request for proposal For Supply Of Machines And Equipments For Electronics Engg. Lab At Govt. Polytechnic, Gopalganj.-1 DSO (Cumpany Name-Bell) 2 DC Regulated Power Supply 3 Synchro transmitter and receiver trainer kit 4 Servo motor 5 ON-OFF control kit, Temperature Sensor 6 PI controller Kit, Temperature Sensor 7 PLC 8 Personal Computer 9 Digital Multimeter -1 High end computers 2 Personal Computers (For additional Terminals ) 3 Routers 4 Smartphone 5 Repeater 6 Hub 7 Switch 8 Connecting cables and connectors 9 Network Bridge 10 Filezilla software 11 Any Freeware 12 Null Modem cable 13 Packet Tracer -1 Microcontroller Trainer kit 2 PC 3 CRO 4 Stepper Motor 5 7-segment LED Display 6 Trainer board 7 Trainer board 8 Trainer board 9 Microcontroller board 10 Sensors -1 Cathode Ray Oscilloscope 2 Digital Storage Oscilloscope 3 RF signal generator 4 Regulated Power Supply 5 Amplitude Modulation Demodulation Trainer Kit 6 FM Trainer Kit 7 Digital Multimeter 8 Trainer kit for FM modulator using IC 566 9 Trainer kit for FM demodulator using IC 565 10 Simulation Software
Tender Notice
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