Supply Of Equipments And Chemicals For Physics AndChemistry Laboratory1. Slide Callipers :2. Wooden Solid Cylinder : Dia 2-3Cm3. Hollow Metals Cubes : Dia 2-3Cm4. Screw Guage :0.05Mm5. Screw Guage :0.1Mm6. Thick Wire Pieces :7. Metal Balls ( Ball Bearing) Dia 2-3Cm8. Spherometer :9. Plane Glass Plates: Dia 1-2Cm10. Watch Glass: 50Mm11. Simple Pendulum ( Movable Hook )12. Metal Stands:13. Half Corks:14. Thread:15. Stop Watch :16. Metre Scale: Full17. Travelling Microscope :18. Glass Trough For Surface Tension19. Glass Slab :20. Beaker : Different Sizes21. Capillary Tube Of Different Ida22. Suitable Glass Plates23. Metal Needs Pointed Both Angle24. Wax To Affix Cappilary Tube25. Concave/Convex Mirror : Fl. 15/20/25/30Cm 0126. Mirror Stand:27. Pin Stand:28. Concave Lens : Fl. 15/20/25/30Cm29. Mirror Stand:30. Pin Stand:31. Half Mirror :32. Convex Lens : Fl. 15/20/25/30Cm33. Mede’S Appartus Electrical :34. Tunning Fork : Different Frquencies35. Delfection Magnetometer :36. Bar Magnet:37. Magnetic Needle:38. Metre Bridge :Complete39. Ohm’S Law Appartus40. P:O:Box : Complete41. Characterisitic Of Semi Conductor Diode:Com42. Bar Pendulum: With Brackets:43. Telescope :44. Kater’S Pendulum : With Brackets45. Barton’S Appartus :Vertical46. Flexure Of Beam:Complete47. Searl’S Vibrating Needle Set:ForElastic Constant48. Earth Inductor : Complete With B.G49. Spectrometer :50. Spectrometer Prism : 32X32mm51. Spectrometer Prism : 25X25mm Quartz 04 Pcs52. Sodium Vapour Lamp:53. Optical Bench :54. Fresenl’S Biprism :55. Resolving Power Of Telescope : Complete56. Newton’Sring Appartus : Complete57. Characteristic Of Zener Diode ( Complete)Physics Deptt Requirement ( P.G)1. He/Ne Laser Tubes With Isntruction Manual2. Laser Power Meter3. Laser Tube Stand:4. Four Probe Appartus :L Complet With Manual5. Hall Effect Appartus : Complete With Manual6. B-H Curvecomplete Set:7. Computer :8. Solar Panel: Sensitive Type9. Photoconductivity & Laser10. Condensor Matter Physics11. Advanace ElectronicsChemistry Deptt Requirement1. Aluminium Nitrate :2. Barium Chloride:3. Copper Turning4. Chlorine Water5. D-Glucose6. Dimethylglyoxime:7. Ethanol:8. Fehling Soln A:9. Fehling Soln B:10. Sodium Nitrite:11. Strontium Nitrate:12. Blow Pipe :13. Digital Balance:14. Ph Meter ; Complete15. Compound Microscope:16. Conductivity Meter:17. Colorimeter :
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