 Vancomycin 02 Teicoplanin 03 Linezolid 04 Imipenem 05 Meropenem 1. Pasteur pipettes with rubber teeth 2. Non nutrient agar 3. Occult blood in stool Rapid detection kit – (Haemospot kit) card test 4. Normal saline (0.85%) 5. Meyer’s albumin 6. Modified trichrome stain 7. Cellophane solution (kato thick smear) 8. Acid Alcohol (3% HCL in ethanol) 9. 1% H2SO4 10. Zinc Sulphate 11. Formaldehyde 12. Ether 13. Phosphate buffer 14. SAF fixative 15. Giemsa stain 16. Malachite green 1. Whatman filter paper no 22 2. 5% phenol 3. Clear Nail polish 4. Nigrosine stain 10% w/v 5. India ink 10% w/v 6. Potassium hydroxide pellates 7. Calcofluor white stain 8. Giemsa stain 9. Gomori Methenamine silver stain 10. Chlamydospore agar 11. Chrom agar for Candida 12. Corn meal agar 13. Canada Balsum Natural 14. Lactophenol cotton blue stain 15. Sabouraud’s dextrose agar with chloramphenicol 16. Sabouraud’s dextrose agar plain 17. Niger seed agar 18. Czapek dox agar 19. Oatmeal agar 20. Potato dextrose agar 21. Sunflower seed agar 22. Yeast Nitrogen Base 23. DTM agar base 24. Normal saline 25. RPMI Agar 26. DMSO solution 27. 70% Alcohol 28. 70% Acetonitrile HPLC grade 29. 70% Formic Acid HPLC grade 30. Silica beads ( fine) 31. Vitek 2 Yeast ID panel 32. Vitek 2 Yeast Antifungal panel 33. Conc Sulphuric acid 34. Bacillocid 35. Cryptococcal Antigen Kit( LFA) 36. Antifungal Drug powder ( Different Antifungal drugs) 37. Sugar discs of Glucose, Maltose, Sucrose, Lactose, Galactose, Melibiose, Cellobiose, Inositol, Xylose, Raffinose, Trehalose, Dulcitol 38. Potassium dihydrogen orthophosphate(KH2PO4) 39. Magnesium sulphate 40. Potassium Nitrate 41. Aspergillus galactomannan test (Lateral flow assay) 42. (Antifungal drug discs) Amphotericin B 100 mcg 43. Amphotericin B 50 mcg 44. Clotrimazole 10 mcg 45. Fluconazole 10 mcg 46. Itraconazole 10 mcg 47. Itraconazole 30 mcg 48. Ketoconazole 10 mcg 49. Ketoconazole 30 mcg 50. Ketoconazole 50 mcg 51. Miconazole 30mcg 52. Miconazole 50 mcg 53. Nystatin 10 mcg 54. Nystatin 50 mcg 55. ( E Strips ) Amphotericin B 56. Anidulafungin 57. Caspofungin 58. Clotrimazole 59. Fluconazole 60. Flucytosine 61. Griseofulvin 62. Itraconazole 63. Isavuconazole 64. Ketoconazole 65. Micafungin 66. Miconazole 67. Natamycin 68. Nystatin 69. Posaconazole 70. Terbinafine 71. Voriconazole 1. Injecta 2. H2SO4 100% 3. Carbol Fuschin 4. Methylene blue 5. Auramine 6. Potassium permanganate 7. Iso propyl alcohol 1. R.A (Turbilatex) 2. C.R.P(Turbilatex) 3. A.S.O (Turbilatex) 4. WIDAL Antigen (Slide) Test 5. VDRL(RPR) 6. MT 5 TU (PPD) 7. ANA IgG(ELISA) 8. ADA(turbilatex) 9. Scrub Typhus IgG & IgM(Rapid) 10. Malaria Antigen Pf/PV (Rapid) 11. Pregnancy Test (Rapid) 12. Typhi dot IgM & IgG (Rapid) 13. R K 39 (Rapid) 14. Leptospira IgG & IgM (Rapid) 15. Micro Filarial IgG,IgM (Rapid) 16. ANTI CARDILIPIN ANTIBODY IgG (ELISA) 17. ANTI CARDILIPIN ANTIBODY IgM (ELISA) 18 ANTI ENA Profile IgG (ELISA) 20. ANTI ENA Profile plus One (LIA) 21. Anti CCP (ELISA) 22. ANA HEP-2/Primate Liver (IIFT) 23. C-ANCA IgG, Proteinase-3 (ELISA) 24. ANCA Granulocyte Mosaic (IIFT) 25. ANTI β 2 GLYCOPROTEIN IgG (ELISA) 26. ANTI β2 GLYCOPROTEIN IGM (ELISA) 27. ANTI LKMI Mosaic Basic Profile (IIFT) 28. ANTI DS-DNA-IG G (ELISA) 29. ANTI DS-DNA-(IIFT) 30. P-PANCA IgG, Anti MPO (ELISA) 31. Giardia Lamblia-Antigen (ELISA) 32. H.pylori-Antigen (ELISA) 33. HS-CRP(turbilatex) 34. Brucella IgM(ELISA) 35. Amoebic Serology, Entamoeba Histolytical IgG (ELISA) 36. Toxins of Cl.difficile (Tox A + Tox B + GDH) Rapid 1 HBsAg ELISA 2 Anti HCV ELISA 3 HIV ELISA 4 Anti HEV IgM vidas 5 Anti HAV IgM vidas 6 HBeAg vidas 7 HBeAb vidas 8 Anti HBC IgM vidas 9 Rubella IgM vidas 10 Rubella IgG vidas 11 Dengue Serology Rapid 12 HBc Total (VIDAS) 13 HSV IgM 14 HSV IgG 15 HIV vidas 16 HCV vidas 17 HBsAg vidas 18 CMV IgM 19 CMV IgG 20 TOXO IgM (Vidas) 21 TOXO IgG (Vidas) 22 HBsAg(RAPID) 23 Anti HCV (RAPID) 24 HIV (RAPID) 25 Anti HBST (Vidas) 26 Varicella Zoster IgG (Vidas) 27 HAV Total (Vidas) 28 HEV IgG(Vidas) 29 Chikungunya IgM(Rapid) 30 Measles IgG Vidas 31 Mumps IgG Vidas 32 EBV VCA IgM Vidas 33 EBV EBNA IgG Vidas 34 EBV VCA /EA IgG Vidas 35 Toxo IgG Avidity Vidas 36 CMV IgG Avidity Vidas 37 Lyme IgG Vidas 38 Lyme IgM Vidas 1 K3 EDTA NON VACUUM BLOOD COLLECTION TUBE 2 ETHANOL (DILUENT FOR DNA EXTRACTION) 3 DNA BLOOD MINI EXTRACTION KIT (250) 4 VIRAL RNA MINI EXTRACTION KIT (50) 5 PCR Tubes(Rotor Gene Q-QIAGEN RT-PCR machine) 0.1 micro litre(1000) 6 PCR Tubes(Biorad RT-PCR machine) 0.1 micro litre for covid test(1000) 7 Real Time PCR Kit for HBV (96) 8 Real Time PCR Kit for HCV (24) 9 Real Time PCR Kit for CMV (24) 10 Dengue Serotype RT-PCR kit 1. Slide staining Glass rod – 190 x 6mm 2. Universal sterile container (30 ml) 3. Glass Slide (25 x 75mm) 4. Cover Slip (18mm) 10gm x 20pcs / pack 5. Glass Petri dish (90mm) 6. Glass Petri dish (150mm) 7. Test Tube (12 x 100 ) 8. Test tube with cap ( 5ml) 100 pc / pack 9. Flat bottom conical Flask (Glass) (1L) 10. Flat bottom conical Flask (Glass) 500 ml 11. Glass Beaker (1000 ml) 12. Glass Beaker (500 ml) 13. Graduated Measuring Cylinder(1000 ml) 14. Auto Clave Indicator Tape 15. Graduated transparent bottle (100ml) Glass 16. Graduated transparent bottle (500ml) Glass 17. Microscope lens cleaner 18. Washing tub Big (Plastic ) 19. Sample collection tray Big (Plastic) 20. Microscope bulb (6v/20W) 21. Dissecting Forceps 22. Durhams tube 23. Metaloop Holder without loop or wire(LA 040) 25. Assorted Nichrome loop 4 mm 26. Petri dish 99mm/ Plastic disposable 27. Slide carrying tray aluminium 2. Glass test tube (150mm) 3. Glass rods (thick) 4. Glass rods (thin) 5. Glass Funnel (Medium size) 6. Staining jar 7. Teasing needle with plastic handle 8. Inoculation wire loop 9. Straight wire with handle 10. L shaped wire 11. Bunsen burner ( for gas connection) 12. Rubber tapped dropping bottle 13. Tripod stand 14. Rack for large tubes 15. Rack for small tubes 16. Slide draining rack 18. Slide Box 19. Steel trey ( Big size) 20. Disposable syringe ( 2ml, 5ml,10ml) 22. Surgical blade 23. Sterile Needle (18 and 22 No) 24. Scalpel handle 25. Slide view box 26. Plain round bottom microtiter well plates 27. Pasteur pipettes with rubber teeth 29. Wooden application sticks 30. Cotton tip application sticks 31. Plain applicator sticks 33. Screw capped sterile plastic tubes 34. Paraffin tape 35. Tissue Roll (6pcs / Pack) 36. Aluminium foil 01 Hypochlorite Solution 02 Nitrile Gloves(Non Sterile ) 03 Hand Wash (Large ) Hand Wash (Small) 04 Phenyl 05 Naphthylene Ball 06 Room freshner 07 Black Hit 08 Harpic 09 Odonyl 10 Sanitizer 11 Surgical Gloves(6 No,6.5 No, 7No &7.5No) 12 Surgical Mask 13 Betadin 14 Colin 15 Loose gloves 16 Phenol Solution 17 Dustbin for waste disposable 18 N95 19 Shoe Cover 1 Kit cobas sys sample prep 2 Kit cobas 4800 sys liq cyt prep 3 Kit cobas sys wash buffer 4 HPV controls kit 5 HPV amp/det kit - 6 Reagent reservoir 7 Reagent reservoir 8 Tips core tips wit filter (1 ml) 9 Extraction deepwell plate 2.0ml 10 AD plate0.3 ml 11 Kit cervical collection brush 12 Roche cell collection media 13 QUBIT 1X ds DNA HS ASSAY KIT 14 QUBIT RNA hs assay kit 15 Bio analyzer kit 16 NGS library prepation kit 17 Library index 18 Mi seq reagent kit v3 19 EDTA tube 20 Sodium chloride 21 DSA kit 22 Sodium heparin tube 23 RPMI media 24 Phosphate buffer saline 25 Lymphoprep 26 Compliment (class i) 27 Compliment (class ii) 28 Negative control (CDC) 29 Positive control (CDC) 30 Mineral oil 31 Normal saline 32 Floroquench dye 33 Eosine dye 34 Formaline 35 S kit (HLA B27 S. Kit) 36 PRA kit 37 Flow kit 38 Fluid sheeth (flow + luminex) 39 Flowcytometer tube 40 Plastic waste container (cdc) 41 Terasaki plate 42 NAOH 43 HCL 44 Sodium bicarbonate 45 Sodium phosphate 300 gm Dibasic dehydrate 46 Albumin (BSA) 47 Potassium chloride 48 Potassium phosphate monobasic 49 Sodium azide 50 Filter (0.2 micron+0.4 micron) 51 Agarose powder 52 Ethanol (diluent for DNA Extraction) 53 Spatula 54 Glass beads 55 IgG (FLOW) 56 Negative control (flow) 57 Positive control (flow) 58 Waste container stand (CDC) 59 Tris base 60 Acetic acid 61 EDTA 62 EtBr 63 Boric acid powder 64 PCR reaction tube plate 65 Filter plate (DSA) 66 PH indicator paper(full range) 67 NOAH pellets 68 Semi skirted PCR plate 69 HLA b27 ssp kit 70 HLA b 27 real time pcr kit 71 NGS cancer comprehensive panel 72 DNA blood mini extraction kit (250) 73 NUCLEASE FREE WATER(100 ml) 74 Flowcytometer calibration kit 75 Luminex calibration kit 76 Flow cleaning agent (500 ml) 77 Backman Coulter contrad70 (500ml) 1 MT Syringe(Insulin syringe) 2 RIA Tube (disposable) 3 Micro tips(2-200ul) 4 Micro tips(100-1000ul) 5 Micro tips (2 - 20µl) 6 Micro tips (200 - 1000µl) 7 Cryovial/Ependroff vial(2µml) 8 Micro Centrifuge tube (1.5 ml) 9 Glass ware bottle (04 litre) 10 Glass ware bottle (01 Litre) 11 Glass ware bottle (500 ml) 12 Micro tips (10 µl) 13 Falcon tube (15 ML) 14 Falcon tube (50 ML) 15 Syringe (2ml + 5ml + 12ml) 16 Falcon tube stand 17 Pipette stand 18 Spatula 19 Paraffin tape 20 Pipette stand 21 Aliquots Box 22 Forceps (Plain / Tooth) 23 PCR Tube strips 24 FALCON Tube (15 ML) 25 FALCON Tube (50 ML) 26 Plastic waste container (CDC) 27 KIM wipes 28 Sealing tape for PCR Plate 29 PCR Tube (Single unit test )

Tender Notice





October 03, 2024

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Tender For Supply Of Reagents/Kits/Chemical/Calibrator & Control Etc For Department Of Microbiology On Rate Contract Basis To Igims, Patna - 1. Brain /heart infusion broth 2. Simmons citrate medium 3. Brain/heart infusion agar 4. Urea Agar base 5. Urea solution 40% 6. Triple sugar iron medium 7. Muller Hinton Agar 8. Selenite F broth 9. Robertson cooked meat medium 10. TCBS agar 11. Nutrient agar 12. Mac Conkey agar 13. CLED agar 14. Thioglycolate broth 15. XLD medium 16. Muller Hinton broth 17. MR – VP Media 18. Deoxychlolate citrate agar 19. ESBL Screening agar 20. DNAse test agar base 21. Gelatin agar 22. Hugh Leifson of Media 23. Mannitol salt agar 24. Nutrient broth 25. Peptone water 26. Bile Esculin agar 27. Anaerobic blood agar base (neomycin supplements) 28. Blood agar base 29. Agar powder 30. Chocolate agar base 31. Phenyl alanine bases 32. Mannitol motility test medium 33. Ferric chloride anhydrous 34. Buffered Glucose Broth (MR/VP media) 35. Nitrate Broth 36. Lowenstein Jensen Media 38. Loffler Serum Slope Media 1. Poly Shigella flexneri 1 -6 x 2 Y – 2 ml (PL 6901) 2. Poly Shigella dysentriae 1 -10 – 2 ml (PL 6902) 3. Poly Shigella boydii 1 -15 – 2ml (PL 6903) 4. Shigella Sonnei phase 1 & 2 -2 ml (PL 6900) 5. Poly H ph 1 & 2 factor 3 ml PL 6100 6. Salmonella agglutination serum 3 ml (PL 6015) 7. Salmonella agglutination serum 3 ml (PL 6011) 8. Salmonella agglutination serum 3 ml (PL 6011) 9. Salmonella agglutination serum 3 ml (PL 6002) (0 Poly AS) 10. Vibrio Cholerae Antiserum INABA,3ml 11. Vibrio Cholerae Antiserum OGAWA,3ml 12. Vibrio Cholerae Antiserum Polyvalent,3ml 13. Mc Farland equivalent turbidity standard (Readymade BaSO4 solution) 14. Kovacs reagent 15. Oxidase test reagent 16. Gas pak sachet for anaerobic culture (3.5 liter) 17. Vitamin K1 10ugm/ml 18. Heamin 5 ugm/ml 19. Hydrogen peroxide H2O2 (3%) 20. Spirit 21. Conc H2SO4 22. Sodium bicarbonate 23. Conc HCl 24. Crystal violet 25. Safranine 0.5% w/v 26. Grams Iodine 27. Acetone 28. Ph paper 29. Parrafin oil (Light) 30. Formaldehyde 31. Para dimethyl amino benzaldehyde 32. Isoamylalcohol 33. Sodium hypochlorite 34. Albert stain (A & b) 35. Ethyl alcohol 36. NNNN – Tetramethyl -P- phenylenediamine dihydrochloride 37. Assay plate 96 well clear round bottom with lid non treated polystyrene 38. Vancomycin hydrochloride from Streptomyces orientalis protency ≥ 900 per mg 39. Colistin sufate salt ≥ 1900IU/mg 40. Graduated 100 ml transparent glass bottle 41. Esch. Coli ATCC 35218 (0495P) 42. Esch. Coli ATCC 25922 (0335P) 43. P- aeruginosa ATCC 27853 (0353P) 44. E. faecalis ATCC 29212 (0366P) 45. S. aureus subsp. Aureus ATCC 25923 (0360P) 46. S. aureus subsp. ATCC 29213 (0365P) 47. E.coli polyvalent antisera 48. Gram stain kit 49. Andrades indicator 50. Methylene blue indicator strip 51. Dulcitol 52. Glucose 53. Lactose 54. Sucrose 55. Maltose 56. Mannitol 57. Trihallose 58. Rhamnose 59. Hippurate 60. Bile Esculin 61. Lysine 62. Arginine 63. Ornithine 64. Methyl red reagent 65. ά- naphthylamine 66. ZN Acid Fast Stain - Kit 67. Whatman Filter paper 125mm (100 circle / pack) 68. Extran (MA02) Solution 01 Cefoperazone sulbactum 02 Aztreonam (30 ug) 03 Teicoplanin 04 Clindamycin (2 ug) 05 Cefepime (30 ug) 06 High level Gentamicin (120 ug) 07 Ampicillin (10 ug) 08 Cefazolin (30 ug) 09 Cefoxitin (30 ug) 10 Ceftriaxone (30 ug) 11 Cefotaxime (30 ug) 12 Ceftazidime (30 ug) 13 Ciprofloxacin (5 ug) 14 Levofloxacin (5 ug) 15 Gentamicin (10ug) 16 Amikacin(30ug) 17 Erythromycin (15 ug) 18 Linezolid (30 ug) 19 Vancomycin (30 ug) 20 Oxacillin (1 ug) 21 Penicillin 10 units 22 Co – trimoxazole (1.25 / 23.75 ug) 23 Nitrofurantoin (300 ug) 24 Chloramphenicol (30 ug) 25 Ceftazidime + Clavulanic acid 26 Imipenem (10 ug) 27 Meropenem (10 ug) 28 Piperacillin + Tazobactam (100/10 ug) 29 Optochin 30 Novobiocin (5 ug) 31 Bacitracin (10ug) 32 X Factor 33 V Factor 34 Tetracycline (30ug) 35 Amoxicillin + Clavulanic acid m (20 /10 ug) 36 Norfloxacin (10 ug) 37 Ofloxacin (5 ug) 38 Tobramycin (10 ug) 39 Amoxycillin (10 ug) 40 Colistin (10 ug) 41 Doxycyline (30 ug) 42 Minocycline (30 ug) 43 Ertapenem (10 ug) 44 Cefixime (5 ug) 45 Cefuroxime(30 ug) 46 Fosfomycin(200 ug) 47 Pefloxacin(5 ug) 48 Netilmicin(30 ug) 49 Ceftazidime/avibactam(30 / 20 ug) 50 Ampicillin/Sulbactam(10/10 ug) 51 Azithromycin (15 ug ) 01 Vancomycin 02 Teicoplanin 03 Linezolid 04 Imipenem 05 Meropenem 1. Pasteur pipettes with rubber teeth 2. Non nutrient agar 3. Occult blood in stool Rapid detection kit – (Haemospot kit) card test 4. Normal saline (0.85%) 5. Meyer’s albumin 6. Modified trichrome stain 7. Cellophane solution (kato thick smear) 8. Acid Alcohol (3% HCL in ethanol) 9. 1% H2SO4 10. Zinc Sulphate 11. Formaldehyde 12. Ether 13. Phosphate buffer 14. SAF fixative 15. Giemsa stain 16. Malachite green 1. Whatman filter paper no 22 2. 5% phenol 3. Clear Nail polish 4. Nigrosine stain 10% w/v 5. India ink 10% w/v 6. Potassium hydroxide pellates 7. Calcofluor white stain 8. Giemsa stain 9. Gomori Methenamine silver stain 10. Chlamydospore agar 11. Chrom agar for Candida 12. Corn meal agar 13. Canada Balsum Natural 14. Lactophenol cotton blue stain 15. Sabouraud’s dextrose agar with chloramphenicol 16. Sabouraud’s dextrose agar plain 17. Niger seed agar 18. Czapek dox agar 19. Oatmeal agar 20. Potato dextrose agar 21. Sunflower seed agar 22. Yeast Nitrogen Base 23. DTM agar base 24. Normal saline 25. RPMI Agar 26. DMSO solution 27. 70% Alcohol 28. 70% Acetonitrile HPLC grade 29. 70% Formic Acid HPLC grade 30. Silica beads ( fine) 31. Vitek 2 Yeast ID panel 32. Vitek 2 Yeast Antifungal panel 33. Conc Sulphuric acid 34. Bacillocid 35. Cryptococcal Antigen Kit( LFA) 36. Antifungal Drug powder ( Different Antifungal drugs) 37. Sugar discs of Glucose, Maltose, Sucrose, Lactose, Galactose, Melibiose, Cellobiose, Inositol, Xylose, Raffinose, Trehalose, Dulcitol 38. Potassium dihydrogen orthophosphate(KH2PO4) 39. Magnesium sulphate 40. Potassium Nitrate 41. Aspergillus galactomannan test (Lateral flow assay) 42. (Antifungal drug discs) Amphotericin B 100 mcg 43. Amphotericin B 50 mcg 44. Clotrimazole 10 mcg 45. Fluconazole 10 mcg 46. Itraconazole 10 mcg 47. Itraconazole 30 mcg 48. Ketoconazole 10 mcg 49. Ketoconazole 30 mcg 50. Ketoconazole 50 mcg 51. Miconazole 30mcg 52. Miconazole 50 mcg 53. Nystatin 10 mcg 54. Nystatin 50 mcg 55. ( E Strips ) Amphotericin B 56. Anidulafungin 57. Caspofungin 58. Clotrimazole 59. Fluconazole 60. Flucytosine 61. Griseofulvin 62. Itraconazole 63. Isavuconazole 64. Ketoconazole 65. Micafungin 66. Miconazole 67. Natamycin 68. Nystatin 69. Posaconazole 70. Terbinafine 71. Voriconazole 1. Injecta 2. H2SO4 100% 3. Carbol Fuschin 4. Methylene blue 5. Auramine 6. Potassium permanganate 7. Iso propyl alcohol 1. R.A (Turbilatex) 2. C.R.P(Turbilatex) 3. A.S.O (Turbilatex) 4. WIDAL Antigen (Slide) Test 5. VDRL(RPR) 6. MT 5 TU (PPD) 7. ANA IgG(ELISA) 8. ADA(turbilatex) 9. Scrub Typhus IgG & IgM(Rapid) 10. Malaria Antigen Pf/PV (Rapid) 11. Pregnancy Test (Rapid) 12. Typhi dot IgM & IgG (Rapid) 13. R K 39 (Rapid) 14. Leptospira IgG & IgM (Rapid) 15. Micro Filarial IgG,IgM (Rapid) 16. ANTI CARDILIPIN ANTIBODY IgG (ELISA) 17. ANTI CARDILIPIN ANTIBODY IgM (ELISA) 18 ANTI ENA Profile IgG (ELISA) 20. ANTI ENA Profile plus One (LIA) 21. Anti CCP (ELISA) 22. ANA HEP-2/Primate Liver (IIFT) 23. C-ANCA IgG, Proteinase-3 (ELISA) 24. ANCA Granulocyte Mosaic (IIFT) 25. ANTI β 2 GLYCOPROTEIN IgG (ELISA) 26. ANTI β2 GLYCOPROTEIN IGM (ELISA) 27. ANTI LKMI Mosaic Basic Profile (IIFT) 28. ANTI DS-DNA-IG G (ELISA) 29. ANTI DS-DNA-(IIFT) 30. P-PANCA IgG, Anti MPO (ELISA) 31. Giardia Lamblia-Antigen (ELISA) 32. H.pylori-Antigen (ELISA) 33. HS-CRP(turbilatex) 34. Brucella IgM(ELISA) 35. Amoebic Serology, Entamoeba Histolytical IgG (ELISA) 36. Toxins of Cl.difficile (Tox A + Tox B + GDH) Rapid 1 HBsAg ELISA 2 Anti HCV ELISA 3 HIV ELISA 4 Anti HEV IgM vidas 5 Anti HAV IgM vidas 6 HBeAg vidas 7 HBeAb vidas 8 Anti HBC IgM vidas 9 Rubella IgM vidas 10 Rubella IgG vidas 11 Dengue Serology Rapid 12 HBc Total (VIDAS) 13 HSV IgM 14 HSV IgG 15 HIV vidas 16 HCV vidas 17 HBsAg vidas 18 CMV IgM 19 CMV IgG 20 TOXO IgM (Vidas) 21 TOXO IgG (Vidas) 22 HBsAg(RAPID) 23 Anti HCV (RAPID) 24 HIV (RAPID) 25 Anti HBST (Vidas) 26 Varicella Zoster IgG (Vidas) 27 HAV Total (Vidas) 28 HEV IgG(Vidas) 29 Chikungunya IgM(Rapid) 30 Measles IgG Vidas 31 Mumps IgG Vidas 32 EBV VCA IgM Vidas 33 EBV EBNA IgG Vidas 34 EBV VCA /EA IgG Vidas 35 Toxo IgG Avidity Vidas 36 CMV IgG Avidity Vidas 37 Lyme IgG Vidas 38 Lyme IgM Vidas 1 K3 EDTA NON VACUUM BLOOD COLLECTION TUBE 2 ETHANOL (DILUENT FOR DNA EXTRACTION) 3 DNA BLOOD MINI EXTRACTION KIT (250) 4 VIRAL RNA MINI EXTRACTION KIT (50) 5 PCR Tubes(Rotor Gene Q-QIAGEN RT-PCR machine) 0.1 micro litre(1000) 6 PCR Tubes(Biorad RT-PCR machine) 0.1 micro litre for covid test(1000) 7 Real Time PCR Kit for HBV (96) 8 Real Time PCR Kit for HCV (24) 9 Real Time PCR Kit for CMV (24) 10 Dengue Serotype RT-PCR kit 1. Slide staining Glass rod – 190 x 6mm 2. Universal sterile container (30 ml) 3. Glass Slide (25 x 75mm) 4. Cover Slip (18mm) 10gm x 20pcs / pack 5. Glass Petri dish (90mm) 6. Glass Petri dish (150mm) 7. Test Tube (12 x 100 ) 8. Test tube with cap ( 5ml) 100 pc / pack 9. Flat bottom conical Flask (Glass) (1L) 10. Flat bottom conical Flask (Glass) 500 ml 11. Glass Beaker (1000 ml) 12. Glass Beaker (500 ml) 13. Graduated Measuring Cylinder(1000 ml) 14. Auto Clave Indicator Tape 15. Graduated transparent bottle (100ml) Glass 16. Graduated transparent bottle (500ml) Glass 17. Microscope lens cleaner 18. Washing tub Big (Plastic ) 19. Sample collection tray Big (Plastic) 20. Microscope bulb (6v/20W) 21. Dissecting Forceps 22. Durhams tube 23. Metaloop Holder without loop or wire(LA 040) 25. Assorted Nichrome loop 4 mm 26. Petri dish 99mm/ Plastic disposable 27. Slide carrying tray aluminium 2. Glass test tube (150mm) 3. Glass rods (thick) 4. Glass rods (thin) 5. Glass Funnel (Medium size) 6. Staining jar 7. Teasing needle with plastic handle 8. Inoculation wire loop 9. Straight wire with handle 10. L shaped wire 11. Bunsen burner ( for gas connection) 12. Rubber tapped dropping bottle 13. Tripod stand 14. Rack for large tubes 15. Rack for small tubes 16. Slide draining rack 18. Slide Box 19. Steel trey ( Big size) 20. Disposable syringe ( 2ml, 5ml,10ml) 22. Surgical blade 23. Sterile Needle (18 and 22 No) 24. Scalpel handle 25. Slide view box 26. Plain round bottom microtiter well plates 27. Pasteur pipettes with rubber teeth 29. Wooden application sticks 30. Cotton tip application sticks 31. Plain applicator sticks 33. Screw capped sterile plastic tubes 34. Paraffin tape 35. Tissue Roll (6pcs / Pack) 36. Aluminium foil 01 Hypochlorite Solution 02 Nitrile Gloves(Non Sterile ) 03 Hand Wash (Large ) Hand Wash (Small) 04 Phenyl 05 Naphthylene Ball 06 Room freshner 07 Black Hit 08 Harpic 09 Odonyl 10 Sanitizer 11 Surgical Gloves(6 No,6.5 No, 7No &7.5No) 12 Surgical Mask 13 Betadin 14 Colin 15 Loose gloves 16 Phenol Solution 17 Dustbin for waste disposable 18 N95 19 Shoe Cover 1 Kit cobas sys sample prep 2 Kit cobas 4800 sys liq cyt prep 3 Kit cobas sys wash buffer 4 HPV controls kit 5 HPV amp/det kit - 6 Reagent reservoir 7 Reagent reservoir 8 Tips core tips wit filter (1 ml) 9 Extraction deepwell plate 2.0ml 10 AD plate0.3 ml 11 Kit cervical collection brush 12 Roche cell collection media 13 QUBIT 1X ds DNA HS ASSAY KIT 14 QUBIT RNA hs assay kit 15 Bio analyzer kit 16 NGS library prepation kit 17 Library index 18 Mi seq reagent kit v3 19 EDTA tube 20 Sodium chloride 21 DSA kit 22 Sodium heparin tube 23 RPMI media 24 Phosphate buffer saline 25 Lymphoprep 26 Compliment (class i) 27 Compliment (class ii) 28 Negative control (CDC) 29 Positive control (CDC) 30 Mineral oil 31 Normal saline 32 Floroquench dye 33 Eosine dye 34 Formaline 35 S kit (HLA B27 S. Kit) 36 PRA kit 37 Flow kit 38 Fluid sheeth (flow + luminex) 39 Flowcytometer tube 40 Plastic waste container (cdc) 41 Terasaki plate 42 NAOH 43 HCL 44 Sodium bicarbonate 45 Sodium phosphate 300 gm Dibasic dehydrate 46 Albumin (BSA) 47 Potassium chloride 48 Potassium phosphate monobasic 49 Sodium azide 50 Filter (0.2 micron+0.4 micron) 51 Agarose powder 52 Ethanol (diluent for DNA Extraction) 53 Spatula 54 Glass beads 55 IgG (FLOW) 56 Negative control (flow) 57 Positive control (flow) 58 Waste container stand (CDC) 59 Tris base 60 Acetic acid 61 EDTA 62 EtBr 63 Boric acid powder 64 PCR reaction tube plate 65 Filter plate (DSA) 66 PH indicator paper(full range) 67 NOAH pellets 68 Semi skirted PCR plate 69 HLA b27 ssp kit 70 HLA b 27 real time pcr kit 71 NGS cancer comprehensive panel 72 DNA blood mini extraction kit (250) 73 NUCLEASE FREE WATER(100 ml) 74 Flowcytometer calibration kit 75 Luminex calibration kit 76 Flow cleaning agent (500 ml) 77 Backman Coulter contrad70 (500ml) 1 MT Syringe(Insulin syringe) 2 RIA Tube (disposable) 3 Micro tips(2-200ul) 4 Micro tips(100-1000ul) 5 Micro tips (2 - 20µl) 6 Micro tips (200 - 1000µl) 7 Cryovial/Ependroff vial(2µml) 8 Micro Centrifuge tube (1.5 ml) 9 Glass ware bottle (04 litre) 10 Glass ware bottle (01 Litre) 11 Glass ware bottle (500 ml) 12 Micro tips (10 µl) 13 Falcon tube (15 ML) 14 Falcon tube (50 ML) 15 Syringe (2ml + 5ml + 12ml) 16 Falcon tube stand 17 Pipette stand 18 Spatula 19 Paraffin tape 20 Pipette stand 21 Aliquots Box 22 Forceps (Plain / Tooth) 23 PCR Tube strips 24 FALCON Tube (15 ML) 25 FALCON Tube (50 ML) 26 Plastic waste container (CDC) 27 KIM wipes 28 Sealing tape for PCR Plate 29 PCR Tube (Single unit test )