Supply of machine, tools, equipments and row materials – Motwane Multi meter with AC Current high Voltage test probes, Earth fault locator, VCB 5KVA, Safety rope, Measuring Tape Steel 100cm, Rule Steel 300cm, Screw Driver heavy duty 200mm insulated thick stem, Screw Driver heavy duty 250mm with insulated thick stem handle, Plier Insulated combination 200 mm, Knife double blade electrician 100mm, Pincer 150mm, Scriber 150mm x 4mm, Punch center 150mm x 8mm, Hammer ball pien 0.75kg with handle, Hammer cross pien 115gms with handle, Saw Tenon 250mm, Firmer chisel wood 12mm, Gimlet 6mm, File flat 150 mm 2nd cut, File flat 150 mm bustard, File round 100 mm bustard, File round 150 mm 2nd cut, File flat 150 mm smooth, Instrument files, Multi meter, Ammeter MI, 0-2 A., Tong tester, Megger 500 V, Earth tester, CRO, Multi-meter Analog, Transistor Tester., IC Tester, Vice hand 50mm jaw, Ammeter MI type, Rectangular shape, flush Mounting , size 160 x 84mm, multi rage,0-5- 10A, Potential Transformer, Variable auto transformer 0-270V 5A-10A single phase, Variable Auto transformer 0-440V 3phase 5-10A, Saw Tenon 250mm, Firmer chisel wood 12mm, Gimlet 6mm, Bradawl 100mm, Wire stripper 150 mm, Voltage sensor -Pencil type/Electronic Tester, Screw Diver Kit, Plier insulated 150 mm, Multi tester, Soldeing iron 5 W, 230 V, Hacksaw frame adjustable for 20 – 30cm blades, Scraper bearing, 2-3, Soldering iron, copper 225 cms, Spanner, double off – set double ended set of 7 w/w from 3 mm to 13.5mm, Turbo Charger or Super Charger, Fluid fly wheel torque convertor, Cut section models for fuel injection, Battery charger, Hydrometer, Double open ended ignition spanner of BA 0 x 1 to 8 x 9 set of 5, Spanner, T. Flex for screwing up and unscrewing in inaccessible position, Double open ended Tapper spanner from 10.5 mm x 12 mm to 16.5 mm x 18 mm set of four, Filling jig for adjusting the piston ring gap, Compressor air piston type and exhauster unit, Clutches, different types such as cone type, disc type, Starter motor – Axial type, pre engagement type co- axial type, Distributor Assembly, Piston ring compressor, Connecting rod alignment fixture, High rate discharge tester, Glow plug, Nozzle Holder Jigs, P.T. Injector, Screw Driver 100 mm with handle, Screw Driver 150 mm with insulated handle, Plier insulated 200 mm, Plier round nose 100 mm, Tweezer 100 mm, Wire striper 200 mm, 66 watt, 250 watt, Disordering pump, Soldering gun, Soldering iron 250 watt, Drill machine electric portable 0 to 6mm capacity, Allen Key, Oil cane 0.12 liter, Grease gun small size, Grinder Bench Motorised, Hammer hard plastic with handle, Hammer Ball Pein 0.4 Kg, Spanner Kit, Hacksaw frame 300mm, Hacksaw frame200mm, File flat 200mm smooth, File round 200mm 2nd cut, File half round 250mm, File triangular 150mm, Vice hand 50mm jaw, Vice table 150 mm jaw, Pipe cutter to cut 5cm dia, Crimping Tool, CRO dual trace/double beam 20MHz Winding gun, Air circuit breaker 5KVA SF6, Oil circuit breaker 5KVA, Plier Gas 200 mm, LCR Bridge, Drill SS Twist block, Spanner, T. Flex for screwing up and unscrewing in inaccessible position, Double open ended Tapper spanner from 10.5 mm x 12 mm to 16.5 mm x 18 mm set of four, Filling jig for adjusting the piston ring gap, Compressor air piston type and exhauster unit, Clutches, different types such as cone type, disc type, Distributor Assembly, Piston ring compressor, Connecting rod alignment fixture, High rate discharge tester, Glow plug, Nozzle Holder Jigs, P.T. Injector, Voltage sensor/ Electronic Tester, Multimeter, Ammeter MI type, Rectangular shape, flush Mounting , size 160 x 84mm, multi rage,0-5-10A, Current transformer, Bench vice 100 mm jaw, Vice hand 50 mm jaw, LCR meter, Microprocessor Kit, IC Trainer.