Bids Are Invited For Miscellaneious Essential Items Helmet For Two Wheeler Isi Marked , Helmet Lock , Side Bag For Vehicle , Tools Beg For Electrician , Title 1 Mis Water Mist Type Wheeled Fire Extinguishers (V2) As Per Is 16018, Portable Backpack Low Pressure Mist Based Area Sanitization Equipment, Trolley Mounted Low Pressure Mist Based Large Area Sanitization Equipment, Engine Operated High Pressure Water Mist Fire Fighting Trolley, Engine Operated High Pressure Foam Mist Fire Fighting Trolley, Motorcycles Powered And Mounted Water Mist Fire Extinguishing High Pressure System With Pump Pto, Fog Or Mist Generators, Intelligence Scale For Indian Children (Misic), Raj Mistri Tool Kit, Single Texture White Rubberized Waterproof Nylon Fabric Rain Capes With Attached Hood Relevant Two Wheeler - Motorcycle, Scooter And Moped (V2) Total Quantity : 19